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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. Circumstances vary. However, the things that every fleet share are the capability to manufacture new things*, and access to the Galaxy Network—which enables the dissemination of the latest VF designs (and songs, etc.). In addition to that, the Emigrant Fleets are essentially heading out into unexplored areas of space, so their progression is relatively slow compared to ships, fleets, or whatever that may come later on the same routes. So, it's possible for vessels to 'catch-up' and provide supplies.** That said, there's also the 'need' to replace existing VFs (E.g. the M25 Fleet didn't have a need to replace the VF-171 until hostilities began with the Vajra). So, there's a strong possibility that some of those fleets didn't upgrade from their trusty VF-4s until those VFs reached the end of their design life. I think by the 2060's, most of those fleets would be using more modern VFs for front-line duties, but would still have plenty of VF-4s kicking around in support roles, etc. * the pace and quantity varies depending on what they brought with them (E.g. the facilities inside the Megaroad Emigrant ship itself = slow and few) or procured along the way (E.g. a Factory Satellite = fast and lots). ** the Macross Frontier Fleet is described as having taken 20 years to travel to where it is at the start of MF, but only requires 10 years to travel back to Earth—1 year, if someone uses the Super Fold Booster!
  2. I don't recall an official name for that, as well. Elaborating on what SetoKaiba said—there may be something akin to what's happening with Russian made fighters going on. For example, with the Su-27, the official name is "Sukhoi Su-27", however users are adopting the NATO reporting name "Flanker" as a kind of nickname for it (in no way official).
  3. It's the first I've ever heard of that. A search results in: MAHQ (no source ref.): https://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/vf-x/fz-150.htm "The hangar" (no source ref.): http://cwolf_14.tripod.com/mecha/fz150.htm MACROSS用語 (no source ref.): http://infinity-g.o.oo7.jp/mcgl.html Pixiv dictionary (points to an image of an "Fz-150"): https://dic.pixiv.net/a/フェイオス・バルキリー said image on Pixiv (note: posted in 2020) : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84482365 Checking the Japanese Wikipedia, there are NO mention of a Fz-150 at all! Zentradi mecha (フェイオス・バルキリー (Feios Valkyrie), name sources indicated); https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ゼントラーディ軍の兵器#フェイオス・バルキリー and just to confirm it's not a transliteration of the Quadoran-Roh series mecha (クァドラン・アルマ (Quadoran-Alma): https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/クァドラン・ロー As near as I can tell, it's a fanfic designation created by the artist on Pixiv named shi**ypaintdraw. Initially I was going to say that they are recolouring of an image from Mr March's sites, but the artist has completed lines that are incomplete on March's version (e.g. the calf lines on the interior of the lower leg).
  4. On the one hand, it wouldn't be that hard to remove (or 'merely' permanently disable) that equipment. On the other hand, the absorption beams appear to have a limited capacity for storing Spiritia. So, inherently the system is limited. I'm quite sure that owners of those Valkyries who suddenly start purchasing a bunch of equipment that can be turned into Spiritia storage devices would raise all manner of red flags.
  5. Actually, she said it almost a decade ago. Just wanted to put it out there that it's not only us English speakers, but also native Japanese speakers who have trouble with his scrawl!
  6. It IS hard to make out (as per my Japanese wife: Kawamori-san has messy handwriting!!!) Nevertheless, it appears that your guesses are on the right track. Engine/Leg text: "The parts above and below this line rotate". The rough circle with the small circle is a top down view of the interior of the leg. It says something along the lines of "(the leg) surfaces are not circular in shape". The downward facing arrow indicates the "front", and it looks like the back surface is slightly wider than the front surface. The text at the bottom of the image says something like: "Depiction of all the movement joints and angles on a setting image for the anime for making saleable goods. It depicts movement axles that are not in the anime setting. Notes such as "the second revision", "April 27" can be seen on the image." Hope that provides some clarification.
  7. The Official Setting (canonical) for VF-X2 is the 'happy' ending version of the game (it too has 2 endings that the player chooses from). I think it's fair to assume the same hold true for the Macross M3 game.
  8. It is very enigmatic. One suspects they abandoned it after discovering the buried Zentradi remains on the planet (not likely the buried Mobile Fortress itself). However, there is a possibility that it was just too remote (or resupply routes were somehow being regularly disrupted) as Elysium is located in the Carina-Sagittarius Arm of the galaxy. But that is also confusing, because in the last chapter of the game, the action space folds to Earth apparently in the same time it took Dyson to fold from Eden to Earth in Macross Plus... 🙄
  9. They were produced by the Zentradi that occupied the abandoned emigrant planet Elysium in the G-PN 88 star system*. The abandoned factories were apparently repurposed by the Zentradi occupiers to produced the "stealth" versions. The official names of the "Stealth" versions are: Gurāji Kai [Stealth Gurāji], Jināru Air-Battle Pod Kai [Stealth Air-battle Pod], Rigādo Kai [Stealth Rigādo], and Stealth Kerukaria [Quel-Quallie] Reconnaissance Pod. On the game production side, part of the reason why the designs look so angular is the limits of game technology at the time. Digital Mission VF-X was released in Feb. 1997, for the PS1. That's arguably why the Nūjaderu-Gā was left out—too graphically complex, and the production staff were focusing their efforts on the Valkyries. * http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Locations/OutsideBorders/Elysium.php
  10. Not that I know of. However, it's possible that they captured the mothership that appeared in Digital Mission VF-X relatively intact. I'm using relative in the sense of 'less destroyed' than other motherships simply because there were far, far less crew on the ship when they mounted the attack on Earth. That said, as the mothership had been buried on a planet for centuries, it wasn't exactly in the best state to begin with.
  11. トランキル (Torankiru [Tranquil?]) Image here (scroll down to the Meltran section): http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Uniforms/MacrossUniforms.php#M7
  12. In Korean it says "출격로보트텍". Literally "Sally (or Sortie) Robot Tech". So, it's not a mistranslation, just a (too) literal one. A couple of the kits says SBS-TV방영 (aired on SBS-TV). Digging a little deeper, I found something intriguing on this link about the voice actors for the South Korean version of Hikaru Ichijo: https://namu.wiki/w/이치죠 히카루 Apparently there were 3 versions of SDFM released in South Korea, and the "Sally Robot Tech" was the domestic name for the SBS (Seoul Broadcasting System) version.* * "Robot Tech" (as per the kits) seems to have been simplified to "Robotech" over the years (as per the Namu Wiki). Alas, my Korean isn't good enough to clarify if these kits are official or knockoffs/bootlegs. Anyhow, this link has the assembly and transformation instructions for one of the kits: https://bbs.ruliweb.com/family/232/board/300080/read/30125679 Here's another kit with instructions and sprues in yellow and neon green(!!!🤮) : http://totoy.com/product/신성과학-출격로보텍-프라모델/6795/
  13. It's fascinating to see behind the curtain at the inner working of TV/movie/etc. productions, isn't it? Alas, powerless episodic directors seems to be par for the course. How many directors was it that the MCU replaced because of 'conflicting' visions? I'm sure one could find other examples, but that's what comes to mind first.
  14. Thanks! I just wish that there was more information on Delta. Not so much on the Valkyries and spaceships, but on the character equipment side. SDFM, M7, and MF have pages upon pages of stuff on things from wristwatches to fashion and hair accessories. However, Delta only has smartphones and Freya's portable music player! 😢 Even with crew suits, Delta doesn't give us any new vacuum suits. At best we get Chaos's 'regular work uniforms' for when they're inside the pressurized hangars or groundside! 😭 (third section down, far right) http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Uniforms/MacrossUniforms.php#MD
  15. Who'd have thought that 'what's lying on my desktop' would end up on the 'workbench'. 😊 Please refer to the other links under 'Clothes & Equipment' for more ideas on such things as flight suits, uniforms, and equipment to round them out (E.g. Hikaru's SDFM Hand Light: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/personal/ClothesRadiosCampingSurvivalEquipment.php#SDFhandLight ) Fixed! Kazutaka Miyatake's design for that suit is both the most realistic, and the least like the other crew suits seen before and after it appeared—in short, it doesn't have EVA thrusters at the bottom of the backpacks, like all the other crew suits do. I really like how Miyatake-san added all the floating straps to help sell the idea that the person is working in a vacuum in zero gravity. However, it was only designed for a single shot (maybe two) for the opening animation of Digital Mission VF-X, which is why it is so much more complex then the other suits.
  16. Arguably, the VF-14 and its derivatives pick up some of its design elements—namely the engine nacelles and arms on outboard pods. If memory serves, apparently Kawamori-san once said that he doesn't like the VF-4 design.* So there's that. * No, he didn't elaborate on why he doesn't like it. However, one can surmise that it stems from the complicated transformation mechanism and the shoulder thing (whether or not they rotate, etc.) As he's visited the trimaran form multiple times (VF-14, Fz-109, Az-130A, arguably the VF-27, etc.), it's not the shape in fighter form that he doesn't like per se.
  17. The question should be "did the VF-4 use a gun pod?" And the answer is yes and no. No when it is outside of an atmosphere (mainly due to the effectiveness of the beam guns in outer space), and yes in an atmosphere. As for which gun pod (when one is used): the GU-11 is mostly used. Namely because later gun pods have replaceable ammo clips with smaller payloads, and the VF-4 has no place to carry spare ammo clips. Note: there is no information on whether each gun pod uses a specialized hardpoint (specific to each gun pod) or a general 'one-size-fits-all' hardpoint. Arguably, the VF-4 could carry any gun pod (except for ones that require a large external power source, a la the VF-27's beam gun pod).
  18. Elaborating on this: the Battle Class main gun was depicted at one point as having a "rapid fire" mode, in addition to the 'regular' giant-shot mode. Even if the 'regular' mode has exactly the same output as the one in the SDF-1, the "rapid fire" mode and having the big gun mounted in a smaller ship that can separate and fly independently of the larger ship makes the Battle Class version infinitely more versatile.
  19. It appears so. (notes the wrap around stickers on the tails and rear stabilizers, and the slight misalignment of the ones in the top intakes.)
  20. It would be nice if Macross Chronicle was picked up by another publisher and re-re-released with additional Delta content. But—given a multitude of reasons—that's a pipe dream at best.
  21. Chiming in on the general consensus: What Shawn said. I'd also like to add a bit on the "why" side: to get more things printed. If publishers are continually getting ripped off, they're not going to publish as much, and we all lose out. As there are less and less Macross books being published, I think this unwritten rule is even more vital then say 10 or even 5 years ago, when we were getting a glut of Macross F related publications. This issue is also one of the reasons why on my Macross translation's website I have the line: '(We) strongly encourage readers to purchase a legitimate copy (...)'.
  22. That's completely understandable. However, are you keeping a list of what you have (for personal use)? Just to keep from buying doubles, etc. (← speaking from personal experience, when life started getting too busy... )
  23. The only solution I had* was "paint it". So your red marker idea will not look worse. In fact, it'll probably turn out heads and shoulders better. And long term—you won't have to worry about the stickers half popping off! (← happened to me with the stickers for the wingtip running lights on the Bandai transforming VF-1 kits.) * Macross Delta VF-31 mini kits and their flat sticker that goes over the round cockpit.
  24. SDF-1: 1,200 m long Megaroad-01: 1,770 m long Given the size of the cityscape in front, the Megaroad-01 is a bit on the large size. However, the SDF-1 is way too small in that Flashback 2012 scene. Chalk it up to artistic licence to emphasize the scale of the Megaroad-01?
  25. That's similar to the technique used by Japanese modellers to put stickers on: using tweezers, touch the sticky side on water (to pick up a couple of small droplets) place the sticker in the right place roll out (and suck up) the excess water with a Q-tip, releasing the tweezers in the process when the sticker is sufficiently affixed.
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