AC Starscream
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Everything posted by AC Starscream
Yea it is definitely getting to be a expensive hobby, my last three were the VF-0A w/ Ghost, SV-51 and Super VF-1J Max Type and they were about a month apart each purchase. I do like the theme of this figure, but like many of you I wish it to have more of a darker look to it. I could definitely see it having a place in my Macross collection, but for now it will be a low priority. I am really looking forward to the Nora release, and 25th Anni releases of the VF-1S and YF-19.
Well I got mine last week from a local Import shop. The SV-51 is very impressive, however mine suffered ofcourse from the loose wings, though thankfully Ididnt have 2 of the same wing joint. I was able to do the super glue fix (suggested back around page 90?) and it works for the most part! I like the thing so much more now that it can hold up with all of its armaments. My only gripe as of now is I have a very loose right shoulder and it can't hold the gun. But as I said the thing is so impressive. As many of you have said, hope the Nora comes with the fixes to these QC issues.
They both look pretty good IMO. I will try and get both but I will be getting the YF-19 for sure.
I ont have any armor yet for my 1/48th's, but I really like what I am seeing with the LV2 armor. I will deifnetly get this but will probably put it on my CF. I like the paint shceme of the LV2 to much to cover it up.
Yea I like those new pictures, and the box looks pretty cool too. Needless to say I am really excited about this release. I am also glad that it comes from an Gunpod, I was kinda worried that maybe it wouldnt have.
Yea I need to get the VF-1S Hikaru. I had an friend...who had an friend at SDCC that was supsoe to pick 2 of them up, and send 1 my way. but it didnt happen. I have wave 1 of these guys on the way from BBTS.com.
Well from what I have seen from the scans Graham has provided, Icant that I am definetly looking forward to this with even more eagerness. This might have to be my first Yamato figure that I get 2 of. Already said it before, but the YF-19 is my fav valk and I am uber excited! Cant wait for more picks to drool over!!!!
I like the paint scheme on the VF-0A. And I will definetly be getting one. But I dont know when. Maybe in October or November when money becomes available again. I also like how they did the 0A head. I just hope they somehow fixed the floppy arms. My VF-0S was perfect in everyway except for at the elbows. The slighest touch and the arm swivled 180* to the side. Quite annoying. Also why is this guy generally around $20-30 more expensive then the 1/48th VF-1's. I mean they are about the same size, come with about the same amount of extra's. Just wondering if anybody know (and sorry if it already has been touched on.) I will however throw out one guess...is it because it's an new mold? Woot post 50.
Spoken for the truth man. This is insane! I am mtyring to catch up with older reeases...and now we have the Max rerelease, VF-0A, Angel Birds and the Kakizaki! And there coming out in Spetember of all months... Damnit that is the same month Botcon is going to be. SO I have $$$ saved for that and also MP-03 Starscream comes out in September so I have 2 of those on order. WAY to much Macross and Transformers stuff that month. Something has togive ans saddly its the $150 Yamato figures. I wish that they would lower the prices on these guys if there all going to come out at once....I can only afford one Valk in September and so I have the Angelbirds on Pre-order at BBTS. The others will have to wait. BBTS will have them in stock for awhile, and there is always Ebay.
Yea I tend to only do (non Ebay) business with BBTS (Big Bad Toy Store). I am hoping that they will be able to grab some reissue Max VF-1A. They are an great company and I have been ordering form them for an year and an half. THeir prices can be an bit higher then others, but IMO it is worth it because of their great business, trustworthyness, fast delivery and great resposnes to e-mail inquiries. If something goes wrong, they pull everything out to make it right.
I like the Angel Birds color scheme and I would love to add this to my collection. But as I said on the reissue Max thread. Wow...to much is coming out at once! YF-19, VF-0A, Max VF-1A, Angel Bird and then my other Transformer hobby. I wish they would try and space em out an bit more, then again then we have to wait and that sucks too! Looking awesome!
Yea this is good news. I really want an Max for my collection and I have never eveen seen an DYRL or TV Max on Ebay for sale or at any websites. I was lucky to find the TV Super Miria. So I will definetly get the max when it is available! As for the Stealth Fast Packs. I like that they are relasing it, but at the same time I kinda raise an eye brow. It is made for only one valk (though the Stealth Super parts look pretty good on Hikaru's VF-1S) and so it's an bit weird that they will produce it. But I guess it also makes sense, since they released the Stealth VF-1J by itself. I agree with you guys that to much is coming out at once! My wallet is going to be kidding. All these Macross goddies and then Tranformers Classics, Titanium, MP-03 (getting 2 of those)....Better sell my extra Kidney.
All the valks with TV style arms (Max/Milia/Hikaru/Stealth VF-1J variants) and for some reason the CF (which has DYRL arms) come with TV clown hands. 417770[/snapback] Hey thanks for clearing that up for me! Now I know which comes with the "clown" hands. That explains why the LV2 didnt come with them.
Yea I had an idea of doing an FP for the LV2 even though my friends thought itd be stupid cause of the tree's in space stuff. But I think it's an cool diea, and I like the Olive Drab you use for the Fast Packs. Did an great job actually, it works so well for it. However when/if I do my idea I am actually going to appluy an simmilar Woodland style camo the the Fasy Packs themseleves. I have done some F-4's, F-105's and F-111's in Vietnam colors so I am semi use to doing that type of camo with air brush. And hey if people batty about tree's in space you can say that theres some kind of green and yellow nebula that your valk protects. And therefor its camo'd for that.
YEa I agree that ism an fantastic custom. I'd buy it. I wish that Yamato would do some extra thigns like that with the decals, or give us more variety with the decla.s Sweet job man,
I got him for about $143 Shipped and I got it from an seller named Tisnic. I have done buisness with him before. Got my 1.49th SUper Miria and MPC Miria from him. Also have an 1/48th CF coming with the VF-1S. Here's maybe an stupid quesdtion that somebody can answer me. Do any of the other reissue versions come with the 4 unarticulated hands? Or is it just some of the new Valks Like Super Miria, Super Stealth, Hiakru's VF-1J? I was kinda disapointed that the LV2 didnt come with the 4 hands..I realy don't like the "skeleton" hands they come with. EDIT: THey arrived this morning VIA UPS. PRetty fastshipping considering I baught them both on Sunday. Havent been able to get the 1S and CF out of their boxes yet.
Pretty cute, and thats an nice lil custom there. Though an bit out of my price range, Its quite up there in the $$$. And I hate people who drive up the price unecesarily.
I dont have to many gripes with the 1/48th canopys. The only gripe I have is with my Super Stealth and LV2. On the Canopy there is an nice huge seam down the middle and it is quite noticeable. I dont know how common this is or not, or if it isnt an QC issue and they are suppose to have it. All I know is my Super Miria has an tiny seam line and is barely noticeable, where as the Super Stealth and LV2 stand out wuite an bit. I know of an way to polish it off...just an pain in the ass to do. Hasegawa did it to their 1/32 F/A-18 kits and it pissed a lot of people off.
Well I just baught off of Ebay an Hikaru VF-1S because I hadnt seen these other places selling him. I stil lgot him for an good price but I am a little worried now on QC issues that have been mentioned. I can just cross my fingers and just hope and prey its alright? Also have an 1/48th CF coming at the same time as well, from Tisnic. Pretty good seller got my first 1/48th form him as well the Super Miria.
Well my 1/48th VF-1A Low Vis 2 just got here on Monday. And I don't have an armor set, so I think I am going to order this armor set for it. I Agree though that it looks to be only useful for the CF or the LV2 though. Well thats cool, I have an 1/48th Cannon Fodder coming in the mail too. Though being pushed back to August is kinda lame.
Yea that is an great custom. I also really want Yamato to finally put out an 2 seater. I always liked the VF-1D's color scheme. Good job!
Hmmm...those pictures look absolutely fantastic! I am glad I have wave 1 and 2 pre-ordered. Ofocurse I will pass final judgement on the Toynami 1/100's when I have em in my hand...but I am defiently going to give Toynami an chance with these, especially at the price point. Also as for the SDCC Exclusive Hunter VF-1S...I wonder if it will stay an exclusive, or if Toynami will do what Hasbro did. Hasbro said the Alternator Nemesis Prime was going to be an SDCC Exclsuive and there all over Hong Kong and the Philipines in mass production. Then Hasbro came out and changed it to "introduction at SDCC", which was still not true.
Most Wanted Unproduced Macross Toy By Yamato
AC Starscream replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Toys
but in what scale ? To have one would be great. I hope they dont make it bigger thatn i have space for. edit:sp 413349[/snapback] That is an good question..what scale to do it in. I supsoe itd be something like 1/1000+ or - area. I don't know how long the SDF-1 is so I cant give an certain scale..however I would be pleased with an scale that made it as tall as an 1/48th VF-1 or maybe even an little taller. I would totally shell out the $$$ for one of those. What do you think would be an good scale/size? -
Wow I cant believe I never thought about the posabilty of something like that. I would totally be down with an battle damaged/extremely weatherd version of an VF-1. THere were some gundam toys that had battle damage added to them and I always thought they kinda looked cool. Cool suggestion Mephistopheles.
I have Wave 1 and Wave 2 of the new Toynami 1/100's Preordered with BBTS. I too cant wait for them to come out. As for those wide stand "super poseable"....I had my eyes on one of the Miria's, but I completely forgot about the autcion (which I rarely do) and I let it sldie by. Hearing mixed reviews form you guys on these figures. I would probably only stick with her. (And yes by now..some of you might have gathered from my posts that Miria is my fav charavter...hence why I want to try and egt all of her versions out there.)