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Everything posted by Dervish

  1. Did anyone ever try singing a Macross song at a Karaoke place? I wanted to try, when I was at a Karaoke place 6 months ago, but I couldn't find anything in the songbook (my first choice was "Main theme"). I thought that perhaps I looked in the wrong listing. Did anyone here try with success?
  2. He may not have been aware of Sylar getting to them, but I'm sure he was aware that they were imprisoned or dead. That was his deal with Matt; turn in the dangerous ones, allow the harmless ones to go free. I am loving this series
  3. Have people bought from this site before? Is he safe and reliable?
  4. Honestly, I wouldn't even mind a recycled game on a higher platform, as long as it looks much better than the previous generation game. That would be cool.
  5. With the release of the new consoles, one most wonder; are any new Macross games coming soon? Any plans for a new Macross game on the Wii, PS3, 360 -- even on PSP or DS?
  6. I too enjoyed this game and the simple controls. I only wish transforming was slightly easier than pulling it up from the weapons menu. How do you unlock those?
  7. I wasn't too fond of Macross 7, either. I didn't like Basara all that much, I thought his mech was too Gundamesque in a way. Max and Miriya being seperated was a downer (that's one point Robotech has on Macross, and that is sad). After the first episode or two, I was quite sick of it. I wish I had seen Macross Plus before I saw this.
  8. You get a mission or two of Macross missions at Op16, but the fun begins at Op20 mission 1 EDIT: I finished the game if anyone needs help, but I think it's all a matter of replaying the levels. I had to replay a level 3-4 times maximum, then I was fine.
  9. Thanks, UN Marine! Aye, I think I'm still on mission 14 of all things. I hope I don't get stuck on the way to Macross stuff. :/ I notice you have to pay for repairs, but you automatically get repaired after not using a mech for a few rounds. Do they automatically deduct points, or is it free?
  10. Hey I actually got a chance to play this game -- I used this Gundam GP-02 for a while (I never found the Macross levels), and then it died somehow. Was that part of the story, or did I use it too many times? I completed a level with 5k armor left when it got killed. Also, I failed one mission (where you had 3 minutes to kill those flower like cannons) but was able to continue anyway. Are there critical vs. non-critical missions?
  11. Wha --? What video clip? Hm, is it just me, or does my wallet seem a bit lighter?
  12. I did, and somehow I must have missed it. Maybe I got stuck at some point, started to hit all the buttons, hit select, went to the next step, and didn't recall quite what I did
  13. Nice! Believe it or not, I did not know that. I'll try it later.
  14. Ahhh, interesting, thanks . Somehow I managed to kill the first ship using only my battloid gatling gun This is going to sound like an ultra newbish question but how do I use my RMS-1 missiles? All I seem to be able to know how to do is use my regular 850 pack missiles for regular mobs.
  15. Dervish


    I've heard a lot of good things about this game. Is this one of the "must have" Macross games? If anyone endorses it, I'll probably make an effort to pick it up Sorry if this is necro-posting.
  16. Granted, I didn't play this level much, but I get the feeling I'll remain frustrated with it unless someone tells me what to do. In the level for "Love Goes Astray" I think it's level 12 -- somewhere down the line, you have to attack a Zentraedi capital ship's cannons, the life bars for them are orange. Many times I keep firing, and they don't seem to get damaged. Missiles don't seem to work, either. Also, I seem to sustain a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Finally, I can't seem to figure out how to correct my targetting system. I hold L2 and end up targetting the wrong component. Any help would be most welcome BTW it's the 2nd ship, when Minmay starts singing. The first ship was easy once I figured it out, albeit time consuming. BTW, I think it's a great game, but I wish they had the original orchestral versions of the music. Dragon Quest VIII had orchestral music, I don't see why this Macross game wouldn't :/ And what about some video clips? Still a welcome change to Battlecry
  17. Thanks guys Works fine now...
  18. Hey guys, thanks for your nice suggestions. I know this went against what everyone said, but I did manage to pick up a Japanese PS2 for cheap -- does anyone know what kind of adapter I need exactly for it to work? I was under the impression that if the plug came with one of those "boxes" that had voltage, etc. written on it that it didn't need an adaptor, but I don't want to even try it out of fear of breaking this thing.
  19. Aye, it was Hitomi Shimatani's "Garnet Moon". Thanks
  20. Every famous person I've ever met has been quite cool and gracious, I guess I was lucky that way. (in no particular order) Mark Hamill (Luke from Star Wars, and Joker from Batman cartoon), Patrick Stewart (Picard from Star Trek), Adam West (Batman TV show, himself on family guy), Billy Boyd (Pippin from LOTR), Sean Astin (Sam from LOTR, Lynn from 24)Nichelle Nichols (Uhura from Star Trek) ... as well as a few Star Wars actors like Peter Mayhew (Chewie), Kenneth Colley (Piett), Michael Sheard (Ozzel, rest in peace), and Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett). Oh and Orli Shoshan (Shaak-Ti from SW Prequels)
  21. Thanks for the replies, everyone That is an interesting alternative to purchasing a Japanese PS2 -- it seems almost as invasive as the chipmod sodering method, though ;/ I'll check out the instructions a couple of more times, and hopefully I'll have faith in my abilities to do this without breaking my system
  22. Hey all This game looks quite interesting. I enjoyed reading everyone's impressions, and I hope to get to play it sometime soon. I have one question; The song on this preview movie; does anyone know the title and artist? It doesn't seem to be on that "Glorious" album. ;/
  23. It may be worth acquiring just to hear Roy Focker say "Now watch jet jockey in action!"
  24. I got myself a copy of the Macross game for PS2, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a reliable, cheap way of playing the game on my American PS2? Thanks for any help
  25. Did they ever release Macross Flashback 2012 on Region 1 or 0 DVD? I have yet to find it anywhere. Also, what about Macross Classic, the radio drama? I tried to find that on such shopping venues as yesasia.com without any luck. Did they ever release a translation of that drama? EDIT: Oh wait, I suppose I should have used the wanted forum. Sorry, I didn't even see it at the time of this posting
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