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Everything posted by Gatsu

  1. Thanks for the response Mick.. i find what you suggest quite scary because i do not cement everything and still i need some friction that keep the model stable after the model is finished, just to keep transformation and posabillity unaltered...
  2. Your work is astonishing Cheng, but i totally disagree with the use you do of the word "toy".. in my opinion this not a Toy, it is a tranformable and posable model. A "Toy" to me should be something intended to "toy" with, something that can be handled by a kid. Maybe in english you call "toys" even preassembled reproduction of something (like preassembled collectionable cars reproductions) but for me even Yamato's trasforming VFs are not Toys but rather pre-assembled, pre-painted, transforming and posable in-scale models and collectibles JUST intended for display purpose.
  3. Yes i understand. In the italian forum they said that this humbrol is only acrilic... sincerely i can not be sure they are right because it s not the first time i do something somebody suggested in a forum and have a harm... but Humbrol facebook page didn t responde to the question if it contains enamel, probably they don t want to share informations about their product composition...
  4. Ok, so basically they said nowhere that the Humbrol clear contains lacquer or enamel, so why you thought and said it was in part an enamel??
  5. I had styrene pieces wich broke after years because i spraied tamiya clear enamel on it. It can take years, i can't wait years or even only monthes for a test.
  6. Man i m quite confuse: what's the meaning of the word "substrate"?? I thought it meant that the Humbrol clear can be used OVER acrylic and enamels, so that is not any mention on what this stuff actually contain. In the video it only says it s an acrilic varnish, i don't know if the word "varnish" means that it contain some dangerous solvent for styrene though
  7. So Future has no defects? Is it 100% safe??
  8. Done. Thank you.
  9. You speak as if you were sure it will yellow or crack over time... maybe also Future yellow over time...
  10. Tamiya clear doesn t make the surface clear and shining as it was originally, i tried at first but i had to remove it, that's why somebody suggested Future here Seing the video it looks like it can be used in the way you use Future.. if they suggest such use on styrene pieces i suppose this won't crack it nor yellow it..
  11. tried, found nothing. Anyway Shapeways prices are unreasonable
  12. Is there somebody who's selling Bandai's replacement parts on Shapeways??
  13. I asked in an italian model building forum and they told me that the Humbrol Gloss Clear - 125ml Bottle is the same than Future pledge... what do you think? http://www.humbrol.com/uk-en/humbrol-gloss-clear-125ml-bottle.html
  14. Yes, he recasted the 2 hip bars in a single longer bar. I find the Bandai is better looking, i find the hasegawa's model kits look incoherent. The battroid air intakes in the legs are simply disproportionate, the chest plate looks deformed. The fighter is the opposite, looks like it was conceived as a real non-transforming airplane, it even differs from the kawamori sketches.. but i like the great details hasegawa always put in his model kits.
  15. WM cheng your work is just terrific. i don't understand how have u been able to assemble the kit a first time without painting it for observing all the possible issues and disassembling it without breaking any part or peg in the process. Before painting my vf-1 i tried a preliminary assembly but i realised i wouldn t have been able to disassemble it witout risk of breaking some parts... Also: can you explain clearly every single different metallic color you used on it? I used the steel alclad laquer and it looks great but i have also the gun metal and jet exhaust and they are terrible, jet exhaust is simply a normal black, and gun metal is a lightly violet black with a bad look.
  16. Yes, i undertsand, i have a cat, anyway... i ll be very cautious. The magnets should not be too strong to be difficult to be separated... i should use them to replace those tiny pegs that block the legs in fighter mode... which are about a parallelepipedon of 1 mm thick and 2 mm large.... i d like to simply inserta magnet inside the holes in the legs and attach in some way the other magnet in the dorsal piece... i d like to post a pic but as usual there is not a function to post an image from my pc here. If i click on "image" it askes me an URL!!
  17. Wow, thank you that site looks great! WMCheng's works are gorgeous, is here a way to find the pics of all his works??? Has he put them in a thread or something? I mean the finished job not the step by step. P.S. Do you know who can i ask to know what kind of magnet dimension and shape should i use for a specific fix of that kit? Somebody who knows the Bandai vf-1 kit...
  18. Hello, i need to ask a question to the expert modelers here: does exist a production of tiny magnets of various shapes and dimensions for modelists?? I'm thinking about using micro magnets to fix the issue with the pegs in the vf-1 1/72 wich should block the legs in fighter mode.
  19. I suppose somebody who has experience with Rino 3d modeling and model kit casting could create a longer hip bar to be stamped on Shapeways...
  20. Unluchily i have no idea how he did that...
  21. I found this gorgeous Bandai customs on the Web http://hobbycom.jp/my/8adaa2bf4a/photo/products/2712 http://rgm79.seesaa.net/article/369828780.html And this is the best http://www.fg-site.net/archives/3021601 http://www.fg-site.net/archives/3016380 Everybody can do with this kit what Bandai was not able to do...
  22. Is that Glaug the old 1/72 Arii kit or is it the Captain America's one?
  23. thanks, i saw it. Yes in fact the Monster seems really huge if those destroids are the 1/72 Bandai. 38 cm tall is a lot, maybe too big. But i don t understand why the Bandai 1/100 is almost half that because i think it s almost 22-23 cm tall, and it looks too small if compared to that... there is not that difference between 1/72 and 1/100...
  24. The 1/2000 sdf-1 is most incredible thing ever done about macross, even if i generally hate the movie. U ve done a great job on it. How much it mesures exactly?? Looks really big
  25. I cannot visualize any pic..
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