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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. Aside from the VF-5000 appearances in Macross 7 Dynamite, Macross Plus: Game Edition, and Macross M3, it was slated to appear as the main mecha in the Macross 3D VF-X. (Be glad that that project never went to production - call it a low quality cousin of the 3DCG Appleseed movie from 2004.) Though... the VF-5000 did look pretty sweet in it. So yeah... they're myth. Regarding the VF-5, it's always been my opinion (and probably mine alone) that it is really the SeiRan-99Kou "StarStorm-99Armour" in disguise. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross.htm The VF fits all the requirements - water landing capable, etc., and also has conformally mounted missiles, a la the other VF produced in that era: the VF-4. So yeah, it's probably just something that Kawamori penned to keep fans glued and develop interest in a future anime or model release...
  2. Yeah... melding the physical with the metaphysical is troublesome at best. And that's even with audience suspension of belief. Though, I will point out that some of the best fiction out there leaves some hanging questions - those 'what happened next?' or 'What is the meaning of that?' The main reason being is it stimulaties the imaginations of the audience. Re: the ending of Macross Zero: Shin's damaged VF-0 'soft' landed and he had his preverbial ''walk into the sunset." Sara created the barrier around him because she had become one with the Tori-no-hito (birdman/'alien flower mecha') and was able to use her spiritia powers combined with its super technology to reach across time and space from where ever it folded to. (Given it's sorry state, I suspect that it probably folded away and expired - and Sara's powers were used while it was mid-fold.) Was it something her father taught? Probably it was a combination of the Tori-no-hito's abilities and her spiritia singing powers. So yes, in part it was something her father taught. They did. The Protodevlin in Macross 7. They fit your descriptions of, and requests for more horror fairly well. Though I will agree that they didn't come across very well in the anime... In Macross 7, specifically Dynamite, they have reverse engineered anti-gravity to the point that it's included in civilian vehicles. As the anti-grav system on the SDF-1 Macross malfunctioned during it's first take-off, we can presume that it did take something like 35 to 40 years to work all the bugs out. If a new Macross gets made, the question about having a darker tone or not really depends on how Big West feels the audience will react to it. In the end, it's all about making money, and shows like Macross 7 make more money than limited (or slow to be released) shows like Macross Plus and Macross Zero. (More time for marketing related toys/music/accessories/etc., potential of sequal OVAs and movies, and a 'lower' budget per episode, meaning a smaller start-up cost. In this regard, Shouji Kawamori is bad for a production, as he likes to spend lots of money in making them.)
  3. You used babelfish, didn't you? I recommend http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ (though, you have to have some basics of Japanese to use it.) It comes up with: Armed storage hatch. Using dictionaries, it's directly translated as: 武装 (busou) arms; armed åŽç´ (shuunou) receipts; harvest; put in, store. So yeah, Armaments Storage Hatch, would be my 'intended meaning' translation.
  4. I rechecked my Macross books, and indeed there is no 武装åŽç´ãƒãƒƒãƒ (internal weapons pallet hatch) on the YF-21 (yes for the engine nacelles on the YF-19, if you're asking.) However, there are some ports that look suspiciously like (tactical?) missile launchers along the central leading edge of the dorsal FAST packs. However, suspicious looking holes do not make for facts... So yes, the point on Guld's ride (the YF-21) being rigged, is agreed to.
  5. Not to disagree with the point and intent of the post. I beg to differ on one point: The VF-22 has internal pallets for tactical/strategic payloads (reaction missile load seen at the end of Mac 7.) http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...vf22/index.html Though the Macross Compendium doesn't specifically list any in it's article on the YF-21 http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...yf21/index.html isn't it possible, dabbling into the probable, that the YF-21 also has the internal pallets, as a) they are in a location on (and otherwise unused) both the YF-21 and VF-22, and b) the YF-19 also has internal pallets. (not to mention the VF-17, the VF-11C (if the animation error is not an error afterall) and the engine nacelle FAST packs of the VF-11C. All of which predate the YF-21.) I agree that the weapon pallets/bays haven't been seen in the anime, but so too have the Valkyrie grenades... Anyhow, yes, repressed memories makes for great storytelling. And some people have made some great points in this thread that I fully support.
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