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Everything posted by Ganbare

  1. The zentradi armor look creapy and furios.
  2. Arghhh! Read your PM, please. I'm very very sorry, I couldn't help you.
  3. Sound interesting. let see if I can give you some help or anything.
  4. Ganbare

    VF Girls

    Your back!!
  5. Got mine yesterday. Yeah, the VF-1D head is little bit change and there are some different scene in Macross original. The parody getting better and now there are GAG for Macross 7 . Macross 7th Code is beyond expected, and the most suprising thing is there are gift for buying this magazine. A card from upcoming Macross Crusader card deck game. Well, I think this one is worth to buy, and I don't regret it even a little expensive and long waited.
  6. Yeah, I see it. Just not familiar with the artist, that's all . Hope to see yours soon .
  7. Great job! Good AMV and nice soundtrack too. Keep the good work!
  8. I see. Thanks for answer.
  9. nice!! I Have question, if you don't mind. How come to use such few number of triangle can made the model have nice curvature shape?
  10. Yes i know. I'm just over reacting
  11. If that make you confuse, try this: one in million this thing happen . oh, forgot the link. Maybe they have already fix the mistake. http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%82%B1%E3%83%AD...094&sr=8-12
  12. argh! Spoiler! Must not see..
  13. Well, I already order it, using my usual delivery service, with extra domestic delivery cost unfortunately, and will arrive about 1 to 3 week. Thanks for the lin. Perhaps I will use itfor alternative channel later You're so lucky my friend.
  14. for online buyer you can buy the magz here. http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/mag/bknum.php?tp=gundam_ace
  15. ummm, could find anything . oh well, I guess it's best see it tomorrow. Hope didn't sold out too fast.
  16. I see, just my misunderstanding . Now, How do we get this goodies, just like veffidas said, it can't be found online. What happen? It will pop up in any online store when the mags officially release?
  17. Argh, reality bite! So, correct me if I'm wrong, to get Macross Ace we need buy Gundam Ace?
  18. Yes, surprisingly they have bough it ! Anybody know how to buy this mags? Need the info, if don't.... there's big chance most of us, living outside Japan, can't bought the copy of Macross Ace vol.02
  19. If you go to 'this month mag release page' (have been translate to English) and click the information about Macross Ace vol. 002, you'll find this: http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/mag/bknum.php?tp=gundam_ace The book code are been renewal...what's that mean? Perhaps Mr, Gubaba can solve this mystery...ASAP respond, pls?
  20. Very confusing! Somebody pls confirm this. http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/mag/bk_detail.php?pcd=200905000495 Macross ace combine with Gundam ace? My brtohr have tried to translate the page from Kadokawa, but still confusing since it's have own price. Firts release on Sankakucomplex.com.... Somebody, pls confirm this, ASAP!
  21. Same fate with me, if I get the copy. I wonder they not put pre-order this time? It should avaible now, since the first relase is 26th February. Is there any delay?
  22. I see. Only in my country then....blast....
  23. I've heard troubling news using that method. Yes, they shipping what you order, but when the books/magazine arrive, you must be there or someone else will buy it first. I don't know if it's true, since I'm using delivery service provided by my friend. But if not, it's a very good idea using that delivery method. And if anybody in this forum want to buy Macross Ace and to ensure you will get it, I suggest try to contact nearest Kinokuniya.
  24. Great job!
  25. Ok, I think I've done it. But still having problem in: Mapping G-suit, rigging the character. I decide to fix it at a time with my other WIP. This one is mapping for helmet. I use VF girl for it ( Sorry, I didn't ask permission from you, Polidread ) .It's related to my next WIP.
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