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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. Actually, they're apostles. Angels is a miss translation, further confused by the missassumption, by the presumably weak English skills of those working for Gainax, that Angel is a better translation of 使徒. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_%28Neon...s_Evangelion%29 (Knowing that wikipedia isn't always 100% accurate, I ran 使徒 through a pair of online translators, AND a kanji dictionary. The result is 'apostle.')
  2. I agree. The jet-rocket hybrid engine of the VF-5000's super FAST pack* makes sense. It is reminiscent of the packs on the VF-1 AND the Ghost drone fighter used in the special 'angel' configuration of the VF-0. http://www.macrossrpg.com/docs/index.php/F...AST_Pack_System (Not to be confused with the Atmospheric Escape Ramjet Booster Pack that the VF-5000 also has. Scroll up from the one on the link provided.)
  3. Ah! Thanks MechaTech. I forgot that the Rabbit has legs - and they can mount VF-1 type conformal fuel tank FAST packs on them!
  4. Y'all might be interested in the FAST pack equipped RC-4E Rabbit that appears in one of the pages of one of the books on DYRL. It was mounting the VT-1 trainer packs. But that implies that it can mount any dorsal FAST packs mountable on the VF-1. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/dyrl/rc-4e.htm (doesn't have the FAST packs. Providing link so people know which vehicle I'm referring to.) Regarding the Ghost... a civilian, piloted version of them did appear in the Macross 7 Trash manga. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross7trash/qf3000.htm
  5. It's not a ship. It's a large-sized mecha. I believe it is called the Golg Gants Charts (going by http://macross.anime.net//mecha/index.html ) This website calls it the Heavy Figher: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/dyrl/heavyfighter.htm (there's an image of it.) This one (RPG stats, but it has multiple line-art views of the vessel) refers to it as a Golg Gants Charts (Heavy Attacker): http://unsd.macrossroleplay.org/zentraedi_golggants.html
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if, under close scrutiny, more references and anime 'in-jokes' will be spotted in DYRL. It was produced pre-digital age, and as the movie already has the beer-missiles...
  7. I've just started dabbling into creating 3D CG. I'm a graphic designer, and have spent years doing art, and using 2D software. So far, in my limited dabblings, the best (as in the easiest to understand without having to read the instructions) is Sketchup, by google. The nice thing is that there is a freeware version of it. Of course, no software is free of limitations, and IMHO, this software is best used for creating buildings and other structures. Give it a shot - it's free afterall. At the very least, you'll learn what you want and want to avoid in another software.
  8. First: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayonnaise#Co...cial_mayonnaise Secondly, It's hard to answer this question without the questioner having a background in modern Japanese culture and society. Some people in Japan do literally only eat mayonnaise and rice. These are generally less-financially well-off people (or the type *cough* hard-core otaku *cough* who spend their money on other things than food.) In a way, it is an interesting way to say 'starving artist.' Another way to look at it is akin to the 'instant noodle' diet of university and college students - sometimes they do it out of neccesity (flat broke,) other times, it's from lack of time to do proper meal preparation (shopping, cooking, and cleaning.) I hope you can get a rough idea of what it means... if worse comes to worse, search the internet for the Japanese guy who survived for a few days, lost on a mountain, eating only mayonnaise and snow.
  9. Yes, and no. Nisei can be applied to basically anyone, anywhere, who is the child of Japanese who emmigrated from Japan prior to WWII. It is generally referring to those who live in North and South America, and has no bearing on the non-Japanese culture that they have acquired. 二世 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisei See also Nisei Japanese Americans (the proper name of those being discussed herein): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisei_Japanese_American Regarding Marii Ijima being a star in Japan - only a few adults recognize her. In a way, its the same phenomenon as a group like "Wham!" You may know of them, you may have even heard a few of their old songs on the radio. However, they definitely aren't as big as at their peak. The same is true of Marii Ijima. It is sad that people disrespect singers in the way that has been highlighted in this thread. However, if Marii Ijima is happy and satisfied doing what she is doing, then all the power to her.
  10. update: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20060929a7.html
  11. Yes, it is from that book ("Shoji Kawamori's Macross Design Works.") Be aware that the Stampede VF-11 is little more than a rough sketch. It's even less definitive than what Kawamori includes in his designs.
  12. You'll be surprised at how much those otaku are carrying. Anime goods don't come cheap, after all. I think the news report stated that they made off with ï¿¥7,000 (or was it ï¿¥3,000?) Nevertheless, a pittance compared to the average person, who has between ï¿¥30,000 and 150,000 in their wallet. Yes, otaku, though they are easy marks, tend to have already spent their money... ... which leads me to the suspicion that it is other otaku doing it (why else do the mugging in a gang? Power in numbers?)
  13. It was reported on the news in Japan yesterday, that there is a group of young men mugging otaku in Akihabara. There have been 25 reported incidents so far this year. A reporter asked an 'otaku' in Akihabara what he does to prevent being attacked by this group, and he replied, "I don't wear otaku clothing anymore." (The wife joked that he still looked like a geek, but he does have a good point. A geek does not always equal a push-over otaku.) For those foreign (to Japan) members of MW who are planning a trip to Japan, and Akihabara in particular, in the near future, please be aware of this group. If they do (attempt to) mug you, head over to the local Koban. Also, don't give money to anyone in Japan who demands money after leading you to the place you wanted to go to after asking for directions. It'll only encourage them to get more aggressive. Pan handling is non-existant in Japan, and the only time in the past 4+ years that it has ever happened to me, is by another foreigner!!! (and they got an earful about how retardedly irresponsible they were.)
  14. Depending on the nature of the beam weapon, there may be some kind of explosive reaction at the point of impact. At the very least, it is the sudden expansion due to the intense heat applied. Physics aside (as anime physics is the most applicable kind here,) not all the energy weapons in Macross are lasers or laser based. A lot are called 'beam' weapons. Due to both anime physics and their mysterious beam nature, they provide some pretty noticeable explosive effects, and are visible as they take on properties normally associated with projectile weapons (slow moving, travel in arcs, etc..) I am by no means attempting to take away from your wonderfully accurate arguement, Mephistopheles. I merely wish to point out the variety of energy-based weapons in Macross. And kudos to JBO for correcting the cooling issue. Outside of a vehicle space is cold. Inside (and on the surface, if the surface is in the light of the star,) it can be anything but cool. As we are discussing an internally mounted laser generator, I see the cooling issue as a problem with moving a volume of heat from the generator to the heat sinks. This problem is equally applicable in space as it is in an atmosphere.
  15. sketchley


    Mr March, your post snuck in while I was making my post! Good points!
  16. sketchley


    With non-transforming mecha, it is possible to get a closer approximation, but there are still some distortions going on. As Masamune Shirow said when he was talking about 3D design, in his "Intron Depot: Bullets" pg. 20. "I couldn't fall back on the little "lies" possible with traditional animation, (...)." As a fellow artist, I understand that as the distortions, exagerations, and 'fixes' an artist does to make a design (or picture) look that much better (or cooler.) So, yes, the line-art of the Regult does, despite its apparent simplicity, contain 'visual lies.'
  17. Disappointing... though, in a way, it is wise of them to make designs removed from the original - saves themselves from a few lawsuits. It is quite disappointing that the creators have a limited imagination and can only raid other well-known mecha series for robot 'parts'. Look beyond the anime, young grasshoppers. Look to reality.
  18. I think you're misunderstanding the power of thrust vs. the power of electricity. Both are power, but they are derived differently, and in a VF, the power of thrust would be easier to create. Though, a jet turbine engine usually creates power by attaching a generator to the main shaft that the spinning blades rotate around (like a helicopter,) so there really isn't an excuse of a lack of power - as long as the engines are running. One opinion that was raised elsewhere was that the laser weapons use capacitors (like the flash in a camera.) Though, if the laser is fired in limited bursts, again, this shouldn't be a limitation. Thus, aside from the 'old habits die hard' arguement, it is entirely plausible that the bullets in the gun pod pack a lot more punch than any laser shot. In fact, it's arguable that beam weapons in Macross don't really reach comparible levels of damage until the VF-19/VF-22 - though those two VFs still rely on the gun pod as the main weapon. This can be explained away as the gun pod being a different, external system, that will not be inhibited if the VF takes damage that interrupts its systems - relyability = good on the battlefield. Of course there is also the VF-17 - but as that is a space fighter, and beam weapons having a greater accuracy over distance, as well as a faster travel time - it's being equipped with beam weapons can be easily explanned away due to the very nature of the VF-17. I want to add this too: the VF-4 originally was armed with only beam weapons. However, it was also originally employed as a (space) interceptor - meaning that accuracy and fast weapon travel time over great distance is more important than the relatively weaker amount of damage delivered. This line of reasoning is supported, as in later variations - Macross Digital Missions VF-X - the VF-4 is given a gun pod for combat that is more, ahem, up close and personal.
  19. sketchley


    I agree - a lot of work was put into the model. It's a shame that the designer couldn't (either through software, or skill,) get something a little closer to the original. Nevertheless, the work is still stunning, and the first image of the 3 is relatively accurate.
  20. To be honest, I have nothing against the Palladium rules. Mind you, I use a stripped and gutted version of them. In other words: use whatever you want, and chuck whatever gets in the way of your enjoyment. (Of course, as a GM, it's handy to have all those clunky rules around, if the players start making too much trouble. :evil: ) My big gripe with them, though, is in the later supplements, they began adding stuff. Sure, the uprisings, EBSIS, and stuff were cool and interesting new facets, but the new equipment, especially mecha? Puh-leaze! Get some artists who at least understand mechanics!
  21. Agreed! The only real que we have to take, in regards to Macross, is to look at the Japanese Marine Self-Defense Force, and the vessels called 'destroyer' in their fleet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Maritim...rce#JMSDF_Fleet It should be mentioned that due to Article 9 in the Japanese Constitution, they are only allowed to have weapons of war that are defensive in nature. However, don't be fooled by that, as the Japanese have some of the largest destroyers on Earth, and some of them would be classified as different (heavier?) classes of ships in different navies. Thus, adding some weight to the political element in the naming of ships destroyer or otherwise.
  22. I always thought that the lens of the weapon could be moved so as to fire the beam along different angles (say a 30 degree angle off of the straight line from the weapon.) Anyhow, it's another one of those weapons on the Y/VF-19 that isn't seen being fired...
  23. The pilot doesn't have gloves!!!
  24. Easy way to clear this up: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=ja&lr=&...on&ct=title Personally, I like the first definition. However, my understanding of the ship in question is that it fulls both the rolls of gunship AND escort, when needed. Let's be honest, there are times the Zentraedi won't be able to use the main gun of the ship, and will need it to defend (the escort role) capital ships in the fleet that are bigger.
  25. Nied, I think you hit the nail on the head here. Going back to the original master film and upgrading it to HD is pretty simple. '60's era composite shots...? So, we're getting a renewed lease on life, upgradeable to the HD era, and promotion for the next movie. Damn, wish it was available here in Japan. I would like to see this series once more.
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