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Everything posted by kaos13

  1. ive had these (12 sets) for about a year now..ive been checking once a month to see if they are eating the paint off my valks and ive had no issue...however they do crack if you crank down on the screws..there is a fine line between cracking and it being tight..but over all these are awesome...
  2. yea i echo the remark....if anything needs a reissue in the 1/60 v2 line, these/the elintseeker/and the ostrich need it bad..
  3. looks like a cross between the yf 23 black widow and the raptor then flat n
  4. thanx for reminding me...i finally put the fast packs on my yf-21 cuz ur post reminded me i have the first run of the 21..so she now sits w/ stand...thanx..quick question where can one get those clear stand w/ the 3 prongs....its the only thing i asked my wife for x mas as i buy enough crap through out the year to justify not ever recieving a x mas present for the rest of enternity..
  5. man that view from the top is killer!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad i got this comin on the way..sucks i got to wait for it to ship tho..only a couple days now..
  6. true....he might of pushed the edge ALOT.. what a lot of yall dont know is that he was encouraged 80% of the time to perform these manuevers at retirements/ALS graduations/airshows ect....the vid of the crash was a rehersal for an airshow(the day before) and was given FULL cleareance to perform said manuevers...this was the early 90s and it wasnt uncommon for pilots to push the envelope...he just pushed it to many times and as a result lives were lost..this incident pretty much resulted in harsher punishments for performing these acts and is a training tool for not only pilots but us maintenace guys as well..L8s...
  7. yeah even watching watching BUFFs come in for landings can be an experience..wheels crab in line with the runway but nose off center..watching that thing do low levels is a sight to behold..speaking of which if yall havent seen it check out the vid mishap of b 52 at fairchild on youtube..unfortunally it ends with the major/his vice commander/ the nav and the WO losing their lives but it displays the awesome flt dynamics of the b 52.every day i look at that tower and say a prayer......l8s..
  8. everytime it rains bro i watch the f 108s on the 135 do the very same thing..LOL..
  9. im kinda hoping they still produce some new 1/48s(even if it is once or twice a year)...i always dug them..not that im mind the 1/60s..
  10. awwwe good old F.R.E.D(F**king Ridiculous Economic Distaster)..i flew on one in 2002 and w/o a doubt the smoothest take off and landing ive ever had on a jet.it was so smooth that when we took off.. i tought we were still on the ground until we started banking..and other than the distinct sound of rubber hitting the tarmac i didnt even notice we were on the ground on landing....and i fly a lot...LOL...
  11. this^^^^...i broke more than my fair share of expensive valks..if i do have more than one i will at least try to keep on in valk mode and one in batt
  12. good point....damn i hope yamato or bandai are listening right now..i want a VF 4 damn it as well as the VF 14 and a 19a...
  13. this and a VF-11D as well in 1/60
  14. sweet was that a japanese zero at the end...AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
  15. naw still sticking w/ the SU 35/37....im a C/C on the KC 135 and went down to edwards many times when we(USAF) were in the testing phase of the 22 and got to see pretty much all the flt parameters that the 22 can do...even when it comes out to air shows it doesnt do anything close to what was shown in the vids ive seen of the 35/37/....even those are some badass pilots or the 22 is holding back.....but since ive been in 13 years nothing comes close to the 35/37 in the USAF inventory...and ive pretty much seen them all fly..even got to take look at the 2 remaining 71s that nasa has stored away at edwards..but i also grew up in the airforce so ive seen it numerous times b4...
  16. sweet vid...and this is why the SU 35/37 are my favorite planes/jets...theres even a better one floating around that would put the f-22 flt characteristics to shame..
  17. the f-35 flew way earlier than last nov..ive seen it fly numerious times before then when i use to go TDY to edwards i would see them flying out towards palmdale all the time..i even got to see the sec or third test of the vtol system..be it from a couple miles a way.. think it was 07-08 time frame..
  18. i got u. and i know about the moving of the eqipment boxes/racks thats not y i comented..the nose of the acft is bulkier...have u sat in a f 15E..theyre bigger bro.. f 15c are more confined..ive sat in both cock pits..and mind u my buddy works on 15e's..
  19. i love all the paint schemes based off of the flankers....yamato needs to seriously consider this and other realistic paint schemes..one in yellow/brown would be boss..seriously.... im jealous..
  20. f 15c is smaller frame then the f 15e..canopy is also larger..the canopy had to be enlarged to alow for the proper ejection of its pilots..its not as simple as just removing the avionics bay..all those avionics are vital to the operation of flt sys..thus the enlarge cockpit area.. they(military) use to showed us failed ejection seat tests of the f15 c smaller canopy with duel seats in tech school when i first joined the military 13 years or so ago...
  21. for a demo this is a pretty fun game..but playing in normal is the only way to go...playing on realistic mode is not an option for me..LOL
  22. that would of been hellah expensive..
  23. yeap!!!!!
  24. sweet..thanx..
  25. so r u digging the game so far?...whats ur thoughts on it?
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