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Everything posted by P.W.Royce

  1. Thanks for posting all these jvmacross, it made my day. One of my favorite aspects of collecting the old Imai/Arii kits has been finding the catalog inserts and various ephemera in the boxes. To see them all in one place is quite a treat!
  2. So, all the offers I submitted were accepted. The individual item prices weren’t bad, but as the shipping wasn’t combined, I ended up paying a bit more than I would have liked to ship a few small model kits domestically. I picked up a few vintage Nichimo and Imai kits to fill in some holes in the collection. Now to sit back and watch Bandai reissue all this stuff over the next few years…
  3. I’m still waiting on my HLJ order (kit and decals) and I reserved it pretty early on. As for the scale, I’m kind of a sucker for anything Macross in 1/100. I will reserve judgement until I have the thing built and displayed. At 1/100 scale and smaller things can get out of proportion pretty easily, just ask anyone that collects 1/144 fighter jets…
  4. Wow. That is great work. I remember picking up a copy of this kit off Amazon, but I went with the basic green soldier type. Who produced the resin parts? You really went the extra mile on this one. Reproducing a set of decals would have stalled a project like this indefinitely for me. Bravo.
  5. This is incredible! Incredibly dangerous… I started searching the ebay listings yesterday after having a few cocktails…
  6. That's some nice work Jasonc! I went through several revisions with mine, trying to get the drape of the tent and the opening just right. I did try to integrally print the paracord or cables or whatever Hikaru used to string the thing up with. It didn't work very well and cleanup of the print would have been a nightmare. My final solution: thin strands of PLA, pulled by hand directly off the printer's nozzle. I cut the 8 best looking ones to length and glued them to the tent perimeter, and then to the central cable that was part of the tent part. The bundle of cables at the top was a little bit messy, but it's hidden behind the Valkyrie's head as it crouches over the tent anyway. I made mine using tinkercad, so it was ultimately a pretty simplistic design, but if anyone wants more info on the tentl or the little LED "campfire" just ask!
  7. Awesome collection. I recognize the Arii kit from the display stand, and is that the Macross Quarter toy in the back? Are the others garage kits? Scratch builds? I bought my first battle fortress last month (a busted up example of the original '84 Bandai toy I'm fixing up). I realized how ridiculous it was to not have an example in my collection. It would be like calling yourself a Star Trek fan and not owning a single starship Enterprise. You sir, are an inspiration!
  8. Awesome find, I love this sort of hobby archeology. How many pieces do you think they would have had to retool to make this a reality. Forward fuselage halves, cockpit tub, new glazing, throw an extra pilot figure in the box. Not to mention the wings and packs. New head. New decals. 20 individual pieces pieces maybe. 25? 35? It would have cost them a small fortune. I want one!
  9. I see some classic Lego greeblies (greeblies?, nurnies?) along the edge of the flight deck. Really amazing work. I'm jealous!
  10. Thanks guys. I'm pretty proud of it. Here are some pics of all the parts. Cults3D has a hand CR2032 battery holder I printed out and attached the LED and a little slider switch to. It just barely fits under the tent!
  11. Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Just before the Holidays I treated myself to the high metal super ostrich, as It has always bugged me that I don't own any depictions of it. It's great, and I love the little pilot figures it comes with, but it just needed one more accessory, so over to my ancient 3D printer to whip up a little tent to display it with. The final result is pretty cute, and it has an LED firelight feature! IMG_3182.mp4
  12. Heyyyyyy-ohhhhhh!
  13. Ah yes. Very good. Got my Millia type VF-1J in the mail and I see how the parts break down works. Wonder why the standard types were never re-released? Bandai/Arii dispute? Lost molds?
  14. I can't really be of any help regarding box variations, but I still collect the 1/100 scale variables. I'm just not very diligent about it. I just recently aquired one of the non-super/strike versions after a looong time looking. Does anyone know if these are one of those cases of an injection kit's molds being permanantly modified to produce the up-armored kits?
  15. Nice! Just watched DYRL last night! Love the launch arm sequence. Do you display it with the arm pointing straight up, or on its side so you can see more of the hanger door detail?
  16. Exactly. Aerial displays are cool for sure, Macross is full of them. Valkyrie combat is cool to. It's just the extreme mash-up off the two that comes of as a little bit strange to me. Still going to watch it though.
  17. I for one have really been enjoying the podcast lately. I have listened off and on since the beginning, and decided to tune in for the premier of Delta. I listen to quite a few sci-fi-centric podcast, and as far as I am concerned, the speaker podcast is far and away the best. It's just easy to listen to and never feels like a chore to get through. All the better that it is devoted to such an obscure franchise. As for Delta, it seems a little bit silly on the surface, and I can see why some people would prefer a return to the more realistic, classic naval aviation aspects of Macross like we saw in Zero. I think it has great potential, if I had to come up with one criticism it would be that the Var syndrome doesn't make for a very compelling "villain" in the show. Keep up the great work speaker podcast crew, I will be listening intently from here on out, and waiting for the first few episodes of Delta to premier.
  18. If that is the same kit as my Revell 1:48 F-14A, your friend put a bunch of work into closing up the gear doors. By the time I got mine faired in, I pretty much gave up on building the rest of the kit. That one turned out great. I love the paint and markings. Did the cockpit insignia come from a 1:48 Macross decal sheet?
  19. Love it. The custom paint job on the armored 1J is cool. Wish I had the motivation to take mine out of the box and start it.
  20. A bit off topic I know, but does anyone have acces to the "ImaI Files" PDF, The legendary 108 page PDF of pre-production Mospeada art work. I found a number of old blog entries about it, but the links to the actual document are all dead. Any help tracking it down would be apreciated.
  21. OK, now I'm concerned, I just received a Nora type for Christmas. I have transformed her once, and noticed the knee joint on the left leg was very tight when straightening it. I used a toothpick to try and depress the little pawl in the joint. Might have helped. So the the part that broke was the ratcheting knee joint right?
  22. Nice comparo, I love to see the old mixed with new. If I ever get around to building one of my old 1/100 variable kits I plan on doing a photo comparison with toynami's offering. Again, nice work.
  23. I have a 1lb. batch of QSI purple silicone RTV. On the catalyst bottle the mix ratio is listed as "100 parts base material to 10 parts catalyst". Isn't this the same ratio as 10 to 1? Or, is 10 parts catalyst the minimum amount to be used, even in small batches. I have been having trouble getting the stuff to cure when I mix up small amounts. I have made molds with other brands of material, so I understand the basics of measuring, mixing, pouring, silicone. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys.
  24. Hey mickyg, if you are interested in saving some money, another source for clear acrylic is floor finishing products. In the states we have a product called "Future floor polish", and its basically pure acrylic and some fragrance. There are other products available from janitorial supply houses that work too. They range from crystal clear to a milky blue/white color, but they all dry clear, with varying amounts of gloss. To make them flat just add baby powder. I only use them for my R/C airplanes, but some people swear by them for scale models. I just go to the LHS and buy some Polyscale or MM, that I know will work. Good luck and happy hunting!
  25. Love it or hate it, the VF-2 has potential as a toy. When rendered as a SAP special you have the opportunity for a pivoting cannon (with face shield!), opening missile hatches, and two unique collapsible gunpods, complete with arm storage compartments. I can understand why many people have second thoughts about the Valk, as it does straddle the fine line between canon and non-canon Macross designs. Regardless though, the design came out when their was not a lot happening on the Macross scene, and to this day it holds a special place in many fans heart's, as the poll shows.
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