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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. Specifically, no. Indirectly... they travelled to the center of the galaxy and this happened: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/OTother/MinmeiLastMessage.php
  2. I'm with Seto Kaiba on this one. We also got to see a "what happened to ...?" story with Max and Miria. And we all know how that turned out (Macross 7). Not to mention the story changes necessitated by the modern age. Mikimoto-san started to dabble with that in Macross the First with the introduction of smart phones... but never got around to addressing how that affected things like Ichijo sneaking out to use a pay phone to call Minmei, or that robot Polaroid camera that invokes much needed humour.
  3. I get what you're trying to say in a general sense (in that the arms/shoulders are on a swing-bar), but I disagree that it is closely modelled on the VF-9. In short: wings: VF-9 wrap around to form the torso. Sv-262: hanging off the back legs/engine nacelles: VF-9 under the fuselage. Sv-262 on the sides (forming the wing roots/part of the lifting body) arms: VF-9 has them folded up in-line under the fuselage (between the engine nacelles). Sv-262: folded up 3/4 in-line, 1/4 in parallel, above and below the central fuselage (between the engine nacelles). In addition: while the components of the right arm remain straight in Fighter, the left forearm folds in-half above and below the fuselage centre line (while shoulders are on opposite ends on the VF-9 [fist to fist], on the Sv-262 it's essentially the opposite [shoulders to shoulder]). nose: becomes the groin in the VF-9. Becomes the head turret in the Sv-262. engine intakes: become the upper legs in the VF-9. Become the chest in the Sv-262. There are other differences, too (and I'm sure one could rewrite what I described more accurately, too). Nevertheless, while the transformation mechanism shares some common characteristics, they are fundamentally different.
  4. That's exactly what happened to mine! I tried the fix that Pengbuzz recommended above years ago when it happened. It more or less works. The trouble was fishing the pegs out from inside the torso (I think I ended up just pushing them out, and they're somewhere in the torso still! )
  5. I had something similar happen to mine... with the shoulders. >.< The plastic in these kits hasn't aged well...
  6. Yes, you are correct! It really depends on the glue. For example, your advice pertains to gel or jelly like glue. Super glue (and other "instant" type cynoacrylates) require a lot of ventilation (and can never be used on clear parts). So, I'll clarify about the glue I'm referring to: liquid modelling cement* for polystyrene plastics. * Like the Tamiya Cement bottles in the "Gluing parts" section here: https://www.tamiya.com/english/scale/beginner2/1.htm There's another good way to check where you need to apply glue to both surfaces: dry fitting the parts together to check for gaps in the seams. Of course, dry fitting isn't recommended for unmodified snap-together kits (E.g. most Gundam kits), but it's fairly easy to snip off the tabs, etc. and turn one of those into a kit that needs to be glued. As for beauty aisle products... I'm glad I live near a Daiso, as they have a range of high quality products for a low price. Nevertheless, I've found things like (eyelash) tweezers and cotton ear buds great for placing stickers & decals (among other things), cotton makeup squares for cleaning the excess liquid from washes off (cotton buds with a bit of water for the fine details and weathering once the wash dries), and clear nail polish for adding volume to ball joints that have become loose (I haven't found a regular use for nail polish remover, but I'm sure a fellow MWer can recommend something. ) Speaking of placing stickers... another tip from a Japanese modelling magazine: dip the sticker in water, and use that little bit of beaded water it picks up to let you finely place the sticker on the kit. Then carefully roll a cotton earbud (or toothpick) over it to squeeze out any remaining water to permanently set the sticker.
  7. Speaking of painting... it's like 90% prep work. One trick I picked up from Japanese modelling magazines is putting your modelling glue on both surfaces to be glued, then squeezing the parts together hard enough that some of the melted plastic starts to get squeezed out of the gap between the parts—thereupon you hold for the requisite 30 seconds (or whatever the directions say) and leave it to dry. That technique has eliminated something like 90% of the gaps in the seam lines I normally get. And I think everyone here will agree that it is much easier to remove things from a kit (like that newly formed seam-line flash) then it is to add things back on (like putty filler, etc.) When it comes to sanding... one thing fellow MWers taught me was to use things from the beauty aisle. For sanding, the stick-like fingernail files/polishers are a godsend. Not only are they cheap, they're also very easy to use, and come in some really fine grits for getting a near-perfect surface to your kits. The blush brushes are also really good for removing dust (especially from all the nooks and crannies) pre-painting.
  8. I know you're joking, but... That fiber optic kit is combining a pair of skill sets that need to be developed over time: modelling, and electronics. I've seen some MWers with mindbogglingly great modelling skills humbled by—what is for some—simple wiring/soldering (and vice-versa). Nevertheless, some art tips that are also applicable to modelling: learn to hide your mistakes—everyone makes mistakes, however, good artists know how to make them look deliberate (or present things in ways that don't draw attention to the mistakes) the 70/30 rule: spend 70% of your time on the 30% that people are going to focus on (as modellers tend to be perfectionists, this is probably the harder tip ) So, yes, it probably doesn't matter what you start working on, however, some kits are infinitely easier (and cheaper!) than others. I recommend the Gundam kits: they're relatively cheap, are molded in the mecha's primary colours, and require a minimum of panel lining and decals/stickers. How far you want to take it from there (spot paints and trimming the antenna to scratch-built limbs and full resprays) is up to you.
  9. There's no better way to start then to dive right in. That said, some advice: start on something you can afford to lose if you mess up limit your ambitions on your first few kits—for example adding only a few highlights in paint here or there, and the panel lining. Here's an example of what I'm talking about with the #07 SDF/C-108 Macross Elysion Fortress Mode. All I've added are ① red and metallic grey paint on 6 small areas, ② a black wash (basically thinned watercolours) to bring out the panel lines and add a bit of weathering, and ③ stickers that came with the kit. The result is nothing compared to the more skilled people in MW, but I am nonetheless impressed by how much so little adds: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/43375-bandai-macross-δ-mecha-collection-small-scale-plastic-model-kits/page/9/?tab=comments#comment-1317744
  10. Currently, it's a non-story on places like Yahoo News and the Yomiuri Newspaper. Right now, the biggest story is whether or not schools in the Tokyo area will remain closed until May, or reopen in April (about a week from now) as currently slated. The situation in Tokyo is... well, the outbreak is still containable, but it has a very strong possibility of an explosive increase in cases—there's been an increase of another 78 cases in the past 24 hours*. Total 521. About half of that is from the past 4–7 days. * https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/topics/20200129-OYT8T50025/
  11. The craziest shot that they removed was C3P0 removing a "danger! Wampa" warning sign from one of the doors during the Imperial invasion! I think you can see that shot in one of the trailers for the initial release.
  12. I can't speak for the situation outside of Japan, but the website appears to put the main reason on the severe reduction of international flights—which is most likely the main reason why some of us non-Japan based MW members are experiencing delays in getting their packages. I'd also hazard a guess that Japan Posts' storage depots for outbound mail are at, or near capacity. And due to the complexity of keeping staff at all postal outlets up-to-date on which countries are currently accepting/not accepting mail and estimating how long it will take to be delivered, it's just simpler to pause all international deliveries.
  13. Yes! That sums up why it feels so odd to me. I like the idea of a "pinging" satellite. However... the whole satellite thing is odd. This makes much more sense to me. For starters, it's where first contact (not necessarily with living beings) happened with the fall of the SDF. In addition, any buoys moored there to mark the spot would be more or less fixed (though, it might be better to place a plaque on the seafloor, like the plaques for the Titanic).
  14. The problem is that satellites are in orbit. So, unlike a buoy, they'd be constantly moving. Nevermind that satellites are inherently fragile, and any old passing micrometeorite has a good chance of knocking it out of its orbit, or destroying it outright. It wouldn't feel so wrong to me if it were a commemorative plaque on the ruined hull. However, the Macross Cannon made sure there wasn't any of that left. (^_-) I'm basing it on "Commemorative plaque" being the first usable definition my dictionary pops up (the alternative is "stone monument", which doesn't work in the context at all). The more wordy alternative I considered is "satellite with commemorative plaque", but that's not what the Japanese states. "Satellite Monument" doesn't work because it's changing the noun (in Japanese) into an adjective (in English), and can be misread as "a monument for satellites". Based on Weblio*, "Memorial Satellite" is another possibility. However, that changes the emphasis from "commemorating first contact" to "memorializing the victims of first contact". * https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=記念碑
  15. As I've recently mentioned in MW, I'm currently poking around in and translating parts of (the dojinshi group) Taiyou-teikoku's "Ships of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Zentrādi Ships". While most of the stuff is logical or thought provoking extrapolations (E.g. turning the Kirutora Keruēru into the predecessor to MF's Environment Ships), the following highlighted part in the caption for the Picket Ship has me scratching my head: Does a commemorative satellite strike anyone else as odd? (The Japanese original is: 記念碑の人工衛星)
  16. No worries. I couldn't be bothered to look up the correct spelling is all. ... and the pronunciation of Jan is definitely closer to the original Japanese than Jang is (in my brand of English, Jan [no g] has the regular short vowel sound, but Jang changes it into a long vowel sound.) Intriguing. All are possibilities. The only problem, however, with the VF-14 Spiritia Dreaming type is that it was written somewhere (Macross Chronicle?) that it was a local or unit specific modification of the VF-14 Vampire by the Blue Rhino (is that the right name? can't be bothered to look it up) squad that we saw in that M7+ episode. I'm not saying that the hypothesis is wrong—Kawamori-san is known to change his opinions, and publications aren't infallible.
  17. Re: the mystery jet behind Jang at New Edwards: Hmmm... thanks to the hi-res screen grab on Mr March's site, it looks like a modified (or enhanced) VF-4. It's missing a bunch of control surfaces (canards, lower tails, etc), and doesn't have the semi-conformal missiles or beam cannons, but the engine nacelles/arms/shoulder blocks match up, and the inward cant of the vertical stabilizers is spot on. The kicker is the paired upper and lower auxiliary intakes in the inner portion of the wing (between the nose and engine nacelles): we've only seen that on the VF-4. Does this settle it one way or another? No. Just my personal opinion has shifted from "oh, that's the VF-14" to "oh, that's a stealth enhanced VF-4".
  18. I should refine what I stated. I don't mean "bad" as in wicked or evil. I mean it more in the sense of inept (or lack of skill, or awareness, or ability to read the force, or whatever). Of course, as we're talking about Jedi, that ineptness is harder to spot as the bar is set much, much higher than a normal person, as the Jedi are, for all intents and purposes, super heroes. Part of the assertion comes from who trained him, and who he forced others to train (you could also throw in things like how he was defeated, etc., too). Nevertheless, skilled or inept... there's really only one thing that that everyone agrees upon: Liam Neeson is a great actor!
  19. Totally agree. If memory serves, the line she says was, "there was no father". I've always understood that as there was no father figure in his life. The way that the line is delivered is also vague: it could be due to shame from unmentionable things, or that she had a husband, but he died/left/was taken away before or shortly after Anakin's birth.
  20. Wait a sec... don't they fire dummy (no warhead) missiles at those target practice drones, and reuse them many times? And don't they only destroy the target practice drones when a dummy missile hits a critical area that knocks the drone out of control?
  21. That reason for the ability is semi-explained by two things: 1) modularity inherent in the ship 2) the self-repair ability of Zentradi ships (and by extension, Supervision Forces & Protoculture ships) 1) crops up again and again in later series—especially in regards to the Macross ships (for example, the Macross Quarter is described as being 5 separate ships) 2) doors that automatically slam shut are repeatedly shown in SDFM. How did the designers know that the ship would be shot exactly there? It's more likely that there are hydraulics and other actuators that move them to the damaged areas. I must stress that the above is tenuous and not described in detail anywhere, but it is a logical extrapolation from what we are shown in the TV series. Officially, no. Unofficially... there's the dojinshi series "銀河の戦艦” put out by 太陽帝国 (aka FANKY). They've produced 4 books so far. Refer to 023 to 026 here: http://www.cwo.zaq.ne.jp/bface700/hakobutu_n_0.html Here's a brief glimpse of the interior: http://www.cwo.zaq.ne.jp/bface700/14win/gs01.html I've been poking around at translating their content (the stuff in brown text in the following. As well as the "to do list" at their very bottoms): http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/ZentraadiShips/ZentPicket.php http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/ZentraadiShips/StandardBattleship.php http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/ZentraadiShips/MediumGunboat.php http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/ZentraadiShips/LandingShip.php (in blue text at time of writing - indicated with *dojinshi) There are no maps of the city inside any of the Macross ships. You'll have to refer to Palladium Book's "Macross II Deckplans Vol. 3" for those (as those books were written by Dream Pod 9, they're quality [especially the research!] is at a higher level than the norm for Palladium. ).
  22. As my point isn't being conveyed correctly, here's the horse's mouth: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/OTgreatMechanics/GMg2016sprng.php http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/OTgreatMechanics/GMg2016smmr.php
  23. I'm not disagreeing with that. However, he makes these shows for the casual observer, not the die-hard fans. Thus his need to justify the existence of giant transforming planes while establishing the setting of each new series. There's also the possibility that he's so busy with other projects, that he forgets what was established in previous series (E.g.: "Which show did I put that idea into?"), and he's also doing the justification for himself.
  24. If memory serves, the VF-1 Battroid size was chose so humans would be able to meet and interact with the giant-sized Zentradi. So, while being able to fight them was a requirement (a requirement that spawned the Destroids), that wasn't the only requirement of the Battroid. Of course, that's the in-universe justification. As we all know, Kawamori-san feels compelled to justify in the setting why giant (transforming) robots exist. (E.g.: the dancing VF-171 in Delta to explain away why everyone isn't only using UCAV drones...)
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