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Everything posted by Gatsu

  1. Wow, Shapeways prices are fool!
  2. You can do a 3d model you can stamp it through Shapeways website
  3. And the destroids? Are them the Bandai? The Spartan is the bandai?
  4. How have u been able to made it? Is it resin??? Is it articulated and posable?
  5. The vf are so tiny i doubt they could have made a better sculp....
  6. I corrected the pics with photoshop because i noticed they were too much red, the pics are those but with better colors... But i can t change them
  7. No no, i ve read only negative comments on this kit right here in this forum in the past, bunch of persons who left it unfinished after some piece broke during assembling... but i decided to buy it anyway. Sincerely i don't know if i ll never buy another one, i'd like to make a Mass production with the vf-1a but that kit has even more problems than this.
  8. You did a kind of phylosophical argument about the exact words i used like the word "detailed" when i suppose you understood perfectly what i meant. Ok forgot the word "detailed" and let s speak only of Macross mechas: for me the desired result when adapting such mechas to a toy/model kit is a compromise of functionality (transformation, posability, accuracy with how they do it in the anime, solidity) , reliability (make the mech looks mechanically coherent and feasible/logical) and how they looks in the original drawings/anime. I think this is what every Macross fan and every Anime mechas fan want from a toy or a kit. The hasegawa kits lack of reliabilty because each configuration has different proportions, and also i don t know if u ever noticed it but the hasegawa fighter is not even accurate with the kawamori sketches it s a lot more elongated. I find that the Bandai 1/72 is good about proportions, maybe even better than Yamato, but it lacks on the "functionality" side. For sure in fighter mode is more accurate to kawamori drawings than hasegawas. About yf-19: To me the Arcadia is a perfect compromise for all 3 modes, instead the Yamato was mainly focused on the fighter mode which seemed even more elongated than the kawamori's drawings... It s not that weird i thought you were defending the bandai kit because all this whole discussion it started as a response to my critique to it.
  9. There is a way to change the pics in my first post here? It seems i can not change or add any pic here...
  10. Yes the destroid joints are a bit loose. I don't know, if you look at the scale chart shown in the image in this page https://boardgamegeek.com/image/1640654/robotech-rpg-tactics the monster should not be much higher then the Bandai Regult, which is strangely on scale (i thought is was too small compared to the vf-1) so it doesn t seems too big to me. I had the Yamato Monster which was 1/100 and it was smaller than the vf-1 1/48 when in gerwalk mode... considering that the original monster is only in gerwalk mode i think if people found a room for 1/48 battroid they can found it for a 1/72 monster...
  11. What's the pont of your reasoning?? All or nothing? Then the real f14 is not made of plastic so there are no detailed model kits out there. The logic of your reasoning is faulty, even if i undertsand where you are going. Yes, STATIC model kits should be static. I know. But nodoby impede you to doing differently if you have the technology to do so. Obviously the answer should be "moderation" and "compromise". Obviously you have to do compromises expecially if you look at the old Kawamori drawings wich are quite ingenuous. Obviously a real valkyrie could not have those big mickey mouse hands, and the same parts could not change in shape and proportions when transforming. The answer is "rationality". I think that on a real mech a pair of retracting wings as those shown in the drawings of battroids could be quite possible (i have no idea if they could be used to fly) but obviously you can not made tiny inside wings mechanisms in a model kit in 1/72 scale. But some things are possible in a 1/72 model kit. I m sincerely quite lazy and hate to write, expecially in english but it seems i have to make a detailed list of this model defects. Just remember when Yamato made the first YF-19 ?? I suppose then you would have done the same argument to defend that toy (wich i always considered ugly in battroid mode) saying that they had to sacrifce the battroid look as a "compromise". Well a few years after they released the VF-19 wich is basically the same mech and the proportions were correct!! Still the Arcadia one seems to be based on the old Yamato vf-19, and it's beautiful. So it was possible to do better. The defects: the hands are TOO BIG to get inside the arms for transformation, this mistake is simply too stupid and can not be justified. Also the hands wrist artciulation is tooo thin and fragile, once you have mounted them as soon as you touch hands for posing they break. Maybe if they have made these parts in abs they could have been more durable, but for some strange reason these are the only articulation parts which are not in abs. My hands broke just as i tried to move them. There are 2 small pegs in the back piece (where the wings are attached) wich are supposed to be used to block the legs in fighter mode. There are similar pegs on Yamato's as well. Well these 2 pegs are simply positioned in the wrong position making the legs in fighter mode stay croocked, they are simply a few millimeters too much in the inside. No reason for this defect. This is not a compromise, this is just sloppiness. There is not any mechanism that block the back pack in the battroid mode, so when you mount the super parts the back pack simply fall down. I made a simple fix with a piece of metal to correct this, but again why Bandai did not make this??? There s no reason but sloppiness. Why the thigh articulation is so low? They made a panel line where it should be but they made it at almost half the thigh so that you can't really bend the leg in battroid mode without an odd looking. Also for this i find no reason. Also the kit is generally very loose... i don t know if hasegawa's or Frontier kits are loose as well. And the decals are incomplete, i bought a decal sheet on ebay for all the red writings on the wings and other details. It seems like you never built this kit... am i wrong? Generally this kit have received terrible reviews anywhere, i still believe it s good looking and some of the defects can be fixed with a bit of work. It seems that the only fans of this kit are here. About the hasegawa kits: i don't like them. They are full of beatiful details but the proportions are totally wrong. Different proportions of the same parts in the 3 different modes. If somebody really want something wich is accurate to the old kawamori drwings then he should like this http://articulo.mercadolibre.cl/MLC-436025332--maqueta-bandai-vf-1j-battroid-macross-robotech--_JM P.S. Somebody know why i cannot post any pic from my PC in a reply?
  12. I sincerely have no idea if the Monsters could stay side by side inside the Deadalus but it seems quite on scale to me at least basing on official dimensions of the mechas.. I would have preferred a accurate hasegawa true TV version with this level of detail... but this is beatiful anyway.. just proportions are not totally correct, you can see it if you compare it with the wonderful Yamato one. The hasegawa storm attacker is ugly in my opinion because they used the same proportions than the warship mode...
  13. Thanks. The regult is hard to build in a decent way, because you can't build all single parts before assembling them, and as it is not suggested to paint the model kit once assembled it s impossible to avoid at all the seamlines... the quality is generally low and many parts doesn t fit well. It s also very loose in the articulations.
  14. I don' t understand guys. The point is other companies already did it. I never said that transformation must be detailed at all. Yamato vf-1 model kits were far better than these Bandai, and anyway most of the defects of the Bandai ones are simply stupid and could have been avoided if they really wanted to do it. Nzeod i think you really need to build one of those by yourself WITHOUT fixing it in a single configuration or pose, then you will probably understand. Also that guy in the video achieved that result that you consider impossible! Come on, he did with basic means, just think at what Bandai could have done, maybe you haven t watched that video. Anyway i know a lot of people said that Macross frontier 1/72 kits have not the vf-1 defects, i don t know if it s true but this could be the proof that vf-1 couold have been a lot better, macross frontier mechas seems even more complexes than vf-1.
  15. i thought the old ones Bandai reissued were IMAI... about the transformation theme i think a model kit should be just a detailed reproduction of something, cars model kits have moving steering wheels ,opening doors and motor parts, they are not intended to transform so they don't, valkyries transform so a detailed model kit should transform too. Just imagine a F-14 Tomcat model kit witout retracting wings...I know a model kit is a model kit but this should mean it is not intended to play with not that it should not be intended to transform or be posable. A model kit is not a sculpture. Basically Yamato made it and i think nobody complained about the quality, also the Yamato SDF-1 resin kit seem to be quite solid and well designed. Anyway, have you seen that video i posted?? If that guy did it for sure bandai could have done a looooot better. NZEOD are you making the Bandai vf-1??
  16. I personally think the opposite about transforming models.... for me there is no sense on having a static model kit of a transforming mech, if the producer want to do a good job they can actually do it. Basically the Yamato 1/60 as well can be treated as a model kit and can be painted obtaining a great effect, if it s done in the correct way, with the proper protective clear and all the proper fixes it can transform quite well without paint issues, obviously you have to be careful when touching it, but i m always very careful when touching beatiful and fragile toys as Yamato's. The point of the Bandai one is not about the fact it is a model kit, but about the fact that there are obvious design mistakes and that there is a problem with posability as well... if a model kit shouldn t be intended to transform for sure it s intended to be posable. I never touched any hasegawa battroid so i can't know if they are as loose as Bandai's or more solid and posable. I'm sure that Gundam Bandai kits are not loose as Vf-1s and are a lot more posable because Bandai invested a lot more on this model kits line. I also know Macross Frontier model kits are a lot more solid and posable despite they are transformable because Bandai invested a lot on Macross Frontier merchandise.
  17. The regult and the vf-1 are Bandai, the Tomahawk is the Wave one. The Wave is best model kit of the 3, the two Bandai were terrible in quality even if they look good in the pics, i'm sincerely really angry with the total lack of care by Bandai in their 1/72 model kit line for SDFM, they released a prototype kit like the vf-1 as a definitive one and they reissued all the old old Imaii molds as the regult and destroids instead of creating some new ones with the new producing tecnologies they have now... In the vf-1 there are some design flaws that simply leave you astonished. Just a simple model kit enthusiast as this guy on Youtube was able to corrected all the model kit defects and made in my opinion the perfect and definitive vf-1 model kit. Bandai should hire this man in my opinion.
  18. Hello, i'm posting the pics of all my 1/72 macross kits i made recently so they can be compared in scale. My camera is definitely terrible and i needed to correct all pics with photoshop, definitely if you want to ruin your model kits look buy a Sony Carl zeiss Cyber shot compact camera... These camera lens simply don t capture light well. P.S. i forgot to mount the small vf-1 nosecone wings... sorry. i usually remove them in battroid mode.
  19. i built a Destroid Tomahawk from wave and its great!! No comparisons with the terrible and old bandai destroids reissues. No comparisons also with the bad 1/72 vf-1 wich is for sure a lot more loose than the wave kit. Bandai's are terribly lazy and greedy I'd like a 1/72 Monster from Wave
  20. i don't like these Hasegawa vf1s... they have great details but they continue to have wrong proportions...
  21. Who did the sculpting??
  22. it was white toothpaste. Anyway, what about tamiya compound? Which one?
  23. i was wondering: did maybe i use the tothpaste in a wrong way? How it is supposed to be applied and for how long? I used a toothbrush
  24. These are the Johnson's products in Italy, it doesn t seem there is something like that. http://www.whatsinsidescjohnson.com/it/it/brands
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