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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. First, you're assuming that the Destroids have been retired. New units appear to have been produced by such places as the Galaxy and Frontier Fleets as late as 2059. On the other hand, the UN Army was seen using tanks in the SDFM era. The ground forces in the Frontier Fleet were also seen using what amounts to a wheeled tank. Regrettably, your question is difficult to answer, as Macross tends to focus on the Valkyries operated by the space and air forces and ignore the ground forces and what they use. The general trend would be that the UN Army is using a combination of a Destroid like the Cheyenne II, along with armoured vehicles (APC, light armour vehicle, etc).
  2. Some links to images of the ground forces/infantry he's referring to: New Unified Forces Soldier Combat Uniform: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Flightsuits/Spacesuits.php#MFMun2 Beatrice: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/AFV/Beatrice.php There are also the Special Forces version of EX-Gear shown in the Frontier movies that were retrospectively added, as well. It should be noted that the Beatrice was just as quickly destroyed by the Heavy Soldier Vajra, but the Cheyenne II was more effective at destroying the larval Vajra with its flame units.
  3. In a way, Destroids have never really gone away. Because Macross focuses on the Valkyries, the Destroids hardly ever appear, if at all. Post SWI, aside from the aforementioned Cheyenne II and the Destroids that appeared in Macross 7, there are: Destroid Works (arguably the most likely to be quickly developed into a combat Destroid): http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Cheyenne/Works.php the Destroid Works-esque Power Loader that appeared in Macross Delta the LDR-04 Maverick that appeared in one of the late 90's/early 00's games* ADR-04-Mk XV S-Defender from Macross the Ride: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Defender/S-Defender.php Shield enhanced Destroid Monsters (on Bellfan April 2030) from the Macross M3 game** Looking farther afield, there are a pair of Destroid-like vehicles introduced in the VF-X2 game: Annabella Lasiodora Gjagravan Va Combined with the Zentrādi Armoured Personnel Carrier that appeared in the SS/PS1 Super Dimensional Fortress Macross - Do You Remember Love? side scroller, ground-based, non-transforming mecha are still being introduced in the series, when and where applicable. Nevertheless, this doesn't negate Seto Kaiba's point: there's a reason why the post-SDFM/DYRL Macross shows focus on the Valkyries, and the Destroids (if they appear at all) are relatively easy-to-defeat peons mainly used by the show runners to illustrate how relatively powerful the 'new' enemy forces are. On the topic of modifying a Battroid into a Destroid-like vehicle, there is the rejected design from SDFM for the MBR-08 Masamune (not sure if it's the correct designation, either). * note sure if that is the official name and designation for it. Nevertheless, it's penned by Kazutaka Miyatake himself. ** if memory serves, they are operated by the game's enemy forces. Nevertheless, an official example of Destroids with something akin to Pinpoint Barriers.
  4. Short answer: yes. They took a proto-human species on Earth and combined it with their DNA to make the human race (which they envisioned at the time as a "worker race" when they colonize the planet in the [distant] future). Longer answers: 1 The Protoculture Interference and the Installation of the "Bird Man" The Protoculture triggered the birth of the human race on the Earth. At that time, the Bird Man was placed to deter such things as self-destruction or the excessive development of civilization through wars and so on. Source: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRworldguide/02ABirdman.php and Planets inhabited by humanoids similar to Earth humans are likely to have experienced Protoculture interference. http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRworldguide/01AProtoculture.php
  5. The Macross Chronicle article on the Factory Satellites indicate that they are still being actively acquired in the 2050's. Earth has a couple dozen. Eden has at least one. Emigrant Fleets that find them retain them as they continue on their journeys, etc. The factory ships like the one seen in Macross 7—while capable of manufacturing ships—just aren't as efficient at doing that as the Factory Satellites. They are more geared for consumer goods and smaller-scale military equipment (Valkyries, missiles, etc.)
  6. Long story short: Macross incorporates music that will sell the most. The only one in the OP's list that is remotely likely to do that is choir. However, the current trend for that (in Japan) are for ensemble groups like AKB48. Unless they have the entire voice actor cast participating, I doubt any show would have the budget for that many singers.
  7. The YF-21/VF-22 has sub-engines in the legs, too. I'll submit that the VB-6 is unique as its sub-engines are "normal" engines (aka thermonuclear reaction engines), however every VF that doesn't have "normal" engines in the legs has rocket motors or vernier-like engines in the legs (like the YF-21/VF-22 does).
  8. Which raises the question: are the particles being ingested good or bad for the engines? In other words, is it like an aircraft flying through a cloud of volcanic ash and the materials will melt and adhere to the inside of the engine like they did on BA 009? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Airways_Flight_009#Investigation
  9. Would just like to point out that the YF-21 was neither the first, nor was the VF-22 the last to have engines not in the legs: VA-3 Invader and its derivatives: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VA-3/VA-3.php VA-3C Kai Invader: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VA-3/VA-3CKai.php VA-3M Invader: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VA-3/VA-3M.php EVA-3 Invader: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VA-3/EVA-3.php Variable Gurāji and its derivatives: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VariableGuraaji/VariableGuraaji.php VBP-1/VA-100 Neo-Gurāji Bis [Kai]: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VariableGuraaji/VBP-1neoGurajiBis.php VBP-1/VA-100 Neo-Gurāji: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VariableGuraaji/VBP-1neoGuraji.php VAB-2 and its derivatives: VAB-2 speculative appearance: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VAB2/vab-2.php FBz-99 Zaubāgeran: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VarohtaFighters/FBz99.php Pheyos Valkyrie (Enemy Valkyrie): http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Pheyos/pheyos.php VB-6 König Monster: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VB-6/VB-6.php Variable Police vehicles: Variable Police Air Patrol Craft: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VariablePolice/VariablePoliceAir.php Variable Police Space Patrol Craft: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VariablePolice/VariablePoliceSpace.php Variable Police Ground Patrol Craft: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VariablePolice/VariablePoliceGround.php and the more esoteric OCTOS Variable Amphibious Destroid: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Octos/Octos.php I haven't listed them chronologically, but the YF-21 comes after the development of the VA-3 Invader, Variable Gurāji, etc, and the VF-22 predates the development of the Pheyos Valkyrie, VBP-1/VA-100 Neo-Gurāji Bis [Kai], etc.
  10. Expanding on what Seto said: the (Y)VF-19 and YF-21/VF-22 were designed to sneak behind enemy lines and 'decapitate' the leadership of the enemy with 1 or 2 well placed strikes. Therefore, turning the VF-22 into a bomb truck defeats its purpose. It's akin to attaching a camper trailer to the back of an F1 race car—while the race car has more than enough torque to pull the load, it isn't the job the car was designed to do.
  11. Google customizes your search. I.e.: if you search for your name on the computer/device you regularly use, you're going to end up with more hits than if you do the exact same search on a computer/device that you never use. Nevertheless, I think the point stands as it is something quantifiable, but the results should be treated more like a barometer rather than something concrete. Maybe https://www.startpage.com/ or some other "Google without Google" search will give similar results for everyone? Regarding the topic: Robotech comics were never big, when measured against Marvel and DC titles. However, they were always offered (and never sold at discount) in my hometown. I would put the numbers stocked at either the equivalent or somewhat less than what Dark Horse was releasing at the time (i.e. similar numbers to "Dark Horse Presents" but somewhat less than anything with "Aliens" in the title).* Back issues were similarly priced at or near cover price (never less, and rarely, if ever, much more expensive). * The era I'm referring to is the early 90's (Eternity/Malibu Comics → Academy Comics).
  12. The film strip that came with mine: Here are all the "inserts" that came with the used copy that I picked up at Mandarake. Note the unofficial "extra" that came with it: the manual for the PS1 game "四柱推命ピタグラフ".
  13. I believe that's mission 7: follow the enemy transport back to its home base. ... which sums up the biggest weakness of "Macross Digital Mission VF-X": there is a lot of 'fly to this location, do something, fly to that location...' and so on and so forth. Thankfully, they got rid of that in the game's sequel "VF-X2".
  14. Expanding on that: in Star Wars's case, it's also so that the viewer can recognize what they are looking at within half a second of seeing it. The manga artist Masamune Shirow also mentioned something along these lines: if he was real-world accurate, the reader/viewer wouldn't be able to see the character, let alone grasp which character they are looking at! So, yeah, whatever I personally feel about the characters/story/mecha in Southern Cross, the garish, bright colours and decorated armour are neither here nor there for me.
  15. It's available on Amazon.jp. As you live in Japan, you can take advantage of their "pay at convenience store" option (if you don't have a credit card, or don't want to give Amazon any other banking info). https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Hasegawa-65881-Fortress-Macross-Plastic/dp/B0BNKBN196/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=KZ5D8&content-id=amzn1.sym.188d4668-4672-4f36-9ad0-64c3725855d9%3Aamzn1.symc.573c83ff-b207-408b-b0c7-3d92bb6b7d04&pf_rd_p=188d4668-4672-4f36-9ad0-64c3725855d9&pf_rd_r=PRZTVEQ1K66ZR5E9SCRG&pd_rd_wg=erCDm&pd_rd_r=3b504e87-177b-4f65-945f-5159fb461e9e&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m Nevertheless, as Big S said, it should come back into stock (E.g.: the Light Missile Version was sold out on Amazon.jp and recently became available again).
  16. Elaborating on that, I believe I read in an article somewhere that the wild cats of Malta directly inspired Kawamori-san to create and add the Mercats to the show.
  17. I think we may be missing a vital piece of info: who owns the distribution rights for DYRL? This may not be as simple as BW & HG, and there may be a third party (or parties) who hold the international distribution rights for DYRL that are blocking that content (either actively or BW is preemptively removing certain content to not leave themselves open to future litigation). Of course, that is all speculation, but it may explain why certain SDFM/DYRL content (E.g. the non-DYRL versions of Max) is still able to be released internationally, as—if memory serves—the 41 designs are for the TV versions, and not the DYRL versions.
  18. The biggest difference is around the engine nozzles (or ankles) - the VF-5000G has the same thruster "cuffs" as the VF-19 Kai that Basara Nekki uses (the big yellow and white things in the pictures above). The VF-5000B is more traditionally shaped. Otherwise, they're basically the same, aside from the different paint job.
  19. I'm not sure if this is what Mommar is referring to, but you can see the design evolution (in the link below) in the FAST packs Kawamori-san developed for the VF-4. http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/VF-4/VF-4.php#OPTIONAL_SYSTEMS
  20. If memory serves, British productions are unaffected by the strike and continuing as usual. However, they are aware of what's going on overseas, and in general won't let any of the parties involved in the strike evade it by switching to a British production site. I think Canada is in the same boat. However, because of how mixed and muddled productions in English-speaking countries are (e.g. UK actors in US productions, and vice-versa) it's hard to say that the overseas ones are entirely unaffected.
  21. There is something definitely wrong with that internal diagram. For starters, it only depicts 2 launchers, when there are clearly three on the outer shell (and accompanying text)...
  22. Because it doesn't. It says: "HMM-25マイクロミサイルを最大で90発搭載可能。"
  23. It sounds like the parts may be worn down. Ie the axle wobbles, and when the part goes out of alignment it gets stuck. Is there any excessive "wiggle" in the parts? Can you restore the metal parts with something like the modellers use here on wobbly joints (for example clear nail polish)? Are there any perishables (eg rubber grommets) that are breaking down?
  24. As long as he has inspiration, he'll be able to come up with something. As for what that inspiration is, up until now he has been basing his designs (wholly or in part) on aircraft. So, whatever aircraft has been in the news recently is most likely going to inform the next design, and/or how Valkyries are "used" in the next series (Ie: "dancing" Valkyries at the beginning of Delta to justify the use of manned aircraft in a world where unmanned aircraft are replacing the manned ones).
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