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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. I went to a Japanese rock/punk concert called ZAMZA. They are fun performers and it introduced me to a music style I never heard before!
  2. What? No Exedore? Exedore singing Sunset Beach
  3. Arjuna, Yudhisthira, and Bhima. I'd call it the Pandava System.
  4. Before the internet became widespread, I satiated my Macross fix at Kinokuniya (in Yaohan) and some small store within a larger room filled with stores in Yaohan shopping center. This was in Edgewater, NJ. I later rented some Macross II at a local comic store, but for some reason, I was not into it. Sadly, I figured Macross were sequels were not for me, so I missed out on seeing M7 until just a couple of years ago. By the time I was able to buy an imported version of DYRL for the PS1 at an import store in NY whose name escapes me, the internet age was upon us.
  5. I would also like to hear OST 2. EDIT: I can't wait to buy this! Woo hoo!
  6. I saw Macross for the first time via Robotech in 1985, and I also bought the Comico comic books. In 1991, I got "Clash of the Bionoids", and then I played the SNES import game, and from then on I had sworn off Dorkotech.
  7. I just want to say that is really great work!
  8. I saw that one, it didn't take full advantage of my resolution plus I didn't care for it. Thanks for pointing it out though! Also I've seen some of Zinjo's offerings, and I'm using one of them right now. Also, SpacePirateNeko posted some offerings recently on the MacF final episode thread. If there's anything else in my resolution, I'd love to see it The recent DYRL offering here seems great, but since the length exceeds the width, I don't think it would look so good on a widescreen.
  9. His affinity for model trains seemed to be a not so subtle point to his general otaku status.
  10. I've seen Macross 11 being mentioned often on the forums. How do we know Fire Bomber American and Lynn Kaifun live there?
  11. I will always be very fond of SDF Macross. Followed very closely by DYRL and Macross Frontier.
  12. Near the finish, when Alto was flying with his EX-gear, I thought he was going to fly toward Brera, with the two ladies in his life looking on It looks like she's surrounded by tentacles!
  13. Alto: Love won't save you, Ranka. Only my new VF-25 can do that!
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