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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. Fits with the motif of the Anti-UN in Macross Zero... We know the size of the SV-51, right? There is a scene with them being launched from the sub. It'll require a lot of measuring, but it shouldn't be too much work to figure out the size of the sub. The 2nd picture above as the panel lines for the doors that cover the launch tubes, and they can be used to give an approximate length of the forward fins, which can be used to measure the total length in the bridge image a few posts back.
  2. At worst, the social internet will break into languistic groups, accessible only by users of that language*, but the financial and commercial internet will remain as strongly connected as ever. No worries. * Ex: www.macrossworld.com and all of the other internet addresses are currently written in Roman letters. There is talk, and the potential of non-Roman letters being used. So this website could become www。マクロス地çƒã€‚コãƒ
  3. In my experiences with message boards, generally the stuff that is agreed to isn't mention. It is only the stuff that is disputed or disagreed to that is commented on. Call it tacit agreement. (Though by accepting tacit agreement for the components on the Asuka II, one must also accept the presence of the gravity control system.)
  4. Sevkety Erhat, try VF-X2. It is better. SpaceAce, I've heard that some of the older titles for the PS1 and PS2 will be made available for free on the PS network that the PS3 can access. I may be misreading the news, but you may want to look into this before paying any money. Here in Japan PS1 games have virtually disappeared from used shops, and the area devoted to the PS2 has also dwindled. Read what you will into that.
  5. If he is a 'smart' business man, he'd have set it up so that he (his personal finances) and the company are legally seperate. It's done to protect him from any financial loses from the company. But in this case, it adds a layer of insulation around HG. T.T
  6. That's 'cuz neither are the one that appears in the anime. Both are rough designs that were rejected. This is what appeared (curtousy of http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross.htm):
  7. I think it's in one of the first few episodes... somewhere between the 2nd and 6th. Then again, I could be wrong...
  8. The 'feet' of the Battle 7 slip inside of the connector joint between it and City 7. Doraemon's dimensional pocket may also be used too.
  9. Yeah... perhaps branching out this topic tangent would be good... Agreed that Macross is awfully confusing. Using non-standard Japanese adds to the mess. Thanks for the links, Mr. Loo. I've added them to my favorites. I have been using http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ http://www.alc.co.jp/ Sanseido's Daily Concise English Dictionary Tuttle's "The Learner's Kanji Dictionary" (My real powerhouse kanji dictionary is residing on the opposite side of the Pacific ocean, with it's English/Chinese 2x/Korean/Japanese translations of Kanji. >.< ) Sharp Genius PW-6500 Funny about Kawamori-san and the VF-4 stat... ガ。 Agreed that Invision isn't Japanese-text friendly. It occasionally mangles some of the characters input via my J-WIN PC. T.T EDIT: I forgot to add the 言語ãƒãƒ¼ and ルビ that come standard with J-Win, and J-Word, respectively. The 手書ã in the 言語ãƒãƒ¼ is invaluable at times.
  10. One must have a thick skin when dealing with internet based Macross fan communities... Me thinks it has something to do with the "we're not talking face to face, so I can get away with saying stuff that would ordinarily get a punch in the face" factor. There's also the "can't walk away from it" factor too, as when one returns, whatever it is, is still there, ripping open the fresh wounds once more. Ah well...
  11. Eugimon, I think so too. He does have a point about the Zentraedi ships being used up, but then the question must be asked: why not scrap the entire ship and build new ones? They have a factory satellite, and all they have to do is feed it the materials needed, as the plans are already made. Why go to all the extra labour to carve out the back ends, design an entirely new ship, and attach four worn-out ships to it?
  12. Re: the VF-4, 11, and 5000 It may be so, but the way that the stats are written, it appears to be contradictory. I humbly suggest amending the write-ups to stem off further confusion. Re: Inspection Army vs. Supervision Army http://www.google.com/search?q=++inspectio...earch=anime.net (Yes, agreed that one instance isn’t much… kudos for catching all of the other instances.) Interesting that Toshimichi Suzuki chose to emphasize a non-standard translation of the kanji used: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...140&st=1567 If it’s as the creators choose, then who are we to debate their choices. Re: Gravity Control vs. Anti-Gravity Agreed. I was (and may continue to) using the term as anti-gravity is more self-explanatory than gravity control. There was a conscious choice to use dissimilar words from those in a quote earlier in this thread from a fan sub (“controlling gravityâ€) as well. Re: VF-4 Conformally Mounted Missiles One of the frustrations I have had with the Macross Compendium is its lack of documentation of the sources for individual stats. Thank you Mr. Loo for providing it in this case – it is much appreciated. Do you mean this line on page 67 of “TIA: Macross Plusâ€: “ã“ã®ä»–本機ã®ç‰¹å¾®ã¨ã—ã¦ã¯ã€åŠåŸ‹ã‚è¾¼ã¿å¼ã®é•·å°„程ミセイルを6発æ­è¼‰ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã’られるâ€? Thank you for mentioning that you are open to considering it to be a typo, as in the same Variable Fighter’s Aero Report on Pg 57, there is an error (the chart lists one set of MK-82LDGB as mountable on position B, (where only the NP-FB-01 FAST pack is mountable,) while leaving hardpoint 1 blank.) Please refer to the attached image. It is from page 67 of “Shoji Kawamori’s Macross Design Works.†The exact same line art can also be found on pages 54 and 55 of “Best Hit Series: Macross Flashback 2012â€. The notes in the red circles are “åŠæ²¡å¼ãƒŸã‚»ã‚¤ãƒ«â€. Which can be translated as either, Semi-Sinking (recessed?) Type Missile, or Half Death Type Missile. Given what it is pointing at in the line art, my interpretation is that they are the conformally mounted (semi-recessed) missiles. At minimum, the line art directly points out 4 missiles (red). Extrapolated to 8 (red & pink), and 12 (red, pink, & blue) if all of the things that are exactly the same are included. The lineart does not correspond with 6, as per the “TIA: Macross Plus†book. Re: Translations of “Macross Special Preview: DYRL?†The translations were via a Japanese native speaker, and I was in a rush to do them, and failed to double check (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as the native speaker translator is my wife…) As penance, the correct translations are: ä¸»ç ²ï¼šãƒã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒŽãƒ³ = main armament: buster cannon 上昇用サブリアクションエンジン:é‡åŠ›åˆ¶å¾¡ã‚·ã‚¹ãƒ†ãƒ  = Sub-reaction engine for rise: Gravity control system è»äº‹ãƒ–ロック = Military Block メインå応炉 = the Main Reactor 食糧生産ブロック = Food Production Block ç¹è¯è¡— = Downtown メインリアクションエンジン = the Main Reaction Engine The various dictionaries referenced all resulted in downtown, and not business district. Nevertheless, it may be semantics. I’d also like to take the time here to remind everyone that Japanese/Asian cities differ from North American ones, in that zoning is not always residential or commercial only; mixed use being common. This can be seen in SDF:M with Minmei’s family living above their restaurant. Something very common in Asia, but virtually non-existant in the downtowns and business districts of my native country. Thank you Mr. Loo for dropping by and adding your input. It is always welcome.
  13. Zinjo, as always, you make me chuckle. Please, don't read what you think I am trying to say, but what I am actually saying. Did I once claim that Macross DVDs were still being published in Japan? NO. Are new Macross DVDs still available for purchase at stores? YES. I, and I am sure that other members of this community have seen them in their forays to the shopping districts of Japan. Do you want a list of shops and titles? As one can be provided. Agreed that purchasing used products probably doesn't (I am unfamiliar with those laws here in Japan,) put money directly in the hands of the producers of Macross. However, it DOES tell stores that people are buying Macross products. They, in turn, request more product from distributers, who in turn request more product from the producers of Macross; which significantly increases the chance of both reprints AND sequels. It's simple market economics. Yes, buying merchandise is all well and good, and it tells manufacturers, distributors and retailers that there is a demand for merchandise. However, it only proves that there is a demand for merchandise, and not the anime that the merchandise is a derivative of. Anyhow, I think all of you who want to buy bootlegs are silly. Haven't you heard of Torrents? The last I checked, ALL of the Macross anime, manga, and games* released to date are available - for free, and with subtitles or English translations. Why pay money to criminals**, when you can get it for free from other criminals? *PS1 generation and later. I'm not sure about preceeding games. ** Who invariably provide flawed, or just plain wrong subtitles and translations
  14. (sigh) Thanks Eugimon. Grebu, to clarify, I meant real world research, not research of other anime, and manga. Yes, they are good inspiration, but take both Kawamori and Shirow as examples: the former researches real-world aircraft, and the research of insects is very apparent in the work of the later. Both of their research, and subsequent application, has lead to new, and interesting designs - and that is exactly what is needed in the overgrown toe-nail of repeatedness in the manga and anime industry, if one wishes to be successful; or at least noticed. Also, when artists learn about illustrating the human body (and doing humanoid mecha is an extension of that,) they learn about the inner workings of the human body. No, not at the level of a doctor, but still at a level to know what is underneath the flesh and hair, and how the body moves. So research at some leveLA, and observation of ones surroundings are part and parcel with being an artist, and a designer. At the very least, it allows ones audience to more easily suspend their disbelief. Regarding making things simple: if one has to draw an object many, many times (as animators, and manga artists must,) one tends to choose the simpler design over the complicated one. That is where I am coming from when I say 'economy of line'. Even in DYRL, economy of line is apparent. The animators still used the same, simple, blocky VF shape design from the series; they simply embellished it. Apologies if my comments offend you, as the intent is only to assist you, and others reading this thread. Ignore my advice and criticism if you need to, but please keep in mind that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. As for 'coolness factor', that is all in the eye of the beholder. Please refer to that thread for other people's comments on it, in non-upset frames of mind.
  15. Lynx, ALL of the tanks in the 2nd manga series are Bonaparte types. Knight, the ball-wheeled tanks in the first OVA series are based off of the ball-wheeled tanks in the first manga. I haven't seen any lineart on either series (not that I have been looking...) but I recommend the first manga series, as there are ball-wheeled tanks in it. Not to mention that the art from the manga is more readily accessible.
  16. Just to clarify, are you requesting pictures from the first manga series, or the first or second OVA series? If I'm not mistaken, they all had different main battle tanks in them.
  17. *cough* fourth language *cough* I'm not saying that at all. I am saying that I have no sympathy and there is no excuse. There are translated scripts, and even subtitle files with time tracking built into them available. There is even one that I am aware of being made available by a member of this forum for DYRL. There are ways to watch non-region compatible DVDs. As I am not an expert in it, I cannot elaborate. But yes, expensive hobby and tastes us Macross fans have, and there are unavoidable costs when it comes to imports.
  18. Weren't the VF-19F and S designed for space use only? In both VF-X and VF-X2, a VF-19A exists, that looks similar to the YF-19. I say similar, because the YF-19 is a test bed with a lot of extra bells and whistles. Some of them made it into the finished product, but a few of them didn't.
  19. The bow feels... off somehow. I can't describe it exactly, but it doesn't look quite right. Agreed on the Compendium stuff. As I have stated earlier (or elsewhere,) the compendium is mostly correct, but it does have errors and inconsistencies. If you want, here are some examples off of the top of my head: Wrong number of conformally mounted missiles for the VF-4 (claims 6, when there is really 12.) VF-4, VF-11 and VF-5000 contradict each other re: when which was the main fighter of the UNS. Inconsistant use of Supervision Army and Inspection Army, when they are one and the same. True, not large errors, but as a site dedicated to the small details...
  20. It doesn't work. At least the stretching-the-limits-of-plausibilty original packs have a more accurate location on the transformed VF-19. Yes, they look like they make the thing top heavy, and it'll fall over. But as those packs are transatmospheric and contain a scramjet, they aren't 100% dead weight...
  21. I agree that it is an interesting extrapolation. However, Macross II is neither original, nor realistic in it's extrapolation. Flashback 2012 has (recycled) Zentraedi ships as the escorts of the Megaroad; even Macross 7 has a couple of Zentraedi flagships still acting in colony fleet escort duty. Macross II fails to impress me with it's logic that after 70 years, the 'recycled' Zentraedi ships are still being used, with little apparent upgrading to the tech advancements apparent in both the VFs and the other capital ships used by the UNS. IMHO, Macross 7 portrays things better, with the switch from big, slow, unstealthy capital ships, to small, manueverable, stealth ships. A much more realistic development, given the current trends in the war machines of the real Earth. I do agree that turning the crashed Zentraedi ships into cities on the surface of Earth is interesting, but the whole premise of Macross II ignores the end of the SDF:M and the developments in Flashback 2012 - that being the human emmigration project. EDIT: forgot to mention the recycling of the Gluag design into a variable fighter in Macross Plus: Game Edition, and Macross M3.
  22. Rationalize it all you want, you are still not putting money in the hands of the people who make Macross. Being a fan of a foreign entertainment sucks at time. Bite the bullet boys. I've been studying Japanese since 1992, and buying domestic releases of the Macross series that I like, so I have no sympathy for you. Also, there are used shops too, and I have found all manner of Macross DVDs in them. Again, no excuse.
  23. Isn't that the standard gunpod for all VF-5000???
  24. Tired, and macho. It was his riding out into the sunset.
  25. The sad fact is that Robotech is not Macross, despite the name, and the use of the animation. IMHO, the fault lies totally with HG, as who are Palladium going to ask for clarifications with some of the details? The people at HG. And what are they going to say? The same stuff that was published previously, and more of it.
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