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Everything posted by GunsightOne

  1. Try Target. Just picked up a copy when I was shopping for some kitchen related items. I didn't know anything was in the works. I have my hesitations for anything robotech but the production values looked promising.
  2. These tech cards came with the original 1985 Bandai issued model kits.
  3. - I'm going to have to jump on the Tamiya thinner bandwagon with WM Cheng. I have tried using plain rubbing alcohol many moons ago and now have noticed some yellowing/off color on some of my models after a couple of years. You won't notice a difference immediately (well I haven't anyways) but over time you will. It's worth the extra few bucks. - As for paint choices...I use both Tamiya & Testors Model Master Acrylics. The big difference I noticed between the two is the finish. It depends what kind of finish you are trying to achieve. I generally use Tamiya paints for figures and for Anime/Cartoon like finishes. I use Model Master paints for more realistic finishes. Most of my Macross/Sci-Fi projects are painted with Tamiya acrylics while I use Model Master acrylics for 1/35 military armor stuff. I also tend to thin out model master paints more than I would do with Tamiya paints.
  4. My first valk was a Takatoku 1/55 VF-1J that I got was when I would visit my grandparents in Taiwan for the summer...must have been the summer of 82 or 83. I remember getting it from the 4th floor of Far Eastern Department Store in Taichung (I remember drooling over all the die cast Japanese toys they had on display). I still have it on a shelf in my old room at my parent's house in Cali...I'm sure it's all sorts of crazy yellow by now.
  5. 1/72: 0 1/60: 7 1/48: 2
  6. Haterist - Yeah what is up with old school cyclones. I grew up in SoCal but went to school in the Northeast but I remeber going to the Comic Coventions at the Shriner Auditorium in LA during the early to mid 90's and picking up the large scale Mospeada's for $20. These were the real deal Gakken Mospeada packaged toys and not the Henshin Robo repackages. Now I see them on ebay for no less than $150 in so so condition and over $200 for mint stuff. Maybe someone will re-issue the Mospeada stuff (unlikely) and watch the Mospeada market fall. BTW, if this isn't very coherant, the wife and I just got back from tailgating at the USC/UVA game.
  7. Back in 1998 when I first gradauted from college and starting earning an income I rediscovered my childhood on ebay. Low and behold I found a Takatoku Super VF-1S and Bandai Super Ostrich. I decided I must have them and the final bid of something like $1200 each for those two Valks didn't seem too outrageous at the time. Both were complete and the boxes were in C8 condition. Fast foward to now and I see similar condition items for $400. No regrets though...okay a little.
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