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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. I am GLAD BanDai is doing a nice Job with this Valk. I was really worried about having another Eureka tipe of toy line, or even worst... an Escaflowne line. This looks really fantastic and I trust Bandai quality, more than the YAmato at least. Cant wait to get this toy.
  2. Sure looks nice, but I cant help to think it will fall apart because of defective design, or crappy plastic joints... I guess I will pass on this one
  3. I did same as guppy. You just have to be carefull. GREAT paint job by the way!
  4. The Psico Gundam is been out for a long time now. I got mine last year. Now there is a new psico comming out soon, a bit different design. I will post some pics as soos as I have the time. I have the low vis rx, it is a nice toy. If it is only 40... go get it! Maybe is the Red vertion, that one comes without the plane-part-no-body-cares-about so it is cheaper.
  5. Nah... all PVC toys are junk. If the line is still arround is because Bandai brainwashed you and all the FIX line fans... Now on a bit more serious note... if you like it buy it. I dont like the Fix line so I dont buy them... that makes total sense.
  6. I have the RX 78 2 and the Psico Gundam Metal Material ones and ther are no-way-near the normal FIX line. None of them use PVC but mailnly ABS and Diecast. Maybe there are some PVC parts but not much at all. This toys are more close to a bigger scale High Complete Model Pro with diecast content... like a SPEC line. Also there are no pieces falling or flopping arround, both the toys I have are pretty tight, well detailed and decaled. I would NEVER buy the Fix line as I trully find it horrible, but the metal line is a different story.
  7. Thank you guys!!
  8. In the MH mospeada 21 there is a small green piece included... can anyone tell me for what is it? Sorry if I am the 10th guy asking the same, I am just too lazy to review all the pages of the thread.
  9. I have been arround since... ever. Everyday I visit MW less, mostly because of real life issues, like work, parenting, wife stuff... It is totally normal, one thing is for sure, I may not visit MW as much as before, but I am still always arround. So since we are all adults, we are suposed to have money... go spend it in cool stuff... like ABS valks...
  10. Wow! That Pacemaker is a total piece of crap. I cant imagine how a decent toy comany can release a nice diecast labor and later this horrible thing. Glad I did not preorder this labor/.
  11. Great review Alex, thanks! I guess now I have to order one of this bikes... damn,
  12. Thanks Mowe!!! I will try all your tips next tuesday on my RObotooooooo. I am tempted to buy the whole line... is gonna cost a lot... but this toys worth the effort... right?
  13. I got my fewture great mazinger as well.... it is absolutely gorgeous... as I said, pure toy porn, right mowe? Good to know there is a way to fit the jet in the Robotooooo head. Sadly I could handle the toy only for a few minutes last week, I had to catch a flight. I'll be back next week and will be able to play with it. Mowe and Guppy if you can post a pic of the pielder in Mazinger head, please do it. Also is your scramble jet loose??? mine is but maybe is me doing something wrong...
  14. I am SO happy YAmato will do ABS instead of PVC Poo. I really like the HCMs but I cant stand the MSIA and the Revoltech lines... not to mention the crappy FIX (exept for the metal composite Fix ones). I hope to have some more infor and hopefully pics soon.
  15. Megahouse id by far the best option. I guess the 1?18 will be too small to hold a nice transformation and the Toynami... no way
  16. What about the EX Machina movie? Figures look damn sweet. Expensive but a must have IMO/ And the CG film was Bad, but mostly because they made a series into a 90 mintues film.. no way it can be done right.
  17. Shhhhhhhh!!!! You are not suposed to speak about Tony's secret collection!!! One thing I can say for sure... he does have 10 of each....
  18. Sad I am so late... anyways I guess all the interesting questions are made already (right on RECON!) and G-Man now must be regreting this thread as he obviously will be able to reply MAYBE a 10% of the questions made (certainly the 10% nobody cares about). I guess we will get some partial info (no more than the one we can get from today's HJ issue)... anyways it is still fun to have a thread to bother Mr. Parkes. I can see him going thru all this pages with a small notebook taking note of every question... hahahah so british... Tell me I'm wrong...
  19. Me likes. I am getting this toys for sure... as long they dontdo PVC crappy parts.
  20. I just got myself a FIX psico Gundam.... this thing is awsome!!! A high quality toy all over, heavy, nicely painted (all painted) and decaled... really happy with it. If I can get a Valk as well made as this toy, I would be so happy.
  21. Damn Yamato.... I am totally buying both garlands... hope parts wont fall appart again with these two.
  22. This is definetelly the coolest Macross custom I have seen in.... ever. Last suppa cool proyect I was crazy about was Johns Mocato's Alpha, too bad it was never finished. This boat is trully amazing, it definetelly will make it to a HJ or Dengeki magzines. It is just way too cool...
  23. Yes the reviews of the Boss Robot and Doublas will help a lot about. I have fith in Fewture Mazingers, they did a great job with the getters.
  24. I have the Fewture Getters and they are really awsome. I am absolutelly getting the Mazingers, no matter how pricey they may be.
  25. Whow. Great job!!! I just LOVE that head design. I wish I could get one in 1/48 scale. Really nice.
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