AC Starscream
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Everything posted by AC Starscream
Would You Buy A New Perfect Variable 1/60 Vf-1?
AC Starscream replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Toys
Yea I would buy a select few of them. I would definetly buy one if it was an Miria, hands down. Another I would buy would be an Skull Leader, DYRL Hikaru VF-1A and Hikaru VF-1S. -
Most Wanted Unproduced Macross Toy By Yamato
AC Starscream replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Toys
Though all of those are very tempting and Id like to see an SV-51. I voted for the SDF-1 because like many have already said...It's amazing at how little the SDF-1 has actually gotten. I mean it is Macross, what the series is based around and yet there is no "perfect" transformation version of it? Sure there are an few toys and models (I had some Silver version of one...but it was in the standing form.) but there is nothing really out there that is truly an MP SDF-1. -
Well I voted for: LVI-S reissued exactly as it was but with a 1S head! I missed out on the Low Viss 1 and I really like the style they did with it, and the sticker set they gave it. And well they go for so much on Ebay now and days its probably impossible for me to get one (though I sure I could....if I was willing to spend the $$$$) But the main reason why I picked that was because I dont see why they choose an 1A version. When I think of the Vis 1...I think Elite for some reason. And well I think Elite people would fly the 1S. Plus it would give me an second chance to get one!!
This is an very hard question and I find msyelf asking it as well. There are so mnay awesome 1/48ths out there...and well they go for an pretty penny. So far the only 2 I have are the Super Stealth and the Super Miria. Of the 3 new Valks...IMO it is an very hard call. The VF-1J Super Stealth is just amazing, the way yamato mixed the Blacks and different shades of Greys together made it an instant hit! And the Strike compnents make it even more amazing. Though at the same time I also want to get the VF-1A Low Vis 2. I happen to adore the color scheme because my dad flew F-4's in Vietnam and all USAF Aircraft had that exact awesome woodland paint scheme. It is probably next on my list of must haves. The VF-0S, I was really excited to get. It's fighter mode is fantastic, the VF-0S is pretty cool. But on my version...in Batroid mode his arms are super loose, the slightest touch and his arm slides tothe side or against the chest. Very annoying indeed especially sicne the Gunpod is to heavy for the loose arms. Other then that and the annoying hands, it is great and yamato did an good job. But I guess it all comes down to what Hurin said. "Whats your fav Valk"? I don't think you can go wrong with any of them! I was just adding my 2 cents about some of the newer versions.
You're not the first person to think that: 1/48 Jetfire Click it! 412870[/snapback] I didnt think I was going to be the first...but man that person did an fantastic job at repaitning the VF-1S. Wow that is dead on G1 Jetfire. Thanks for psoting that, I had never seen that before.
Hmmm, a Masterpiece Evil Jetfire?? 412744[/snapback] Oh yea...if only it had been an VF-1S it'd be the perfect G1 MP Nemesis Jetfire!! Little side note...don't want to get to detracted from the thread. But I always hoped to get an 1/48th Hikaru VF-1S, get the Super parts...sparay paint those red...get some Autobot logo's from Reprolabels.com and then it really would be an MP Jetfire.
Those look great on the Stealth. Yea it does make quite the difference. My Super VF-1J Stealth just got here on Tuesday..and I am just amazed at how cool it is. Yamato really did an great job with the black and different greys on it. It is definetly one of my favorites. I put up an gallery on the Transformers site, and they got an nice kick out of it. 2 of them are already planning on getting it because they saw what it looked like.
Wow I walk away form this site for an bit and I completely miss this. THis is very exciteing and great news. The YF-19 was always my favorite Valk. And when I got the 1/72nd VF-19A...I liked it..but I always thought it just wasnt acurately reflecting the 19. Now that I see these Cad drawings...Wow that is just awesome. And even though there are an few flaws that have been pointed out, it is still an great improvement. And I for one believe Ghraham when he says that the actual thing looks better then the CAD drawing. Wow! I can't wait, and like others have said I might even pick up 2. I also wouldnt mind an VF-11 in this scale. Oh and the YF-21.
That is an fantastic job on that custom armor. I love the VF-11B, it has always been one of the cooler designs IMO. And with the armor on looks even better!
Well mine showed up and thankfully he had no bent spike problems of any kind. Everything is in working order and the thing is awesome! I love this thing so much I have it with me 1/48th Miria. Though the only thing I have to complainabout is the elbow (where it rotates) is extremely loose...and the handle to the gunpod colapses to easy and therefor makes it a little hard for fun posing. But that said all in all it is one of my favorites of the ones I have so far.
Added 2 new Valk's to my list on page 4. Yamato 1/48th VF-1J Super Miria Robotech MPC VF-1J Miria
This is a pretty interesting thread. I have just gotten into collecting Macross and I tell you it has been one huge wake up call to the price points. I am an Transformer collector first and well going from lesser price points for huge price points of the yamato stuff has been very hard. 1. Single, pay all my bills first. 2.) Unlike Transformers I will not be an completest for the Macross stuff. 3.) As it was said earlier, I buy what I like.
Thanks for the reference to the other thread Godzilla. And holy crap you have a lotta valks!! 12 stealths and 8 LV 2s, you have got to be kidding, right? 401569[/snapback] Why do you think I am called Godzilla? Well I didnt add my MPC count nor my Mospeada since this is a Macross Forum. I am seriously thinking of selling my MPCs Vf-1. I didnt get the YF-1R b/c I thought it was fugly. 402309[/snapback] You got Mospeada stuff too?!?! Now I am REALLY jealous!!! Frack! All I have are 2 Toynami MPC Alphas. I dream of one day owning a Gakken 1/35 Alpha ... but their price point on eBay is friggin expensive!!! 402422[/snapback] Not to get to far off topic but Vermillion what is your opinion on the MPC Alpha's? I have heard good and bad thigns about them. I would really love to have a Rook Alpha. But they usually go for around $70 on Ebay.
Hey I know I am pretty new to the boards but I just wanted to share that I just got off of Ebay tonight an 1/48th VF-1J Super Miria. I have been watching it forawhile and reading up on reviewes and well I finally bit the bullet and got her! I am really stoaked from what I have read about the 1/48th and this will definetly be center piece of my colelction with my 1/60th Super Miria and my Robotech MPC Miria on either side. But I had just a quick question...I have heard form a few different people that the 1/48th Max is like the "perfect" version of the 1/48th because it had all the bugs worked out of it. Is this true? And if so did Miria come out around the same time and therefor would also be one of the "perfect" 1/48th. Doesnt really matter to me if it still has a few kinks. I really only want to stay in the 1/60th scale and will probably only get the Super Stealth because I love its color scheme. EDIT: Ahh crap apparantly in all my excitedness I made a typo in the Thread title.
Well I have never seen it before and I think it is pretty sweet! Wow those are amazing how he did those. When I was a kid I was tottally into Lego's. You can do so much with them, he also has some pretty cool other robot stuff like Lego Gundam's as well. Pretty ingenious stuff there.
Well I think this is going to be pretty cool. And I wouldnt mind either the CF or the blue one. I will definetly be up to getting the variants on the VF-0 because of how much I like it. As for the skulls or Bunny....Maybe we will get both on a sheet and we can decide for ourselves?
I went ahead and preordered Wave 1 and 2 from BBTS.com . I have heard good and bad thigns about Toynami, and have read some of your guys posts but I am going to give them a chance. Besides the price isn't so bad and from what I have seen I like them. As for the 12 inch (1/6) figures they do look nice but just not my thing really. However when/if they do an 1/6 Miria...you can be sure I will get it.
Yea THe first of my 7 Valkeries that Arrived as an 1/60th Hikaru and I had A LOT of fun putting the stickers on. And I don'y like the semi thick stickers they use, sure it's not THAT bad but still...and as Nightbat mentioned all the excess they have on there can be anoying. I wish though that they had made a sheet to tell you where the stuff went. I know it's a kind of put them where you want, I ended up using some of the pics from Graham's toy review for placement of the stickers. Came out pretty nice but I think I might look into these aftermarket stickers you guys are talking about.
You must free them from their boxed prison. I was a huge Exo Squad fan and had almsot every e-frame minus 2 or 3. I almost had all of the Robotech stuff they had, pretty cool though my Officer Pod's leg broke off.
The valks will be around for a while. Only thing is, if you wait to long the price will be higher. Mostly higher than what anyone wants to pay. Also if your looking for accessories, such as, the heavy armour...try loooking under GBP-1S or GBP. If you keep looking under GDB, good luck, as there is no such thing. 401947[/snapback] OOOOOOOO ZING! If I had the choice between the GBP armor and an VF-0S I would go for the VF-0S. I mean how can you not look at the pictures Ghram has in the toy gallery and just not drool all over yourself.
I have a Darth Vader FX lightsaber. I always wanted to get one and so I decided to put out the $$$ during Christmas when Borders had a 35% sale on everything. I would like to get the Darth Maul double Lightsaber. And they just came out with an pre order for a new Obi Wan FX...ALways thought that one looked pretty cool.
Those are some wicked design sketches. Pretty cool and well quite different from what I am used to seeing....
Thanks Vermillion! Yes it is an Buy It Now for $150 and then $15 shipping. He is an Ebay seller and has quite a few left, about 17. Also he has 100% feedback... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1 He just got his in and like I said shipped mine out today so...hopefully in a few days he will be mine! And then I can show him off to my Transformer friends over at Seibertron.com (I am apart of a thread on their toy forum devoted to Macross and Robotech). 401702[/snapback] that's the guy I bought my zero from. pretty good service, asnwers email promptly but he's using parcel post...so dont get your hopes too high on getting your stuff this week....mine was sent last week and it arrived today. aaajin EDITED : parcel post....not media mail 401765[/snapback] Thanks for the heads up Aaajin! That kinda sucks I am really looking forward to the VF-0S! I have been drooling over its photo's for a awhile. Though I want him now! But I have 6 other Valkeries coming in the mail (I baught 7 in the time spance of like almsot 2 weeks) So hopefully a few of the others will show up and I won't be to disapointed!
I am getting paid on Friday and I think this week I will go ahead and buy my first 1/48th as well. SO far all I have baught is the 1/60th and 1/72nd. I am going to get the 1/48th Super Miria. But I have a few questions if you wouldnt mind asnwering them. I hear that the Max 1/48th is supose to be one of the "perfect" ones that has all the kinks and things worked out of it. Did the Miria come out around the same time as the Max and therefor also is "perfect"? And one last question...Does it come with any strike parts or is it just the Super Variant..thanks for any info you guys can give me!
Yep, I've been watching Max & Miriya's appendices go for $150 each and more at times! That's ludicrous. When a Max appendix demands the same price as a super Max 1/48 you know something is terribly wrong in this world. Be aware that Toynami has reissued Hikaru's armor already once, they may reissue all the armors again soon. After all, the armors were never described as a limited edition item and none of them are numbered. 401723[/snapback] Yea totally when I can get an Miria for about $45...why would I spend 3 times as much for her armor peices. And at that price point I might as well get an 1/48th! Your absolutely right about the price's being ludicrous. I didn't know however about the Apendix's not being numbered and about Re-issues. Thanks for the info!