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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. I think a good question to ask is: How many movies do you watch a second (or more) time and remember who you watched it with? ... maybe even where you watched it? Chances are most of your answer includes "friends" and "at a movie theatre", and not "by myself" and "at home". That power of the shared experience is the main reason why movie theatres (or theatrical productions and other live performances) will never truly disappear.
  2. The short answer is customize-ability, as in option parts. The VF-11 has all manner of Super Packs, Radomes, and Armour Parts. While the VF-14 has the advantages of a larger fuel tank, and more internal volume (meaning internal weapons and more space for future improvements to the avionics, etc.), it is has significantly less customize-ability for different mission roles. A good example of the differences is that scene in Macross Plus with the VF-11 walking patrol around the air base. Yes, the VF-14 can do the same job, but only the VF-11 can bring Destroid-level armour and firepower to that role by donning an Armour Pack... or different capabilities with Super Packs, or a Radome pack, or . . .
  3. It rains. Seriously, I'm in a similar boat: the movie theatre experience is rather inconvenient in Japan (few theatres, far away), and the scheduled times don't fit my work hours. Nevertheless, it's nice picking up the DVDs/BRs at the local discount store for much less than it costs to see the film in the theatre... even if its a couple of years later.
  4. The only problem with that figure is that they don't define it. Is it 1/3 the flyaway cost? Is it 1/3 the operating costs? Or is it 1/3 of both flyaway and operating costs? Nevertheless, it is a good indicator of what kind of vehicle composes the majority of the "lower budget" air forces that populate the Macross universe.
  5. Alas, there just wasn't that much interest when the series was initially released (in Japan), and decades later interest didn't increase by the time they published Macross Chronicle. That said, the Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. did increase the exposure with more Tenjin Hidetaka paintings. However, I suspect the biggest problem is the lack of detailed materials when it was first released. As for not informing the viewer on the origins of the Mardook: I think that's one of the things the series did absolutely right. Nothing increases interest like a little bit of mystery.
  6. Are those the Palladium stats you're referring to? If so, then consider those a load of hot air, because the sheer, mind-boggling scale that those things are mass produced at means that they are anything but experimental! If anything, the Battlepods have a simple, mass produced "antigravity drive", with the Zentradi Battlesuits having a more advanced drive, and the Marduk Gigamesh Battlesuits having the fully tricked out drives. If I was being generous, I would say that the Battlepod's drive is "flaky", simply because it's so simple, and the pods themselves are banged around in combat and basically used like toilet paper.
  7. More broadly speaking, every piece of human knowledge invariably came about because someone got hurt or killed in the process. E.g.: apple seeds are poisonous because people died from them. Or so called "common knowledge" like fire causes burns—we know that because someone, well, you get the point. In fact, it's probably only recently that we have entered an age were knowledge can be acquired without people being harmed or injured in the process!
  8. On the other hand... they might be easier to get access to. Sure, there may be small access panels that the crews have to reach into, but just imagine how much more accessible things are when you pause mid-transformation, and all the various components are floppy and separate from each other. As someone mentioned about having to take the wing off to gain access on the Harrier, the equivalent on a Valkyrie would be transforming the components apart, so the wing is no longer in the way. ... not to mention that because the Valkyries transform into humanoid robots, it's logical that major components like the legs and arms can be easily removed and worked on in a more convenient location, position, or what have you.
  9. That's one of the appeals of this set: big, giant cones to make rocket engines with!!! However, the question becomes: do I want to take the castles apart? They make great display pieces. Agreed that they are expensive and rather voluminous (display space is an issue—am currently contemplating how to hang the Lego ISS on the ceiling to free up shelf space!) Of the 4 big sets, the great hall is structurally the weakest (I've had to reinforce the underside). However, it is also the most impressive. One drawback is the sheer number of windows—each needing it's own black mesh piece! Currently the clock tower is my favourite. I really like the asymmetrical symmetry of the building on the front side. Not to mention that it comes with the mermaid "stained glass" window for the baths.
  10. I've completed my Harry Potter Castle—not just all the sets (released so far), but as a 'castle'! v(^_^)v I would have liked to fit the Room of Requirement in a bit better, but I don't have a free afternoon to figure out the best arrangement of the castle pieces! LOL If any of you are Harry Potter fans, all of these sets are fun to build. While a lot of the builds are straightforward, they do employ some SNOT and other advanced techniques. What I like the most out of this series is that from the outside, it makes for a pretty decent castle (on a scale smaller than that of the minifigures). On the inside, it's full of nods to the key scenes and events in the movies.
  11. Looking at that... and some of the support vehicles in Gundam don't seem so outrageous anymore. It's crazy how real vehicles from the '60's and '70's look more "futuristic" than what we have now!
  12. Agreed about Lego's odd market targeting choices with this latest set. However, I have noticed a series of sets aimed at what I would describe as adult builders over the past few months. Namely the minifigure scale build-a-city-block sets (10260 Downtown Diner, 10246 Detective Office, 10255 Assembly Square, etc.) Maybe it's a reaction to increased demand for these kinds of sets due to the stay-at-home orders? Perhaps the Colosseum is a combination of the demand for architectural sets AND these larger city block sets? As far as scalpers go... they're getting into the game even before the product is released: Kawamori's Designer's Notes book isn't even released, but a used copy was listed as "available" on Amazon.jp with something like a 30% markup! (Thankfully Amazon has removed it, but still... )
  13. Technically it's not an airplane. It's an Ekranoplan—or ground-effect vehicle—that "flies" at around 5–10 m above a flat surface: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground-effect_vehicle
  14. Your argument still isn't convincing. Plausible, yes, convincing no. For example, the publication I cited earlier also states that the unmanned Rorqual submarines are "Critical Path Corp. Stealth Unmanned Submersibles". Not to mention the artist stating that the A.L. and G.V. are evolved Zentrādi designs (as opposed to the General Galaxy Valkyries, which are generally described as merely incorporating Zentrādi technology or having a Zentrādi "influence"). In addition, Macross Chronicle states that Critical Path Corp. is a Private Military Company, and the president of it took over the black market*, and developed the Jamming Sound System. The first part implies that Critical Path only uses the equipment produced by other companies, but the second part indicates that the corp. is involved with developing and producing armaments. Clear as mud, in other words. Nevertheless, can you remind me where it states that Critical Path Corp. has close ties to General Galaxy? * while Japanese is notorious for not including the subject (one must "read the air"), given the context I'm inclined to believe it meant the black market sales (of weapons) side of the company. On the topic of the Gjagravan Va: it appears in game at the tail end of a battle with Gurāji and Rigādo. The Zentrādi developed Pheyos Valkrie also appears in that game stage. I'm not going to claim that it is cut and dry, but the design notes and context heavily favour that it is a Zentrādi Mobile Weapon.
  15. That's... odd. Ignoring the VF-X2 setting for the mo', Miyatake Kazutaka's lineart for it (all 3 versions) refer to it as "VFX-2 クリティカルパスCorp. 機動兵器 軌道エレベータ征圧用"* Or "VF-X2 Critical Path Corp. Mobile Weapon for controlling the 'orbital' elevator" * Apparently 軌道 was a misunderstanding on the artists part, as the book states in a paragraph right next to it "機動" (for those that don't: kanji with the same reading, but one means "orbital" and the other means "mobile"). Incidentally, the same book** refers to the Gjagravan Va as "ブラックレインボウ陸戦歩兵兵器". Or "Black Rainbow Ground Walking Weapon". ** Macross VF-X2 Official Visual Guide While the book doesn't clearly state if it is a Zentrādi weapon or not, generally Mobile Weapon (機動兵器) is only used to describe Zentrādi mecha. So, the text for the Gjagravan Va muddies things up, as Walking Weapon (or similar) is generally used to refer to the Destroids. On the other hand, in the interview section, Miyatake Kazutaka answers a question about the enemy designs with something along the lines of them having the image of continuing from the TV series designs, and being advanced or evolved Zentrādi designs (進んでいく). The interviewers asks about the DYRL design influence, and Miyatake-san responds that they are based on biological designs. He says that the Annabella Lasiodora has a "spider image", and Lasiodora is the Latin name for tarantula. The rest of that line of questioning is about the design process, how it changed during game development, and how Miyatake-san feels that he drew too much for something that ultimately appears so small in the game! (The interview switches to talking about spaceship design, so the Gjagravan Va isn't talked about.)
  16. In some ways, they never went away. They've just been relegated further and further into the background. They're there, if you know where to look. In the post SDFM era, we've been introduced to: Cheyenne II and Destroid Works (Macross F) ADR-04-Mk XV S-Defender (Macross the Ride) PPB equipped HWR-00-Mk II Monster (Macross M3) some type of MBR-04 derivative that combines the long-range precision fire of the ADR-04 Defender with the short-range missile circus of the SDR-04 Phalanx the civilian construction Destroids in Macross 7 If you include the Zentrādi Mobile Weapons: Battle Suit (Macross Plus) Gjagravan Va (VF-X2) Annabella Lasiodora(VF-X2) Quadoran-Aruma (Macross the Ride) Gurāji Kai (Macross Digital Mission VF-X) Super Gurāji (Macross Delta) Jināru Air-Battle Pod Kai (Macross Digital Mission VF-X) Rigādo Kai (Macross Digital Mission VF-X) ZBP-104 Rigādo: (Macross Delta) ZBP-106 Rigādo(Macross Delta) Kerukaria [Quel-Quallie] (Macross Digital Mission VF-X) * the "Kai" versions have been misnamed as "Stealth" versions by some Western fans
  17. I actually don't mind her (that much). Part of the reason is that there are people in RL just like her—so in one sense, she's there because she's the 'everyman' that represents the audience (or part of it, at least). And the writers do tend to treat her with more dignity than, for example, Noel Shempsky was (Fraiser, for those that don't). The other reason is she's one of the few (and I do mean few) characters on the show whose character is actually developed beyond a cardboard cutout. If the show took more time out from its constant plot, and spent some time developing its other characters, I might have a different opinion. But it is what it is...
  18. Actually, it is; albeit in Hiragana order: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiragana#Table_of_hiragana
  19. Writers/Publishers not having access to the materials aside (E.g. the combiner Zentrādi battlesuit from M3 doesn't appear in MC), how many of those alleged errors were authorized by Kawamori-san himself? If memory serves, Kawamori-san was given some kind of leadership or 'last word' control over the publication. And then there's this from the very first issue*: "This "Macross Chronicle" is produced with the stance that it's a collection of records that bring together the interpretations by various personalities of the history that flows behind the Macross series. I hope that the readers will discover their own true "Macross" by using this book to take in the adventures that are among the 30 years of accumulated Macross history. " Which—among other things—opens up the can of worms that the publications that are in conflict with MC are true onto themselves (in the context of their respective productions), and MC approaches things from the holistic (or big picture) perspective; tying into Kawamori-san's assertion that each production is an in-universe dramatization of real events, whereas the MC is the real events (or akin to an in-universe Janes defence publication/encyclopedia Britannica). Note that I'm not fully disagreeing with your assertion that there are errors, just wishing to point out that we don't have access to the publisher's decision making processes or reasons behind certain choices. Maybe the publishers had the 'correct' information, but they were told to change it to the allegedly 'incorrect' information by the powers that be?** As MC was being released more-or-less concurrently to Macross Frontier, perhaps we should take the stance that MC is an in-universe publication correct only in the context of MF? * http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRseriesguide/SrsGuid.php#0203 ** Access to materials aside, we have circumstantial evidence that Kawamori-san himself has forgotten/changed key details over the decades. Then there are such things like the Earth Trekkers being written out when Macross Zero made it's debut, etc.
  20. It may not actually be bad software per se, it may just be that the have a monitor improperly setup, and they colour corrected the images to what their monitor shows, not what the artwork actually looks like when printed. (The opposite extreme is their scanner "colour corrected" the images, and no one bothered to colour correct the scans.) Another possibility is the printers getting the ink mixture wrong (or the ink balance was slipping in the part of the batch you guys got). So many simple things can muck up graphic design and printing.
  21. I think you missed his point. Responding with a wall of text breaking down and categorically responding to each one of the poster's sentences in a sea of negativity is what he's complaining about. (Is it all negative? I don't know. TLDR. Overkill has a way of killing the conversation.) Maybe it's time for a different tack—what we liked about the show? I'll go first: Getting to see Michelle Yeoh kicking but on a (semi-regular) basis.
  22. I think it is doing that for any long post. Perhaps "true" = view the full post. Thanks for switching the link takes to "last post viewed" thing. New software version can be a major pain. On the other hand, as I only use the white version (old man eyes, light on black leaves "sunspots"), I really appreciate that the new version has added a bunch of colours to highlight things.
  23. It's as complete as I've been able to make it (time, and motivation permitting ) Nevertheless, go read it. Sooner or later myself, or someone else, will fill in the parts that haven't been touched yet (which is pretty much all of the character sheets )
  24. Not a fault per se: (Activity > Unread Content) Is it possible to enlarge the (relatively) small circle to the left of the topic title that takes us to the first unread post? Perhaps changing to a rectangular shape (if possible) will improve things? (using the Default_IPV theme on Firefox on desktop Win10. Circles are same [small] size in the Carbon theme.) Also, the Edit Post function is... hidden under the hamburger icon. Is it possible to restore that to a more visible location? (E.g.: next to "Quote" at the bottom of the post).
  25. Of the 3 you mentioned, Macross Chronicle is the only one we can verify. That's not to say that the source material of the other information is incorrect1, but without knowing where they came from, they are as trustworthy as fan-made information. 1 at the time of their respective publication—when it comes to SDFM, DYRL, et al, Macross Chronicle is usually the most recently published material.
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