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Everything posted by Ganbare

  1. The only thing I hate from Macross is, for some reason, the lack of episode. I need more VF action, more and more. I'm greedy or what ?
  2. lol, that the first place in my mind I would search it. But I think its very hard to make it into the model, since it's rare they posing in T model.
  3. Ganbare

    VF Girls

    Take your time. I admire your work
  4. finally I have found some website that contain human reference, including proportion WARNING!! The website contain may lead to NSFW! http://fineart.sk/
  5. @ akt_m: Impressive!! Now I have better reference for modelling female body.Thanks:) True. I just didn't search it for now. Maybe in the future. Update: And the wire frame. Sorry I didn't know how to render the wireframe only. There's a different in the wireframe I took. For some reason I forget rendering the latest model .
  6. Ooooooooooh, lovely machinery. MORE!!....MORE!!!
  7. Ummm, about big chest area/boobs. I would stick to the reference (I should take reference pict from adult woman, dang!), it's too late now . Big boobs on skinny girl is something....not fit for me. Doh, building human model is consume my time. But maybe I would make another female figure, don't know when. thanks for the explanation. maybe tomorrow, I'm to tired now. Sorry I didn'tnotice that.
  8. I intend to put on cockpit. That pose is only for applying the modifier technique,by trial and error of course , so if this work there's no trouble placing it in the cockpit. Now, the proportion thing. Hope it's acceptable, in term it's human, a girl wearing G-suit. Back to square one. if there's is any mistake, again , pls tell me, again... BTW, what FBIK stand for?
  9. right, dang you right ! Hmm, Maybe I should use klan klan reference, from the first time. But I plan to make most acceptable G-suit and it's proportion next time . Now, I will show you all my effort to understanding skin mod, even not 100 %, to this model. To lazy making the texture, so here it is: from this step, I will refine all the aspect, and I think it will took time though. once again thanks for the input and the link.
  10. Agreed. It's a shame that Mikimoto couldn't design the charcater for M+.
  11. Sorry, I didn't know you're joking @ Star Dragon: You Should post more of your work . NIce texturing.
  12. I'll tried. Thanks for the input, all of you.
  13. So, that number is standard issue for game development?
  14. @Anime52k8: I'm working on in. So far the palm and the arm looks, acceptable. Uh oh I forgot to render @chillyche : Ugh, it's Thought. I usually T pose from the beginning for. But the most complicate, at this time, is to add Skin modifier. Some says that the best way working with biped is using Physique modifier, some Skin modifier. Both have own difficulties though. For a time being, I'm using Skin modifier. Search the Internet for the Tutorial and forum, seem this issue is the most difficult to found the best solution. Since I will use this model for still image, not animated, it should be no problem using one of the modifier. But, the problem is when adjust the envelope (using skin mod) in the finger area. Horrible ! There's always pulling vertice from other finger and very hard to apply envelope to just one finger to not pull other finger! I need it to pose the finger i.e holding stick control, pulling riffle trigger. I didn't try the weight rollout at this time, and maybe I will use it later.
  15. This my update. How it's look now?
  16. Thank's for the advice and the critics. Read all this post I soon realize something wrong in this model, especially on the body proportion. Well, I will finish it after my priority done.
  17. Thank god I didn't show the top view . Well, just like I said, this model need to be refine, a lot, perhaps it will take long time to finish it. Btw, thanks for the link. About proportion, I used reference picture of Rei Ayanami with plug suit/pilot suit. Hmmmm, Something missing? here's the reference pic
  18. Superb, indeed !! Lovely texture. Two thumb up for you!
  19. Oh, I see. I forgot to mention that this is not finished yet. Yes, there is still need some adjustment with the body and the, since I using only LPM (Low Poly Modelling). Doh, more important calling me....maybe I finish this in next week. Anyway, thanks for the advice. I'll finish it in short time...somehow.
  20. Ganbare


    Great hand drawing!! Awesome!!. Make me wonder to make it up into 3d model...
  21. After delay and work for 4 hours + here is, the G-suit for NUNS pilot. Like always, you can criticized and comment about my WIP. Hope your criticized can improve my WIP. Dozo.
  22. Is there someone in this forum provide me a link from this forum or other site about Macross G-suit, from DYRL to Frontier, but I need most from Macross Frontier. I need the reference pic for my WIP 3d model, like usual, yes I know. Hope someone out there hear my crying...... Thank you.
  23. If anyone know when the pre-order is avaible, please let us know.
  24. BTW, when it release? first week of june or...
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