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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. Agreed. The three books introduced me to anime in general (the last section of the books.) Yes, they are definitely dated now, but they do give a good time-capsule-esque view into the state of 'Japanimation', and the English/North American perception of it in the era of their publishing. In a way, they are of much higher quality than the TIA: SDFM 3-series of books - sure, they don't have as much lineart or production work, but they do have a lot of glossy colour images.
  2. Roger has not stated nor made the claim that HG is the copyright holders. He has stated that HG is the legitimate license holder in the United States. The actual Japanese owners of the copyright of the material believe so too. If the Japanese owners believe it, then who are we to argue about the right of licensing the material in the United States? In addition, I would not be suprised if Roger spent more than $5,000 USD to go and get the material. And that's not even including translation and negotiation time!
  3. Now who is being the anus? Bullet 1: See Roger's post above. By having the legitimate license holder publish the images, the owners of the material will get money, along with Roger, the legitimate license holders, and whomever they involve in the project. I have a question: did Imai work on Macross? Macross is the only property that is in a legal gray zone regarding licensing. Superdimension Century Southern Cross, and Genesis Climber Mospeada are seperate. From the links provided, I am of the understanding that the material in question has to do with Mospeada, not Macross. Bullet 2 & 3: You're entitled to your opinions. I find it both amusing (in a facinating way) and worrisome (in a 'are you insane' way) that a post stating that your arguement is confusing from multiple perspectives means those opinions. Can I use your posts as an example of the strawman arguement elsewhere? Bullet 4: see response to bullet 1
  4. Danth - you're arguement makes no sense; and that's from legal, moral, and as a fellow fan, standpoints.
  5. And yes, I agree with Roger: not only has he gone out of his way to acquire the materials, and to have the materials professionally translated into English*, he has made agreements with the owners of the materials to not give the material away for free (at financial loss to the owners, as the interest expressed in this thread for the material is proving.) * How many times have you non-Japanese fluent Macross fans been left scratching your heads at the Japanese text that accompanies lineart; let alone the, at times, contradictory fan translated text that accompanies lineart, and subtitled anime?
  6. SaveRobotech - you may live in Japan, out of HG's reach, BUT you live in JAPAN, in reach of the true and rightful owners. As you appear to be unaware, it is illegal, in Japanese law, to use any part of a copyrighted work without the owner's consent. Here's the law, in English: http://www.cric.or.jp/cric_e/clj/clj.html
  7. Please keep in mind that Wallace and Grommit have a similar stature in Japan, as anime does in your country, (cool foreign (claymation?) animation,) and that it brings in money for Studio Ghibli to continue producing the excellent productions that it does. Amongst my kindergarten age students (here in Japan,) Thomas (the train) is their most favourite show. However, Fuji TV has got the licence for that...
  8. This is an old topic that the originator of it in this thread refuses to let go of: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry462200
  9. Don't you have to get tickets something like a month in advance to go to the museum? The wife and I had wanted to go to the museum during our trip to Tokyo last month, but couldn't because of that. http://www.ghibli-museum.jp/
  10. Something along the lines of: Daedalus portside (left side) cut-away model *Monster omitted
  11. I agree. Perfect Memory is, well, perfect! After that comes: Shoji Kawamori Macross Design Works TIAS: Macross Plus Macross 7 Animation Materials Macross VF-X2 Official Visual Guide Honorable Mentions are: Kazutaka Miyatake Design Works: Macross & Orguss TIA: DYRL Tenjin Hidetaka Valkyries Macross Plus: Game Edition
  12. Macross 7 = 12 year old TV series. SDF:M = 25 year old TV series. Not only is Macross 7 newer, it's also more relevant - as in the social themes, circumstances and so on mentioned, explored, and hinted at in the series. And for all of those frettng about SDF:M - it WAS rebroadcast, sometime in 1992, if I'm not mistaken. Macross 7 isn't treading on new territory at all here, what with being rebroadcast et al.
  13. Play-by-post Macross RPGing is a kind of fanfic writing (call it group writing, if you will). See my signature for an example game/squadron, on a website with a number of ongoing "fanfic" writing in the Macross universe.
  14. Look for the VF-5 in those searches.
  15. I think a more relevant question would have been: how many countries are deploying, or are developing 5th generation jet fighters? As for the 6th generation... I fear it'll be pilotless...
  16. It's as easy as heading to a Mandarake in Japan. The last I checked, both the Umeda, and Nanba stores had copies. To be honest, the rare books are the Gold Book, and the Macross 7 Animation Materials book (snapped that up the one time I saw it. Haven't seen the gold one.) The prices are moderate - as in most are between 100 and 150% of cover price.
  17. Remember reading about it about a decade ago in Popular Mechanics. A search on the web didn't result in anything of concequence other than blurry eyes.
  18. I am wondering if, and when we will see the return of the 1940's era visual stealth they had implemented on the bombers of the time. You know, the spotlights aimed on the front of the aircraft that matched the wavelength of the light of the sky? Worked at the time, but was rendered moot with the advent of radar.
  19. Thanks. Here in Japan, there are a plethora of "largish" bugs, but hayfever is such a problem, that it actually creates an economic impact (and local governments talking about axing a few pine trees within city limits.) So yeah, one of those hidden in plain sight thingies...
  20. Going by (translated) canon literature, nothing other than the VF-0, VF-1, and VA-3 are directly stated as having, or not having, wing mounted ordinance. However, the creators themselves have stated that if something isn't said, either for or against, it means that it is open to possibility. That said, there is artwork that implies wing mounted ordinance: TIAS: Macross Plus - the cover has only the YF-19 and YF-22, and are surrounded by a small arsenal of weapons. Most are externally carried munitions. Some things to consider: Since DYRL (aside from Macross Zero), VF munitions have been carried inside of something; either a FAST pack, an internal launcher, a weapons pallet (bay), or an armoured box on the wing. The armoured box on the wing (the UUM-7) has disappeared with the steady increases in the amount of missiles that can be carried internally (FAST pack, internal launcher, and/or weapons pallet.) VFs reflect reality. Since the advent of stealth, real war planes have opted for internally carried munitions, and have done away with externally carried munitions. The same has held true with the VFs of Macross. Therefore, IMHO, the VFs are like the *new* VF-22 Raptor, in that they *can* carry wing mounted munitions in exceptional circumstances, but generally do not, as it reduces or limits their performance (stealth, or otherwise.) But yeah, it's your choice too, as the creators of Macross have left it open and ambiguous.
  21. Because, Aegis!, they're testing the waters with "Engage Planet Kissdam" - which itself is currently undergoing the publicity cycle. I wouldn't expect any news on the new Macross series until at least the selection process of the vocal talent for the series has been selected. Look for some news in the summer months. As for "American Idol"-esque shows - they are not popular here in Japan. Currently there is a manzai boom, but it is dissimilar to the concept of "American Idol" at best. I have no fear that the new Macross series will be anything like it. In addition, the good name of Macross means: singing, the Itano Circus, love triangles, and an anti-war message. As it is, the production crew of the new Macross series will have their hands full juggling those elements in a new script!
  22. I think everyone's got it: external (bacteria, insects, etc., from the environment) and internal (bacteria, food, etc. from inside the body.) If you have the time, energy, and means, I recommend watching CSI (Las Vegas.) They have some excellent information on the decomposition cycle sprinkled throughout the episodes. Some additional environmental factors to keep in mind (along similar lines to what justvinnie stated): - weather (humid, moist conditions will spead up decomposition, whereas dry, cold conditions will slow it down.) - soil/environment (could include dust particulates in the air) - high saline content material, especial in dry (and possibly cold) conditions, will suck the moisture from the body, preventing decomposition. - naturally occuring preservatives (usually, but not limited to, bogs, and similar bodies of water) will preserve bodies (see Bog-men and there was a mummy in China preserved in a similar manner.) Here's a short primer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy#Mummies...r_civilizations suggest reading on the section linked, and the next section (naturally occuring mummies.) Quick question: the engineered plants on the artificially created planet - how do they pollinate each other without insects?
  23. The glass is frosted... The alarming thing is that there is a baby's bib on the clothesline!
  24. Personally, I don't find the image offensive. Mind you, I am in the process of adopting the Japanese mentality when it comes to the human body (nudity) and sexuality. Let's just say that it's quite the opposite of the conservatism, shame of one's body, and subsequent obsession of sexuality as shown in Christian societies. The picture is art, and though I don't particularly favour the style used, I can appreciate the thought and craftsmanship in the work. The text on the work is also amusing: 生ãã¦ã„ã¦ã‚‚æ„味ãŒãªã„ The complaint I DO have about the picture is that the artist, model, or whoever didn't bother putting away (or at least hiding) the laundry! That reduces the presentation significantly.
  25. Yes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urotsukidoji#Legacy (see the 2nd paragraph.) I should revise my original post from "more than 5 years" to "about a decade" in light of what's written there, and pending how much stock the reader places in the information on wikipedia. Tokyo Anime Fair's theme is Macross? Confirmation please! If it is, it's a MAJOR score.
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