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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. The rules are a sick goat, and the guidelines are just that - guidelines. Another way to look at it is that if they locked down everything that went off topic, the community here would be crushed due to the 'off topic gestapo' and everyone would go elsewhere.
  2. I think a closer look should be taken into why some threads are locked, and others are allowed to continue. In the cases that you mentioned, TWDC, the Babes thread was killed because: I interpret that as 1 person talking to himself, when a simple pointer link would suffice, and the ongoing actual conversation of the thread was on an entirely different topic. In other words - it doesn't serve the community. the other threads are 'allowed' to continue, because they appear to be more than one member adding to them, they're relatively on-topic discussions, and the discussions aren't getting out of hand (into the dubious discussion topic zone, nor being hijacked and going off topic.) Does that make sense? (seriously... lack of coffee at the moment... no idea if what I'm blithering on about makes any sense.)
  3. I'll try and answer your questions. My knowledge is a bit limited, so if any of you readers with greater knowledge can correct any errors in the following, it'd be greatly appreciated. 1. Do they both own Macross? Yes and no. Big West owns Macross in general, and the animation of SDF Macross, as well as DYRL. To get SDF Macross finished, and finished on schedule, the related products (character goods, models, toys, etc.) rights were sold to Tatsunoko Studios. 2. Do they have equal rights on Macross? No. 3. What are the histories between the two in the establishment of Macross? See answer to 1 and 4. 4. What are their roles with Macross? I know nothing on Big West. I am of the suspicion that it is a holding company or they purchased Studio Nue - which is the company that Macross originated out of, and continues to create new Macross projects. Tatsunoko Studios is (was?) an animation company that was originally contracted to produce animation for SDF Macross. 5. Does one own Macross T.V. while the other own Macross D.Y.R.L? If so, which owns what? Big West owns both. Tatsunoko Studio owns the right for marketing related goods (models, T-shirts, toys, etc.) for the SDF Macross TV series only. (Though, as the designs are similar, and as Big West wasn't very aggressive in stopping them, Tatsunoko went above and beyond the rights that they had purchased and did some crazy things like sell the rights to the international distribution of the SDF Macross series to some American company - rights which they never had in the first place.) 6. How come Yamato doesn't have their logo on the 1/48? All I see is "Made in China 1982 BigWest." Yamato is a seperate and unrelated company that purchased the (temporary?) rights to produce toys for Macross. They may or may not have recycled the molds produced by another company that may have produced the toys earlier.) The main reason is toy collectors don't want to see the toy covered with company name crap. Though, I suspect their name and logo was plastered on the box that the toy came in.
  4. Yeah... in the first aid courses I took way back when, the 'stop the bleeding' mantra was something that was hammered quite well into our heads. That, and 'don't try and "fix" things, as you'll probably only make them worse. Stabilize, stabilize.' Ah... the memories.
  5. Check up on qi (chi),  気, or 氣. You can start with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi (haven't read it all, don't know how accurate it is, or isn't.) From it, you can kind of get an idea of the origins of the concept of 'the Force,' as well as some of the greater-than-human powers that some martial artists posses. Keep in mind that this is the cultural background or basis that spiritia exists in... but also strongly keep in mind that spiritia is not qi; and the two are different (I will admit that this is more an opinion than fact - based on what I know of both qi and spiritia. Similar but disimilar.) Re: games If you are already interested in video games (or want a video game version of Macross) basically all of the Macross games are good. They are all 'shooters' and it is fairly easy to figure out the game with no Japanese ability whatsoever. Out of the Macross games available for the PS1 I recommend: VF-X2: this one is the most interesting and playable. Macross Plus: Game Edition: it's weak point is that you are limited to only one mode per mission/level/encounter. The cool factor comes from it's Streetfighter II like aspects - power moves, etc.. Probably the best thing about the game is that it can be played 2 player, and not only can you choose from a wealth of Macross vehicles, you can also customize the paint colours. Reverse spin kicking Regults are lethal! Once you beat the game, you can even play the Ghost X-9 and the Variable Glaug in the versus mode - they are lethal! Macross DYRL: side scrolling shooter. Fun, but compared to VF-X2, limited. This one is probably the easiest to figure out, and it comes with some great animated eye-candy between the missions. VF-X: this one is... well, it has the second best original storyline (after VF-X2.) The song written by Mari Ijima that you hear after you beat the game is also good too... but overal, the game feels... limited, compared to VF-X2, and the anime feel of Macross Plus: Game Edition. I haven't played the PS2 version of Macross: DYRL, but it looks sweet. It's only weak point is that it is limited to the SWI era, and you don't get to play the Macross 7 era VFs.
  6. I've been a member on another forum for a long, long time. Politics and religion reared their ugly head. Feelings got not only hurt, but crushed. People didn't talk to each other. Friendships were ruined. They instituted a 'geek talk' only rule to the place... but it was too late. Trust me, geek talk and keeping things close to the topic is the only way to go. It keeps us all friends (or at least friendly.)
  7. Yes, I've been stressing the point that the SDF-1 only provided the means, not necessarily the basics of a lot of the things humans developed immediately after it landed. Why'd the Anti-UN develop the SV-51? Destroids. The UN were developing them since, well, within the year of the SDF-1 crashing. They needed something to go up against these next generation tanks. This mentality also fits the design of the OCTOS: highly manuverable, and able to sneak up close underwater.
  8. Uhm, is everyone forgetting the first combat scene in Macross Zero? Sure, it was one of the SV-51 aces, but it still proves that anything with variable OTEC technology whups non-OTEC butt. Missile swarms anyone?
  9. Control of gravity implies being able to control inertia (or dampen it, or whatever.) One thing to keep in mind is that Macross is not exactly a "serious" anime... so we don't have to worry about such pesky things as physics. As for speeds... I'd give an estimate of anywhere up to as fast as the Zentraedi ships can travel (rebuilt/reconstructed technology.) Another way to look at is, and this will require math, is to determine where Saturn is in 2009. Mark the distance between Saturn and the closest point of Pluto's orbit. Find out how much time passed in-series between the arrival of the SDF-1 at Pluto's orbit and it's arrival at Saturn. This will give you the speed that the SDF-1 was allowed to travel, +/- time it took to move all of the civilians inside and any delays by the Zentraedi. Therefore, I'd give a rough estimate of between x2 and x10 whatever the resulting speed is.
  10. Looks like we're coming back to the ol' Supervision Army vs. Inspection Army. It's a word that combines both nuances, but neither as strongly as each individual English word makes the two different concepts appear. Words just don't translate neatly...
  11. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross.htm That's the closest you'll get to an 'all in one' line-art site. Other options are the fan-created RPG stats - these are usually littered with line-art. I do fully support going out and purchasing the books that have line-art in them. Support for them means more of them will be released (or reprinted!) and that can lead up the pipe to more Macross projects being released. Piracy sucks!
  12. No answer, and I'm looking for one. Most of the people that I bump into on a daily basis have no idea what Macross is, let alone any of the specific series. Mind you, most of them were born many years after Macross 7 finished, or are their parents. Very, very few of those parents know of Macross in general, and their usual follow-up question is about Lynn Minmei.
  13. I do agree that fan subs are dubious in their translation credentials (Macross Zero: turning the Fuel-Air Bomb into a 'nuke'!) That said, it is all about nuance. Well, nuance and the translator's experience with the subject being translated. The "Don't lecture me on my duties", "I'm tired of being bossed around by a woman", "I can't just sit around and do nothing" is a good example. They may all actually be correct, but not correct at the same time. I'd put money on "Don't lecture me..." and "I can't sit ..." as being closer to the original statement (think of the original as a combination of both, said in a way that means one, but implies the other.) So yeah... translation is both technical, but a finely finessed art at the same time. It's almost impossible to completely convey the intended meaning... just think of translating your average SitCom into another language, the audience for it has no idea about pop culture nor the history of the SitCom's creator nation at all. No easy task, translation be.
  14. Note: he didn't state that Macross 7 had a good story. He stated that it was focused on the story and characters. Nevertheless, my wondering still hasn't been answered: "How popular Macross 7 was (is?) in Japan?"
  15. Just some food for thought: SDF: Macross - 1 TV series (36 eps.), 1 Movie, 1 OVA Macross Plus: 1 OVA series (4 eps.), 1 movie Macross Zero: 1 OVA series (5 eps.) Macross 7: 1 TV series (49 eps.) + 3 bonus eps., 1 OVA series (4 eps.), 1 movie. Makes me wonder how popular Macross 7 was (is?) in Japan - given that it has the most animation produced for any Macross series.
  16. sketchley


    beer can missiles. Cute.
  17. I believe that it does say somewhere in the compendium (or another canon source) that in combat, the SV-51 is better than the VF-0. Of course, the VF-1, with it's semi-transatmospheric nature (read: higher service ceiling) does have an advantage over the SV-51 (I'm thinking along the lines of the two jet fighters used in the Korean war - one of them could fly higher and faster, but at the same time had a lower manueverability.)
  18. Perhaps the transformation system was developed seperately from OTEC? OTEC simply provided the tech level to pull it off? Or the threat level that demanded/justified that both a jet and a giant infantry soldier had to be in the same vehicle. Either way, the Anti-UN had 'perfected' the process first, and the UN took it. The points that IAD brought up support it quite a bit. Just remember - the UN Government was embroiled in more than two wars between 1999 and 2009. The wars themselves being termed in-universe as 'the UN Wars.' That says quite a bit about their modus operandis. Heck, for all we know, the act of stealing the transforming technology may have been what precipitated the war(s) and conflict between the UN and Anti-UN! (This is entirely speculation with no support whatsoever.) That line makes no sense whatsoever. Sorry, but why bother investing in creating a whole arsenal of warcraft that are poorly equipped, with ill-trained pilots, and no tactics? (Sounds like the Zentraedi...) It makes more sense to invest more time and energy into perfecting the tactics and training of these elite units. Real-world example: the "new" F-22 Raptor. That design was approved when? April 1992. It entered service in December, 2005. What were they up to during those 13 years? It certainly wasn't mass producing them. (This is a rhetorical question. Don't be tempted to reply to it.) The very same conditions and circumstances that surround the F-22 could be applicable to the development of the SV-51 (VF-0, VF-1, Destroids, etc., etc., etc, ad naseum.)
  19. Uhm... some updates from the 'far East': HDTV is the standard, already. Japan has set the date of 2011 as being the day that ALL broadcast TV in the country will be exclusively HDTV.* NHK (and a few other channels) are already broadcasting in HDTV. Korean manufacturers, as of a few years ago, were producing HDTV's exclusively, first for the foreign market, and then for the domestic market (much to the chagrin of the locals.) Perhaps the 'alarming' thing, is that NHK has already proposed the UHDTV (the next generation of HDTV - reportadly 16 times better than HDTV.) So yeah... here comes the future, whether you're ready or not. Display screen technology has also been leaping ahead. One of the big HDTV pushes in the months before the World Cup was that moving images on the giant sized HDTV screens were clear (if I'm not mistaken, it was a switch from liquid crystal to plasma. I'm not an enthusiast, so I could be mistaken. Keep in mind that these are for the giant sized sets, and not the small ones.) * http://www.broadcastpapers.com/whitepapers...romCategory=230 I believe that the UK has also set that as their date too...
  20. Japan is going 100% HD in the next few years. Expect any new Macross productions to be in HD, and the possibility of older titles being rereleased in HD. That said, Macross isn't exactly a big seller here. It'd be more logical to expect an HD rerelease of the more popular Gundam shows. In other words - don't hold out for any rereleases of Macross in HD...
  21. I always thought that the Supervision/Inspection Army was made up of both Protoculture (microns) and Zentraedi (macrons.) Reason being: - The protodevlen took control of the Protoculture present on the world where the Evl Series Zentraedi were being developed - The VF-1 was designed to fight giants. The only reason they would have done this is because the SDF-1 was designed for Zentraedi sized crew (perhaps not 100%, but at least partially. The airlock that Hikaru uses to catch the tuna is proof in the 3rd (4th?) episode.) Add to this other Protoculture and Zentraedi that were brainwashed along the way...
  22. IMHO, the water effect is ok, as an image. Most people won't pick it apart. Though, the problem is that there is no shadow from the ship on the water... for me, that's what fails to sell the image. The final shaded image presented above does look wonderful. It has a lot of weight and volume to it - so kudos for that. I believe that when you get the final skin on the model, it'll look much better. You may want to make it more of a matte finish, so it doesn't have the glossiness of a plastic model. Though, it really depends on the amount of detail in the skin... the average viewer (looking at it for only a few seconds) won't notice those kinds of things nor the small mistakes that are all to glarring to the artist.
  23. If I remember correctly, the SDF-1 was supposed to be the flagship of the Earth's fleet (defensive, or otherwise.) During the 10 years that it took to rebuild (and reengineer the technology contained therein,) a plethora of other equipment were developed and built - the 2 most visible are the VF-1 and the Destroids. During those 10 years, we do know from the timeline that: a) a reaction weapon is test detonated on the surface of the moon b) a base is built on the moon, and construction of the grand cannon on the moon begins c) a base on Mars is built, and soon after, abandoned d) space colonies (clusters) are built in Earth's orbit (the L3, or L4/5 points?) e) a small fleet of militarized ships are built (ARMD, and Space Destroyers. Also, the anti-grav Prometheus and Daedalus ships could be included here - but IMHO, they are more likely used only as heavy lift vehicles.) Therefore, there has been a lot of stuff that has gone on in the background of the main Macross storyline that we haven't seen, but has happened. The most applicable to this current discussion (based on the timeline facts above) is two seperate classes of ship: one for transport of supplies and colonists to both the moon and Mars (perhaps beyond, as well,) and exploration/science ships - these could be manned or unmanned. So... IMHO, the SDF-1 was rebuilt to a) see if it could be done, b) reengineer a lot of, or most of the surviving technology found aboard, and c) make the flagship of the Earth fleet. Other ships were fulfilling the rolls of transport, science, exploration, destroyer, and aircraft carrier roles.
  24. Falicy patrol: 1) the SDF-1 (at the time ASS-1) defolded at moon orbit, in 1999. Immediately it crash landed on the Earth, destroying lots of cities, and lowering Mt. Everest by at least a 100 m (or was it 1,000 m?) 2) There was evidence of weapons of war on the SDF-1. In fact, the forward 1/3 of the ship is one big gun. That says a lot about the nature of the aliens. 3) The UN Wars started AFTER the crash landing of the SDF-1. Presumably it is because 1 group wanted to be the leadership of the rest of the world, and other groups disputed their ideology, and contested their claims to power. Yes, the ship could have been drifting for a millenia. However, it is also possible that the teams sent to investigate the ship found stored data indicating otherwise. Maybe the found nothing. Maybe during transit from the moon's orbit to Earth, people monitored the ship moving and changing direction. Nevertheless, with a crash landed ship with the forward 1/3 of it being a single giant gun... it does make one think about the nature of the aliens out there. Which brings up the next point: 4) The eve before launching, the leadership of Earth basically ordered Captain Gloval to not fire first, attempt diplomacy and a peaceful first contact. 5) the Zentraedi were deliberately following the ship - registering it's defold from 10 light years away (in other words, 10 years after the ship arrived.) They came searching for it. Even if all the weapons were removed, the Zentraedi would still have done something to or about the ship - given the standard operating tactics of the Zentraedi, a peaceful resolution wouldn't have entered their minds. (Scortched earth tactics...) EDIT: forgot to add this: 6) the UN Wars were fought to keep control of the information and technology resulting from the crashed alien ship. The most obvious reason would be the ensuing panic and chaos resulting from any public release of information that there are giant aliens with stupifyingly powerful weapons folding around the galaxy. For that reason alone (preventing the end of life as we know it, and maintaining stability) is more than enough justification to keep it secret. (Something that the Anti-UN also complied to, it should be noted.)
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