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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. Funny you should mention that... as I just (re)translated a Macross Chronicle Glossary section describing just that! " Transformation [M, 7, F, Ai] The Transformation is one of the distinctive features of the combat vessel part of the Emigrant Ships. It refers to the ability to transform from a military vessel to the Storming Attack form, and vice versa. The SDF-1 was not designed to be transformed at the start of its construction. The transformation originally came about due to the disappearance of the SDF-1's energy circuit, and the block structure of the ship was rearranged in order to connect the main gun directly to the reactor. However, after the effectiveness of this ability was confirmed, it was actively introduced into subsequent ships, and used to strengthen the Emigrant Ships' combat capabilities. Caption: [Transformation] With a total length of 1,200 m, the SDF-1 Macross requires more than three minutes to transform. In addition, the transformation caused catastrophic damage to the urban areas inside the ship. However, those problems were resolved in the subsequent ships, and proactive transformations have been carried out in combat. " From Macross Chronicle Glossary Sheet #16: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRglossary/MCRglossary.php (above quote is from the revised translation that I'm currently working on and have yet to upload at the time of writing this)
  2. You're missing a lot. For example the Quadoran-Nona, the Zentradi APC, and the mecha that appeared in the VF-X games and Macross Delta.
  3. If memory serves, normal international mail uses passenger aircraft. So, that may (or may not) restart when people start flying again (if we're in luck, that'll be for the '2020' Summer Olympics )
  4. The Macross Chronicle article on them: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRtechnology/09aReactionWeapons.php and for those that are interested, the article on Dimension Weapons: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRtechnology/13aDimensionWeapons.php
  5. Short answer: no. Long answer: What we can infer is the size of the Bodoru fleet (x number of ships) by his fleet's number (x number of fleets). What we don't know is a) are all the fleets the same size, b) the attrition rate of ships in an individual fleet, c) the attrition rate of fleets, d) the production rate of ships, and e) the production rate of fleets. This is further complicated by the vague "height of their power". Before the Protodevilun wiped out the Protoculture, the Zentradi were used for proxy warfare—implying that portions were being lost while also being newly created. After the Protodevilun were sealed away, the automated machines kept pumping out the Zentradi war machine. As the years progressed, and there were less and less of the Supervision Forces for the Zentradi to fight (and suffer devastating losses from), one can presume that the "height of their power" is the current Macross timeline... and that's despite production lines having broken down, and having lost whole categories of weapons!
  6. See, there's a problem with your 'logic'. Everyone who uses metric on a daily basis (and that's like all of the world except for 3 countries) doesn't use it like that. It's also confusing because, for example, a megabyte is 1,024 bytes, which is a different scale. Perhaps you should be writing "1.4 Mm" and "3 Mm"? Not only is it faster to type, you get to keep your 'grand thing'. However, 0.0014 Gm and 0.003 Gm roll off the tongue much better—and you can channel Doc Brown, too!
  7. Well, let's break that down a little bit: VF-4: has 6 engines—2 thermonuclear, 2 scramjet, 2 rocket boosters. VB-6: has 6 engines—2 thermonuclear, 4 plasma rocket engines VF-27 and YF-29: 2 main thermonuclear engines, 2 sub-thermonuclear engines FBz-99: 4 thermonuclear engines Of those, the VF-4 and VB-6 don't count—the development era or the sheer bulk that has to be moved. The VF-27 uses those sub-thermonuclear engines to help power its big, honking energy gun. I can't remember the specifics for the YF-29, but I presume there are similar reasons. The FBz-99 is the odd one out simply because it has 4 engines of equal performance. Are they used for powering its extensive beam weapons (like the VF-27)? When I get around to translating the Macross Chronicle sheet for it I'll have that answer. Going back to your question: if those 4 pods on the drone are indeed thermonuclear engines, perhaps they're for the same reasons as the VF-27—to power multiple beam guns, or a single really big beam guns. However, it's rare for Kawamori-san to equip a Valkyrie with an externally mounted thermonuclear engine. So, it's more like they are additional mission-related equipment (multi-missile pods, reaction bombs, ECM gear, drop tanks, or merely cargo pods).
  8. There's another way to do it: just read it. As you know the basic story, it's more a question of how they said it rather than what exactly they said. At the very least, you'll be picking up the grammar (yes, there are rules to be learned, but a lot of syntax, etc. comes from repeated exposure to patterns). Re: looking up words For beginners, it's a bit of an overload looking up so many. Therefore focus on the words that are repeated about 3 times or more. Those are important to the topic, and are the ones worth spending energy on to learn right away.
  9. No problem! There's a whole bunch to be said about modern piracy, but the most succinct and interesting would be: they made a movie about it with Tom Hanks, and the US armed forces are deploying anti-pirate sonic weapons (alas, they're not as cool as Basara Nekki or the flamethrower guitarist in Fury Road.) I'm completely OK with this (not to mention that it meshes well with your other critical points). Thanks for providing the critique of season 3 in general. I waded through seasons 1 and 2 last year, and from what you've said in combination with what I remember (the portrayal of Klingons... shudder), I have no desire to see season 3 at this point. It just doesn't feel like Star Trek anymore... There was something I wanted to say about a week ago. I had just recently watched DS9's "Take Me Out To The Holosuite", and I had some kind of point about how an episode like that where the characters just exist could never happen in Disco... but I seem to have forgotten exactly what my point was! LOL
  10. I have no problem with your critique except the part about the Orion piracy problem: In the real world, the piracy that occurs is quite different now (Somali pirates, Straight of Malacca Pirates, etc.) compared to what it was like 10 centuries ago (something along the lines of Pirates of the Caribbean). However, it still takes place. So, I'd give it a pass (with the caveat that I haven't seen the series so I'm unaware of its portrayal in the 32nd century).
  11. It's a long story to put in manga form, and Mikimoto-san has historically shown that he looses interest in such projects, and switches to other ones. In the past, he has eventually (that's on a scale of years) come back to finish the projects. However, Macross the First doesn't have a stable publisher. It started in one manga book (Macross Ace), then switched to another (Newtype Ace) when the 1st one stopped publishing, and then switched to an online publisher (Nicco?) when the 2nd book stopped. Then for reasons I'm not familiar with, it switched to a 2nd online publisher, and restarted from the very beginning with (slight) revisions.
  12. sketchley

    Lego SDF-1

    Nice! ... and it's great that you have most of the pieces in the right colours! Can you post a link to that 3D Lego model?
  13. The only problem is that they did a machine translation. So, instead of something like 原画 (genga) becoming "key frame", we got the nonsensical "original picture"!
  14. I'd go with Macross the First. It's close enough to the SDFM story that you can understand what's going on without even being able to read it. For a language learner, it also has the benefit of furigana—hiragana above the kanji—so it'll be a much easier read. The manga adaptations of Macross Plus and Macross F are also recommended for the above reasons. Unlike Macross the First, they were completed. However, Macross the First (despite being unfinished), is still the better choice—especially the first few volumes. Macross 7 Trash is pretty good, but as it takes place after the events of Macross 7 and is a unique story, it may be a bridge too far at your current ability level.
  15. It's a bit more than a souped up Su-27, for starters it has two internal weapon bays between the engine nacelles. I also read somewhere that the US military suspects that it has targeting radar arrays on the sides of the cockpit aimed perpendicularly (spotted on the experimental models)—meaning it is a pretty lethal plane hunter that doesn't even have to turn to look at you in the eye. Or something to that effect.
  16. Agreed! I like how they not only came up with a new alternate head turret, but also revised the transformation (the parts that become the chest/upper legs). The way the gun pod is "held" in fighter—not to mention loading a missile on top of it—is intriguing. I'm wondering how available (or rare) this doujinshi is.
  17. You've literally just gone and done more research than the Disco production team did! To be honest, I think the Disco writers are approaching the series wrong. They appear to be writing it one episode at a time (like Trek has traditionally been done), but should be approaching it like J.K. Rowling (or any other great author) does: write the ending FIRST, then sketch out the plot backwards to the beginning.
  18. "Bloodlust"? Anyhow, it's not like TNG et al were so different. Worf (or another Klingon) once or twice mentions "eating the heart of an enemy". That said, the difference is that in DS9 et al, those lines came across as possibly metaphorical (E.g. not literally doing it). However, DIS goes out of the way to not only describe it in detail, but gives us some props to look at too...
  19. They all look good—like they've been prepared for different environments (forest, desert, etc). However, if forced to pick one, I'd go with 3 with no further modification. Incidentally, 4 is the weakest, because it feels rather flat without panel lining or weathering added to it.
  20. I think that ship only shows up in the final episode. According to Entertainment Bible No. 51 (Macross II themed), it's called the "Standard Battleship", and is an amalgamation of human and Zentradi technologies (the other human ships basically don't incorporate Zentradi tech to an as noteworthy extent).
  21. It's from Macross II.
  22. Speaking as an artist, it's not that unique. I have art (brought over with me on the plane) from something like 30+ years ago in Jr. High School for completely different story ideas, that I vaguely know how and where to fit into the manga* that I have been drawing in my free time, but won't be getting around to revising/polishing/updating until they're needed in the story. Nevertheless, with all the earthquakes, tsunami, and typhoons that regularly hit Japan, it IS pretty miraculous that Kawamori-san's art has survived. How big of it is an issue? Masamune Shirow mentions in one of his artbooks that he lost all the material for a shared world that he was creating in the Kobe earthquake! (along with a Destroid Monster kit that he had made way back in the day) * some of the designs for it: https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/CFs-Generation-3a-Master-File-Chronicle-767383491
  23. I think you mean "finished" lineart. Stuff at rougher stages exists, but it seems that Kawamori-san is skipping the finalized lineart stage, and doing the final refining and finishing directly to the CG model mesh and it's skin. The exception appears to be the throwaway mecha that don't warrant the labour costs to make into CG. E.g.: the Sv-154 Svard
  24. It wasn't in the show per se, but was either directly stated or alluded to in more than one after-the-fact publication like Macross Chronicle. I couldn't tell you exactly where to look, but the spidey-sense is telling me it's more likely to be found in the write-ups for Emerald Force's VF-19's, than Basara's Fire Valkyrie.
  25. I'm glad Seto (eventually) mentioned this: If memory serves, the UNS maintenance crews also retrieved the VF-19's flight performance data during their maintenance, and that data was fed into the development, refinement, and deployment of Emerald Force's VF-19.* So, one reason why the military so easily turned a blind eye is because they were letting a civilian take all the risks while they got valuable flight performance data, in addition to Max's Project M experiment. *As the Variable Fighter Master File books also argue that the VF-19 is equipped with a new type of control AI. If one accepts that in their personal head canon, then it's logical that the 'training' Basara gave the AI in his '19 was put into Emerald Force's '19's, giving them a massive leg up in performance.
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