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Everything posted by Gatsu

  1. Nzeod. i simply pointed out that there was a big problem after the Forum update and that i hoped they were not going to leave us to re-upload every single pic in the threads. I used the word "sucks" but i didn t offended anybody, well at least i suppose we are not children that get offended if you criticize their favourited toy or something like that, it's just a forum graphic interface, for god's sake. Personally, i have no idea who makes this upgrade, or how many people did it, 1 or 10 people, nor how much time it took to do it, 30 minutes or 1 day, or how long it takes to restore all the pics, for what i know about this things it could be done from the "updater" with a click... neither i need to know all these things, i'm not a webmaster. But i m sincerely tired of your reactions to my posts, you get offended as easily as people get bitten by mosquitos...
  2. Seriously, is who updated this forum going to restore all the pics in the thread or do you intend to wait that every user do it??
  3. This new forum sucks! Where are all the pics??
  4. Ahah, there s a girl inside that vf! i'm doing a mass production from a bandai vf-1a, i suppose i must leave the canopy without a name...
  5. i don t understand what you mean... seiko?
  6. Hello. I d need to know if in the Yamato vf-1a mass production vers 2 stickers sheet there is the name of the pilot in the cockpit and if there is what name is... thanks
  7. If you are going to do a VF-0A fighter from a VF-0S how are you going to do with the decals??
  8. Well including shipp. the lazy susan + the mirror would be 17€ to me, not that minimal considering that a turntable by trumpeter is about 23€ incl shipp
  9. why it should not turn smoothly?
  10. Found this "lasy susan" http://www.ebay.it/itm/222002270284?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT and this mirror http://www.ebay.it/itm/181999486382?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&var=482379040457&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT do you think that 7,5 cm lazy susan is too small for a 15 cm mirror?
  11. I already swa that solar ones, thanks, but they seem too high to be used as a stand and the plate is just 5 cm diameter. About the other 60cm is really too much. The right dimension would be aboout 15 cm...
  12. where do i find a round mirrored plate??
  13. what??? Something like this http://hlj.com/product/GNZDS001, but this is too big
  14. Hello, does somebody know where can i find a cheap turn table display for model kits with mirror surface? I mean something cheap without any motor but turnable by hand.
  15. Damn, i would be interested in that but i m out of money right now... i hope you won t do it too soon... P.S. Were the glaug legs fixed or articulated?
  16. Yes obviously i know nothing of how garage molding works that's why i said my question could have been ingenuous.
  17. What's would be the point if (hypothetically) some garage kits producer would pay him for the molds making them more widespread??? P.S. It is not clear from pics if the moscato's regults and NG were posable or totally fixed...
  18. i suppose you are joking, right? I saw only these molds "Macross: 1/72 Regult-all 4 variants (standard w/cockpit interior, light missile, heavy missile and scout) $4400* 1/72 N-Ger $3000*" and i see nobody who said "i bought it". personally i d like to know if somebody will reissue the zentradi kits and the destroids. I have no interest in Mospeada
  19. I would never buy the molds... first i m not rich, second i wouldn't know what to do with...
  20. This is a bad new to hear... who bought his molds (he made a lot of kits) and for what purpose??? I was particularly interested in his zentradi and destroids kits...
  21. Captain america do you have a Ebay account? I d like to know it so that i can keep an eye on it
  22. You can use gray or white only on white colors, otherwise if the part is coloured in other colours you would have white panel lines
  23. Cheng what colour do you use for air carft panel lining? Looks gorgeous and heasy to use, do you do as he show in the video or do you apply it only on the panel lines? Do you make surface glossy before using it?
  24. Fixed canopy and the small magnets modification. I used 2 different magnets size 3mmx2mmx1mm and 4mmx3mmx1mm. It was an easy fix, i just glued with super glue the magnets to the legs and armour, then i dug some space on the legs armor parts for 4x3 magnets to connect to the legs 3x2 magnets.
  25. Sorry, as we call "oil" "petrolio" in italian i translated "petrolio bianco" as "white oil". The zippo's oil is basically sold for the zippo's lighters and i suppose it is a more expensive version of the "white spirit", but i m not sure. If there is a safer method than using oil colors and white spirit i d be happy to know it.
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