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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. I think this is one of Graham's favorite threads of all time
  2. Couple years ago, by chance I found a VF-1S valkyrie toy for sale in a hobby shop in Hong Kong. It's exactly the same as the Takatoku one, except that the whole thing was made of chrome, kind of similar to the silver plated Macross 7 valkyries. There was a sign next to it that said it was for the 15th Anniversary of Macross. I am pretty sure it was not custom made because it came in a quite nice box, and there was a stack of them. Too bad I didn't buy it back then. Did anyone ever buy one or have a picture of it? I cannot find it anymore, nor have I heard anyone talk about it. Thanks.
  3. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown/2614/s...review/MRR.html Maybe someone can try that with Macross valkyries
  4. Wow, Abombz is back. Though you were gone for good.
  5. Anyone seen Keith?
  6. "Those with faith can achieve anything."
  7. Is that a hint or just the usual teasing?
  8. So, no one likes Doraemon, Dr. Slump, or Black Jack?
  9. Yucky Tranny toys??? How many beers did you have? J/K
  10. For those who are interested. Super Link (Energon) has aired in Japan already. Animation looks really good. http://www.tfw2005.com/modules.php?name=Ne...rticle&sid=1244
  11. The animation looks really cool. What's wrong with it?
  12. Can you actually see PrimeTime in Hong Kong? I didn't know they have ABC network there. The show was cool though. I'm really looking forward to the movie.
  13. You can try www.yesasia.com
  14. I noticed that the cockpit of a valkyrie always looks more spacious in Battroid mode than in Fighter mode. This is the case in SDF Macross and Macross 7. Where did the extra room come from? Any explanation other than "anime magic"? - i.l.
  15. Since this thing is made by Yamato, I wonder if Graham has a prototype at home.
  16. Hi guys, not sure if this has been asked before. Is the Toycom Escaflowne transformable figure that's going to come out in the US the same as the one shown by Yamato in the Tokyo toy show couple days ago? Thanks. Ivan
  17. 1/72 - 4 pieces 1/60 - 6 pieces 1/48 - 1 piece
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