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  1. lipkun

    Red VF-21

    lol yes all the mac7 stuff is a must damn bandai has to take off the gundam blindfold and rerelease the mac7 toys. They could make the protodevilins and id buy it lol anything M&M would be great. As usual.
  2. Props to Valk, great songs. Also anyone remember the song basara was singing to sivil (sp.) when she was "incubated" in a cocoon in the forest part of City7. Anyone know whats it called? Where to get it? Think this is the extinct mac7 songs thread. And no we dont need that agent dude.
  3. A reassembly guide would be great. Esp for the fast packs. Anyone know how to take apart the 2 booster units?
  4. well the ASS fansubs are just as good as their name. I think some hk bootleg dvds are better. Im starting to think they just ripped them off the bootlegs and "released" them. AiA is way better, although they take hella long to release an episode its well worth the wait, fantastic quality. After downloading 20 episodes of ass i swore nv to download anything by them, bl00dy suck a55.
  5. Yup the Low Vis is abundant here in SG. But after reading abt the quick disappearances of them overseas, I made sure I picked up mine from Falcons Hanger Its so pretty .
  6. newb question here. a Max Q-Rau? did he ever pilot one? If so when? a bit confused here lip
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