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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. That's correct. The full line is: "「ストライクパーツ」は150号までを予定しております。  ※実際の商品とは異なる場合があります。" Or ""Strike parts" is scheduled to be up to No. 150. * (What's seen in the video) may differ from the actual product."
  2. Well, considering that the article also introduces it as "the Valkyrie from 300 years later", I'm guessing that this was bleeding news at the time of publication, and the creators of Macross II were still in the process of developing the OVA. ... is it just me, or does it only have 1 (one) head laser?
  3. This. At best, they are a fun peak 'under the hood' to see how Macross tech works. But at the end of the day, they are fan produced content that is not official in any way, shape or form.
  4. Here's an image of it from Vol. 005: https://blog-imgs-43-origin.fc2.com/a/s/t/asterisk485/IMG_0938.jpg Source: http://asterisk485.blog106.fc2.com/blog-entry-33.html
  5. Do you mean this? マクロス コミックゼントラ盛り 本誌に掲載された4コマ漫画や読み切り作品を収録。2011年3月26日発売。ISBN 978-4047156753 * https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/マクロスエース#単行本 If so, the correct reading is "Macross Comic Zentradi Serving" (as in "a serving of rice"). The description reads: "Includes 4-panel gag manga and one-shot works published in [the Macross Ace] magazine. Released on March 26, 2011." It's a collection of the following and other gag manga: ゼントラ弁当マクロス風 アキバ鉄工作。2009年から2011年まで『マクロスエース』に連載。本作を題材としたパロディ4コマギャグ漫画。単行本『マクロス コミックゼントラ盛り』に収録。 * https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/超時空要塞マクロス#漫画 (at the very bottom, just before the "game" section starts) Translation: "Zentradi bento-box Macross style By Akiba Tekko. Serialized in "Macros Ace" from 2009 to 2011. A parody 4-panel gag manga based on [Super Dimensional Fortress Macross]. It was included in the "Macross Comic Zentradi Serving" publication." ※ the titles (Macross Comic Zentradi Serving, Zentradi bento-box Macross Style) are playing on the ゼントラ丼 (Zentradi Bowl, as in Beef Bowl) thing that showed up accompanying events and attractions spawned by Macross F.
  6. Agreed. Macross Shoji Kawamori Designer's Note (Pg 235): "Mr. Kawamori (...) designed this VF-X3 Star Crusader (also known as the "Medusa Valkyrie" to make a more space fighter-like VF based on the VF-1 Valkyrie. Rather than mounting the exterior on the aircraft, he was reviewing the shape of the parts from the elements that make up the aircraft."
  7. It's a nice kit. However, it's also a child of its era. So there's no rubber grommets in the joints like the ones introduced in Gunpla. Due to that, the legs become a floppy mess if most of the joints* in them aren't glued solid. That said, the legs have great articulation. * there's like 5 spread out between the hip and knee (not including the "hip" where the legs attach to the torso)!
  8. Going back to this - it's definitely odd that they did it that way. It's almost like they didn't have access to the (Japanese) shooting script, and based the English dialogue on what they heard. As for where the 'new company' comes from, all of the following are read as "shinsei": 新生 (rebirth, new birth), 新制 (new system), 新製 (new make). There are other possibilities, too. So, the error is understandable. But, again, it boggles the mind that they either didn't have access to or just ignored the Japanese production materials (script, promotional artwork, line art, etc...)
  9. Yes, and no. The most common meaning is "nova" (as in a super nova's less destructive sibling). The second most common meaning is "new face, new star" (as in the new starlet was on the talk show last night). However, knowing that "Shinsei Industries" means "Nova Industries", it does put a new spin on "Project Nova" and "Project Super Nova", no? Was General Galaxy ever not the underdog??
  10. This. One solution to shrinking the finished image is to export it as-is into .gif (or some other lossless format) that Firefox can handle. Then use Firefox's print scaling option (goes from 10% to 200% of screen size).
  11. Books like Variable Fighter Master File claim that the Unified Forces only used NATO weapons. So, if you want to be 'authentic', there's that guideline. However, I'd go with your gut instinct on what makes the Commanchero look more lethal. There's been no material that said the Commanchero wasn't used by the Anti Unification Alliance—not to mention that the Unified Forces have a history of using Anti Unification Alliance weaponry—so anything goes.
  12. For a general idea: First, compare the changes he made to the VF-1 when he designed the VF-0. Next, look at the evolution of the VFs in CG from the VF-0/Sv-51, through the VF-25 to the VF-31. As you said, the sensor bits would be internalized—but if he's keeping the F-14 image source, then there's going to be some kind of chin sensor pod. In the "How Tough is Your VF..." series I drew*, I noticed a steady increase in complexity. While everything up to Macross F was relatively easy to draw (especially the SDFM and M7 Valkyries!), the VF-25 was where it started to verge on being too complex to hand-draw effectively. In short: it's not that the transformation, etc. is too difficult, but the shapes of the individual parts are not conducive to drawing, and the panel lines, etc. on the parts aren't helpful for conveying volume—in fact, they do a darn good job at highlighting mistakes! So, the net effect is it will look more streamlined/stealthy in fighter form, but things like the torso, arms and legs will be more complex with lots of concave, convex, hollow, and otherwise uneven surfaces. Not to mention gangly arms with a smaller head... * https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/How-Tough-Is-Your-VF-0-564358951 https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/How-Tough-Is-Your-VF-1-565535276 https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/How-Tough-Is-Your-VF-25-570988566
  13. Let's also keep in mind that it is a chunk of armour with significant weight. Maybe it's something that just can't be tacked on to Valkyries that have been designed around a transparent canopy because it throws off their weight balance.
  14. **spoiler warning** The Skywalker family (Luke and Kylo) overcome their self-doubts, seduction by the Dark Side, etc. and 'rise up' to overcome the threat of the Palpatine lineage—the resurrected Emperor among others. Rey is revealed to be Palpatine's granddaughter, and in rejecting her ancestry, basically adopts the Skywalker name because she fell in love with Kylo or something. Background: Dir. JJ Abrams rolled back most of the changes Dir. Rian Johnson made in The Last Jedi, and told a story full of nostalgia and fan service, without taking the series in any new directions.* So, we ended up with a convoluted mess of a film that tried to shove 3 movies worth of story into one film. Personally, I tend to ignore/forget those 3 sequels, and only really consider Solo and Rogue One worthy as being pseudo-sequels/prequels that embellish the movies when George Lucas helmed the franchise. * in his defence, his hands were tied and the story was creatively limited to a certain extent by the untimely death of Carrie Fisher.
  15. If memory serves, the "last message" was created before the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy was discovered/confirmed. I think there was also some "lost in translation" going on, as the word I used (dark) can also be translated as black, but it's written in totally different words than what the Japanese use for "black hole".
  16. Here's the translation of the last message: http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/OTother/MinmeiLastMessage.php
  17. If memory serves, the ones with tails are essentially "swimming". They do this by emitting something like a gravity field, and deflecting themselves off of that. Presumably the larger ones just emit a gravity field—implying that they have organs reminiscent of "engines" akin to the gravity drive in the USS Sulaco from Aliens.
  18. That's a possibility. It might also be that he's busy with other commitments, and the tight deadlines have stretched his creativity too far. One of my hobbies is designing transforming jets. I've found that whenever I try to "break the mould" and do something new, it takes months: 1/2 a year or more. For example the engine thrusters/feet on the FaMH-07 Orca here: https://www.deviantart.com/studiootaking/art/CFs-Generation-3a-Master-File-Chronicle-767383491 However, once I have the transformation worked out and the 'design language' established, making variants is comparatively quick (1–2 months for the FaMH-08/CF-130 Black Fish). That said, inspiration does hit like lightning, and some things that really break into new territory are hammered out in around a month (the FaMH-09 Skookumchuck... it only took that long because I was lazy getting around to finalizing the drawings!) If memory serves, this happened with Kawamori-san when he was designing the VF-19: it took him many months (6 or 8 or more?) to finalize the YF-19, but in the meantime he completed the VF-11 in 1–2 months. I'm probably simplifying circumstances too much, but that is the fundamental reason why we have scores upon scores of variants, multiple *new* Valkyries that borrow design elements from their predecessors, and relatively few that truly break the mould and do something completely original. As for this latest *new* design, it could be Kawamori-san's 2020 revision of the VF-X-4 (from SDFM), refined with about 40 years of Valkyrie design experience and the Frontier/Delta visual language tacked on. As for your kitbashing: it's OK to revisit the same old ground. The trick is to disguise it with new shapes (silhouettes as Kawamori-san dubs it) and greebles. Like how the VF-25, VF-27, and VF-29 are all the same, but have been changed enough that they're visually distinct.
  19. Yes. the only thing that's clear is that the next series will be unlike any previous Macross series.* * with the 3 pillars of Macross: Valkyries, songs, & a love triangle.
  20. Money greases many wheels. CW were already on BW's radar, and all that was stopping the money train was a thorn... that was subsequently pruned.
  21. Well, this ties directly into the "why" the VF-171 appeared as the main fighter in Frontier (when all signs indicated that the main fighter should have been the VF-19): Kawamori-san and his visual design sensibilities. Kawamori-san likes to create hero VFs with a certain look to them (VF-19, VF-25, VF-31). To help the casual viewer quickly visually distinguish between the "hero" and the "ally", he chooses something that is visually distinct. In Macross 7, that was the "white" VF-11 vs. the colourful Sound Force Valkyries (red, green, and pink) and other semi-hero Valkyries (blue Emerald Force, dark blue-grey Diamond Force). With the advent of CG Valkyries and their rainbow hued paint schemes, he's double-downed on Studio Nue's stock and trade: visually distinct silhouettes. Which is how we ended up with the triangle shaped VF-171 being the main fighter, and the anything but triangular VF-25 (and later the VF-31) being the hero Valkyries. So, unless Kawamori-san gives the next hero Valkyrie a triangular silhouette, I doubt that we've seen the last of the VF-171. ※ This, of course, doesn't even address the cost of developing a new CG model asset. If the next series is done on the cheap—which some have argued Delta was—it's another strong reason why the VF-171 will reappear. (Like the Cheyenne in Macross 0 reappearing more-or-less unchanged as the Cheyenne II in Frontier and Delta.)
  22. Macross itself has some specific words for the different types of vehicles: Human side: Battroid (mainly the humanoid form of the Variable Fighters) Destroids (humanoid walking tanks) Zentrādi side: Battlesuits (humanoid shaped pods) Pods (everything not a Battlesuit) Mobile Weapons (all of the above) So, going back to the OP, the Kerukaria [Quel-Quallie] and Recovery Pod can be referred to as "(Zentrādi) mecha", "(Zentrādi) Mobile Weapons", or "Zentrādi Pods".
  23. Quadoran-Rea development (TV ver.): "Although it was the New Unified Forces that continues the Quadoran series by producing the Rhea series, as its complex structure wasn't suited for mass production from the start, the production number of this aircraft can be assessed as not being as many as the number of VF series aircraft. Also, as its manoeuvrability is united with its firepower and its performance is suitable for special missions, such as reconnaissance-in-force, its initial deployment was mainly to Marine Corps that were composed of Zentraadi soldiers. This aircraft was the same as its archetypal aircraft, and if seen from the entirety of the Unified Forces, then it was an extremely unusual aircraft." http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRmechanic/Fsms07aQuadoran-Rhea.php Quadoran-Rea development (movie ver.): "The Quadorah Rhea is a reproduced type of Roh that has had improvements with the latest technologies applied to it. The latest type, the "Rhea/56", is, in addition to S.M.S.'s Pixy Squadron, extensively deployed." http://sdfyodogawa.mywebcommunity.org/MCRmechanic/TFsms05aQrheaVB6Monster.php ※ from the movie ver. data, we can infer that it is a General Galaxy production. As for the lineage: Quadoran-Rō* → Quadoran-Aruma → Quadoran-Kiruka → Quadoran-Rea * and Quadoran-Nona sub-variant ※ while it's not clearly indicated, the large beam gun on the VBP-1/VA-110 Neo-Gurāji *may* have influenced the development and addition of the shoulder gun on the Quadoran-Rea. The "enemy Battle Suit" from Macross Plus *may* also have influenced the Quadoran-Rea's development, too.
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