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Everything posted by sketchley

  1. That's only half of it. The other half is the lack of material—they just aren't releasing stat laden books (e.g. This is Animation) or magazine articles (e.g. Great Mechanics.G) for Delta like they did before.
  2. The PS1/Sega Saturn Game Super Dimensional Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? took it a step further: they introduced a "Jamming Station" ECM drone that was used to actively block transmissions from the Earth's side in and around the Bodoru Mobile Fortress. One of the game's final levels was to defeat it so as to allow the Earth side's transmissions through, and the resulting chaos enabling them to make their final attack inside the fortress. It's a shame that that game's reimagining of the TV series wasn't fully incorporated into later Macross productions, as I really liked the Quadoran-Nona and Zentrādi APC that appeared in that game.
  3. That's very true. The "helipad" may have been put there for use during construction and (in-universe) the spot was chosen because it was way up top and wide open. Personally, I think it was a greeble added because of 'rule of cool'—something that showed up in highly-detailed shots, but wasn't necessary when drawing at a distance (aside from describing form).
  4. I think "why did it separate?" isn't the right way of looking at it, as the ship was originally in 'Cruiser' form when it crash landed, not 'Storming Attacker' (or giant robot) mode. In the TV series, they rebuilt the Supervision Forces' ship as-is: as the bridge sections were originally separate, they stayed seperate. When the ship transformed mid-series, part of the rearrangement of the ship's sections included putting the separate bridge sections together—when it came to the bridge section, it's arguably so the antenna don't get mulched when the main gun boom arms rotate. The DYRL version follows the same process: because the original ASS-1 was that way, the rebuilt SDF-1 is the same way. (Unlike the TV version, an image of the pre-rebuilt SDF-1 is readily available here: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossdyrl/alienstarshipone-dyrl/alienstarshipone-dyrl.gif ) Production wise, I suspect that it was added as just another greeble on the TV version that looked cool when they transformed it (like how extra thrusters appear on the sides of the torso when the VF-1 transforms). Perhaps to make the animation easier to hand draw, it was removed from the movie version.
  5. Great Mechanics G 2022 Summer (2022.06) : VF-25 statue (part of the 'Life-sized Anime Robots' article) Theatrical Macross Delta: Zettai Live! assist. Dir. Yamato interview While the Zettai Live! article has a plethora of pictures, it has virtually nothing stat related (mostly character and story beats). The life-sized VF-25 is the one from the 30th anniversary, and has been displayed at Solamachi since 2014.* * https://cit-skytree.jp/exhibitions/実物大マクロスf-『バルキリー-vf-25f』/ Great Mechanics G 2022 Autumn (2022.09): SDF Macross 40th anniversary articles: the Era of Macross's Release Memory of Macross (music, toys, models) The Challenging Spirit of Macross Macross's (In)Famous Scenes The Era and Setting Understood From The Sizes The Birth of SDFM From The Main Staff's Perspective (Kenichi Matsuzaki [series structure and screenplay], Kazutaka Miyatake [mechanical design], and Shoji Kawamori [mechanical design]. A very large set of articles, however its focus is anything but stats. New pictures include size comparisons (E.g. VF-1 compared to the F-22, B-2, and the the Kamakura Buddha statue; SDF-1 compared to the Burj Khalifa, etc.) The last article includes pictures of the Destrover and Aquarius from "Genosiders" in a chart showing the development progression into the Bariantosu and Breast-fighter/Breast-soldier in "Battle City Megaroad" that became the base of Macross, which are pretty neat. More info here:
  6. Macross Ace. Top is vol. 006, bottom is vol. 007 (as per the posters 😉).
  7. Yes. In short, each fleet had a set of Factory Satellites, each one dedicated to producing one type of equipment—Mobile Weapon, warship, and so on. The sizes also varied, with the ones for Rigado, etc. being small (if 5–10 km can be considered small ), up to 100's of km for the warships. Macross Chronicle also stated that there are Factory Satellites producing things like the Mobile Fortresses, and they are mind-boggling huge. However, there's only one of those in the galaxy. So, yeah, each Boldoza-scale fleet has dozens, if not hundreds of Factory Satellites. And we know roughly how many of those large fleets there are. 😵
  8. Wasn't the 'we crashed a shuttlecraft, again' a running joke? In all seriousness, it was implied (if not downright depicted) that they were replicating components to rebuild lost shuttlecraft. However, the one thing that hasn't really been addressed (I'm up to season 5 eps. 20 at present), is how they restocked antimatter to fuel such things as warp drives (in shuttlecraft) and photon torpedoes. If memory serves, that and dilithium crystals aren't things that could be replicated.
  9. Speaking of those... Take note of the "random products" in their description: they are like those Lego mini-figure mystery packs where you don't know what is inside them (with cardboard inserts to prevent people from feeling what's inside, too!) The keychains and buttons are packaged and sold the same way.* The SDF-1 Macross coffee mugs are also "1 per person per visit". On the other hand, they still had merchandise from the Macross: The Art exhibit from 2018, as well as a selection of Macross/SDF-1 T-shirts (all sold only in Japanese L size). * The large-sized Zentradi ones aren't random.
  10. That... is a good question. As it appears to be based on the "Operation Bulls Eye" from VFMF VF-1 Valkyrie Space Wings, Hasegawa may be aiming at producing a Part 2 AND a Part 3. The aforementioned story introduces us to 3 variants: SVF-37 #710 (VF-1A, dark blue with light blue/grey highlights) SVF-22 #408 (VF-1A, tawny with light grey/white highlights) - part 1 pictured above SVF-13 #105 (VF-1J, light grey, with dark grey/light blue highlights) Can anyone confirm if the GBP-1S have hardpoints on the forearms? The VFMF book not only introduces them, but also has RMS-1 missiles or GU-11 gun pods mounted on them.
  11. Nah. It was just a logical extension of the Zentrādi modus operandi as a space-based armed forces. In short: "nuke the sight from orbit" is not only the only way to be sure, it's also a lot easier and will cost a lot less resources (as in lost personnel and equipment).
  12. The VA-3M was equipped with torpedoes in the underwater level set on Eden 3 in VF-X2. So, it's not quite 'they don't exist', and more like 'we haven't been shown them'.
  13. To put it into context: the M7 Fleet's decision to adopt the VF-19 occurred while that series was being produced. The VF-171 wasn't introduced (in the real world) until Frontier, and Kawamori-san decided that it, not the VF-19, became the successor to the VF-11 in-universe. It's unclear if that decision was retroactively applied to the M7 fleet, or not. So, both you (Bolt) and RedWolf are correct. It's all as clear as mud. However, the only things to add clarity is that the 117th Research Fleet was a relatively new-ish fleet and most likely went with the best VF they could get their hands on when they launched in 2046 (the VF-171). The M7 Fleet had a massive investment in the VF-11. At the time of the M7 series (2047), they were depicted as just starting to consider a successor to it. The Varota War may have sped things up, but no matter what they ended up using (VF-19 or VF-171), it was still a dozen or so years before most of the VF-11's were replaced. Come to think of it, it's arguable that mid-way through the VF-11's replacement, they opted to go with the VF-25, or even the VF-31 (pending how far along in the replacement process they were, and the [material] costs of producing those more advanced VFs). I was also going to mention something about factory retooling costs, but that doesn't ever seem to be an issue in Macross... 🤷‍♂️
  14. The original ARMD in SDFM were intended to dock with the SDF-1. So, one could infer that that is the genesis of the 'warship docking with bigger ship' idea. In some ways, the Northampton is the exception, as it's the only one that's not a carrier-style vessel.
  15. Part of the "fun" with Japanese is 'reading the air'.* In different words, many things in Japanese are implied and must be inferred (not said explicitly/must be understood from context). English, on the other hand, is the opposite. So, if the person preparing the subtitles is not paying attention to 'the air' in a scene or series, the translation start missing things. (And machine translation is notorious for this.) The other complication, is that Macross Delta appears to be one of those series where some plot details were included in other media, for example manga. So, even if those subtitles you are referring to are accurate, they're missing part of the full picture. if I'm not mistaken, Seto is also providing an amalgamation of the event from various sources, too. * https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200129-what-is-reading-the-air-in-japan
  16. That is one way of interpreting it. The other is as Kawamori-san himself describes Macross: what we are seeing are shows (etc.) made in-universe about historical events (from their perspective). So, we end up with one group of producers painting the Protoculture as 'mundane', and another group painting them as 'magical'. The truth is both somewhere in between, and something else entirely. As I like Pengbuzz's suggestion so much, my personal view is 'all of the above'.
  17. That's backed up in SDFM with Hikaru jumping into and piloting a Tomahawk in one of the latter episodes. In Macross the First, Max first appears as a Tomahawk pilot, and later graduates to VF pilot. However, he is probably the exception to the rule.
  18. In the designer's defence: it was a throw-away mecha designed for a few shots. Nevertheless, it has 2D thrust vectoring. So, it probably doesn't rely on wing flaps (I suspect those 'flaps' are more akin to lines that describe the wing shape then flaps per se). That said, I say add mounting pylons for those missiles—along with an inner hardpoint: at the very least the fighter should have the option for drop tanks!
  19. From Macross Chronicle: The Macross Compendium goes even further:
  20. This Lego Stargate Command Model showed up a couple of weeks ago on Gateworld: https://www.gateworld.net/news/2022/04/this-lego-stargate-command-model-looks-amazing/ It just might be the perfect companion set for that pyramid.
  21. There's this from one official source: There's nothing in the descriptions of the 'Bis' in various publications that I've read that says that it can't transform to Battroid. The only (major) differences is that in the Bis model, claws have been added to the arms*, and it is also equipped with Energy Conversion Armour and a Pinpoint Barrier. Also, it appears that the AI equipped one seen in Macross Plus Game Edition was a one-off unmanned version for testing. Apparently Temujin used a Neo-Guraji in the Macross Frontier Novelization, as well. * more like restored as per the original Variable Guraji specs, but one translates based on the original text.
  22. Well there's that... However, I take it with a grain of salt, as we know the Varota Armed Forces are composed mostly of human-produced equipment modified after the Protodevilun captured it. So, that quote is one way of explaining how the Protodevilun acquired the VF-14 (& etc.) that were used to produce the Fz-109 (& etc.)
  23. I don't believe anything was said one way or the other. The Variable Guraji on the other hand... I think "immigration" planets is just an alternative translation of "emigrant" planets. It's just the way that that Japanese term works—it's both "emigrant" and "immigrant" at the same time as it is "emigrate" and "immigrate". 移民惑星 My preference is on "emigrate" as the term is generally used to describe those big ships that depart with tons of people on it, with a final destination that is undetermined at the time of launch. As for the frontier in "frontier immigration planets", that could also be translated as "remote". So, those would be planets far from anywhere else (or any regions of space that would be considered "cosmopolitan"). What that means in-universe is left nebulous. It could be a planet in a remote sector that is just barely explored, let alone 'colonized'; or it could be in an unpopulated pocket in a developed sector.
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