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Everything posted by Ganbare

  1. After several try, and I put all my effort into this model, I found VB-6 is too difficult. Wrong poly number, wrong dimension, it made this model is VBX rather than VB-6 Koenig Monster, even worse, it doesn't count to any VF series. Here goes the picture. I don't give up on this, but I have other work so, maybe take more time to produce more acceptable VB-6. If any one out there own VB-6 and willing to give me the photo shot VB-6 from top, side, front view, I would be appreciate that. This post is open for any suggestion and opinion. thank you.
  2. Fantastic !! You beat me, sir !
  3. I wish there's next chapter of Macross 7 code. I love the mangaka, unfortunaely I can't read kanji. The way he draw Basara and other is as same as in the anime itself. Sorry for bad Engrish....
  4. I tried to map the Koenig now, but it's unbelievable hard. Anyone can give me the tut for unwrapping map for the 3dmax? I tried search around this virtual world about unwrapping technique, And not found a single appropriate tut yet. This one that I'm working for apparently have complicated structure or form. Yes, I've tried unwraping by my self, but it's seem a trouble pop up. Firts I tried to give map for the nose section. Using unwrap modifier, so it should give some more detail and marking. but for some reason the map can't cover entire faces. I'm positively select all the part ( the middle section to right, middle section to the left, and the back section) but the result it's not what I expected. There's a green line in the below of the corner of the nose section. I don't know why this happen. I'm so frustated....
  5. I'm fans of VFX-2 , but I don't familiar with FRAPS. I'm still working out. But I'm afraid it will take long if using unwrap mod.
  6. After long time here I'm have done for. top view side view Front view Perspective view Perspective back view This is the best effort I can do in about half from completion. Feel free to critic my work .
  7. I didn't find what I looking for, but I just found a data of Yamato VB-6 in my brother PC. A whole time stuck in the HD, and I didn't notice it ! I tried with that and maybe soon I will bring it to forum.
  8. 4-view ? that's new, and sound logical too. I will considers after someon had the refference. thanks, for the advice .
  9. Currently I working on 3D VB-6 modelling, but there's some problem. For some reason I can't put my finger on. Here's what I done so far. That's why I ask some help on this. Need some good reference, a 3-view of VB-6 from Yamato toy. So I can figure out the shape of this baby and make it into good model. Can anyone in this forum help me?
  10. WOW !! great job !
  11. What is Macross ELS ? it's OVA or a game? Man, curiosity kill the cat.
  12. What the... Oh, it's a joke, I see...:)
  13. I'm Afraid there's no more copy of Macross Ace magazine in Amazon. But if you have unlimited fund, they can provide you Macross Ace magazine for 600 - 4000 Yen. Ups...never mind. BTW, thank'z for the translation
  14. I hope not. The Phone booth bot looks cute to me. Ohh, this is so frustrating. Vol. 002 out in June
  15. Well, I expected Macross ace = Gundam ace. There's plenty story about Gundam and some cool mecha appear in the side/spin off story. But it didn't happen in Macross universe, that what I expected. For comparison with Gundam, many people design Various MS from diffrent people and made they own side/spin off story. But I feel is imposible anyone else design original VF better than kawamori. So nobody dare to make Macross Spin off . I hope this explain what I mean there's no side/spin off story of Macross.
  16. Yes, there's too many Frontier spin off. I was expected Macross plus spin off. Perhaps my hope is too high, I think.
  17. Wew, for long time I got my copy, at last. As I expected Macross the first is Superb, Amazing !!. Unfortunately there isn't any spin off from other Macross series. Hopefully in the future there are more story like Macross the First. I. Luckily the GAG very funny and cute too ^^, so 480 yen is worth to spend.
  18. There's pre-order in amazon Japan. http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF...746&sr=1-11 Unfortunately the cover for the magazine not available yet .
  19. Darn...no picture. it's so good to be true, then :(
  20. Check this out http://wakarimasenlol.com/2008/11/22/mikim...ross-mango/1312 I'm so happy about it, can't wait it 'till 26th January.
  21. Ganbare

    Need help

    Thank's. Just didn't know the right keyword.
  22. Ganbare

    Need help

  23. Ganbare

    Need help

    Does anybody have SHE instruction for VF-4 ? I found it in model section, but it's too small. I Need the transformation sequence for my next 3d project . Um... anyone can tell me how to attach image?
  24. Great job! It help me figure out how they transform. Thank's.
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