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    Hong Kong
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    Macross and Transformers

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Skull Leader's Lackey

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  1. Those who didn't like The Last Jedi for being too bold and subversive will probably enjoy this movie, as Solo returns to the good old fun that was the original trilogy. Unfortunately, for me, while the movie was entertaining, it was just too generic and employed a formula that is against the diversification Disney is pushing. White hero with a feisty love interest and a black sidekick? Come on, this is the post Black Panther era.
  2. Doesn't matter whether they call this a masterpiece or some other name. To me, the movie designs still look like a bunch of scrap metal squished together. Ironhide's black and silver color scheme only make things worse. In fact, movie bots look like the love child of Xenomorphs and the machines from The Matrix. G1 masterpiece all the way for me, haha
  3. Does this explain why Delta turned into a mess halfway thru the series?
  4. Ivan

    Hi-Metal R

    Between the VF-4 and VE-1, thank goodness Bandai finally figured out the right strategy for the HMR line
  5. Ivan

    Hi-Metal R

    Could someone please explain what exactly a Messer color scheme is? I have absolutely no clue where it came from. Thx
  6. It's okay to stop collecting Macross figures/toys. That should not prevent anyone from being a true fan or from enjoying the shows. I got burned out and lost my patience after watching 3 episodes of Delta, which in turn led me to stop buying the VF-31's as I can't help but feel like I am repeating the VF-25 cycle. Anyway, I may change my mind later on, but for now, I am done.
  7. When will Takara stop calling him "Hot Rodimus" ? It's such a travesty of the English language. "Hot Rod" is an English slang with a real meaning that befits the character, while "Hot Rodiums" on the other hand is pure silliness ....
  8. Ivan

    Hi-Metal R

    Why does Bandai always release their prioducts in the same freaking order? They already did Hikaru, Focker and Max ... why can't they start with Millia for a change? If Max does not sell well, then we will never get the Millia version, just like last time ...
  9. I am so used to the "work in progress" costume that when Murdock finally put on the "official" costume, it looked way to silly. Especially the mask. They really need to improve the design in my opinion.
  10. Graham, what is it about the Arcadia YF-19 that you don't like? Did you post a review somewhere that you could point me to? I stopped buying Arcadia toys these days as they are almost impossible to find in Hong Kong retail stores. In the old days Bandai Macross stuff were hard to come by, while you could find Yamato stuff pretty much everywhere. It's the other way around now.
  11. Graham, are you still in contact with Arcadia's management like you used to? Wonder how they are doing financially. As an oustider, I get the impression that they are still struggling. Hope I am wrong though
  12. I think we will find out more at this event http://tamashii.jp/special/macross_sheryl/
  13. Why so much hatred for Jane Foster (Natalie Portman)? I for one am glad that she was in the sequel from beginning to end, contrary to what the trailers had led me to believe. Much better film than the first one and very entertaining. I will leave it to Duke Togo and others to point out the plot holes / flaws, but I myself am satisfied.
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