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Everything posted by TriShield

  1. I'm Neflite, because I say so.
  2. SECONDED! Yes, everything that was intriguing and cool about the story was completely disregarded, I was really quite amazed at how badly it was all wrapped up in the end. "The Greatest Villian" was the best episode of the new batch.
  3. The Big O was popular on Cartoon Network here in the States, so Cartoon Network agreed to pay for the production of more episodes, hence, a second run that's now airing.
  4. I've loved it since it debuted on Toonami years ago... and although the second season wasn't as good as the first, it was worth it for seeing more of Dorothy.
  5. I have a very good feeling about this film, it seems all the right pieces are falling into place.
  6. KOF 2003 is looking better. The only problem with the videos though, is they tend to make the games look much better than they are in person. It's hard to tell how vibrant the palette is, and if the music is any good. I think I'll still put that cash towards MS5.
  7. Which is worse, these guys, or serial cosplayers?
  8. I don't recognize the names either. Whatever, I'll watch it both ways.
  9. Hardware is not an excuse for not overhauling KOF. It's all about the effort the team wants to put into it. They could redraw and restyle all the graphics in the game, introduce and eliminate a number of characters each year, and redesign the favorites, and the fighting engine. Much like how SamSho evolved from the original, to II, and to III. Each of those games evolved quite well graphically, with very little being carried over. I feel for what we pay for these cartridges, we're getting severely shortchanged with KOF. I'll probably download 2k3 before committing any money to it, which is what I should have done with the last few. <_<
  10. I voted AnimEigo as well for similar reasons. I'm still hopefull DRYL will recieve a proper release here, the sooner the later.
  11. Why does KOF still exist? The game has evolved at a snail's pace, and 90% of the characters are recycled from the previous installments with the same moves, same outfits, and haven't aged a bit or changed in any meaningful way. KOF needs to be completely redone, or die and go to Hell.
  12. I've owned my Neo Geo system since 1992, brand new, and I'll never part with it. 11 years later, she still looks like new, and so do all the games I've accrued in that time. It's still one of the most beautiful, fun, and amazing systems I've owned, and I play it more than my PS2 and GameCube combined. I'll never tired of the gameplay, and sprite based art style I grew up with.
  13. Less ships, more galls please! j/k
  14. Ugh. I really wanted to love UY. I tried to get into it by watching the television series and simply couldn't do it. It's truly awful and I can't fathom why it's regarded as a classic. I'm getting ready to put the first DVD set on eBay too. Good riddance.
  15. Sweet. [/meatwad]
  16. Not bad, but I couldn't care less about Robotech.
  17. I've never been a big fan of Priss. In fact it delighted me whenever something really bad happened to her in the series. I really wish more episodes would have been made, it truly is a classic show now with a classic art style and excellent music.
  18. Michelle Pfiefer was the better looking Catwoman.
  19. The President is short, I shook his hand at a campaign stop during the Senate election here a year ago.
  20. A7, nobody watches more anime, NOBODY!
  21. Congrats to Arnold, and wish him luck battling the California state legislature and politics as usual.
  22. Whoa, talk about pot - kettle - black.
  23. It looks and sounds absolutely awful. Whatever they do with the FF7 story, it's going to be -very- contrived, if not awkwardly so. This reminds me why I lost interest in Square years ago.
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