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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. They look sweet indeed! And this confirms they are aout in Japan at least! Wooooo Hooooo! I see the Yamato guys did not made same mistake they did with the VT 102 (VF 1D), now the paint job is right on the toy... I cant wait!!
  2. Damn I had spend SO MUCH money in HLJ this year. Now they will get more of my paycheck. I just cant deal with my toys adiction.
  3. Just to let you guys know. The cheapest air way to the states is US$ 19,26. To Singapore is US$ 10,975. Personally I think it is just too much for this Chunky Monkey copy. Better whait untiill the thing appear in your local flea maket.
  4. I saw Full METAL panic a few months ago. It is really good stuff. but I know nothing about a sequel. I hade about 3 DVDs and the subs are not that bad at all. Definetelly more than 12 eps.
  5. My frist Yammie was the YF 19 Ver 1. I bought two from HLJ and I never broke the famous Tab B, so I never bought the Ver 2. After this toy I had bought every single valk Yamato had released, doubles sometimes. I guess I am totally hooked with Yamato and his Yammies. I just cant stop buying them. Thanks good my job pays well.
  6. Sebastian, since when did you become an Aussie? An Aussie! ME! Lol! No No No. The original post was wrote by Guppy who is on his honeymoon right now (I wonder what is he doing right now ). That is why the Aussie thing. I have nothing to do with Koalas, wombats or Aussies.
  7. Generally speaking I am in LOVE with my collection. From Macross I prefer the 1/48s and specially the Low Vis , then the Super M&M i the 1/60 collection. I really dislike the Chunky Monkeys, but I still have them in my closet for nostalgia reasons.
  8. THANKS FOR THE INFO Nanashi! Small diferences from the final design, and in fact I prefer the Vf 2SS over this VS XS.
  9. I think you have definetelly improoved a lot your model skills in your last Rau. Dont get me wrong, the other two looks pretty nice but your last work is much better IMHO. I cant wait to see your Ride Armors done!
  10. I am bringing this back from the old forums. We still are preparing everything about this trip to HK. I know maybe this is a bit OT but It is a Macross Toys shopathon, not a MW Con. Anyways if the mods thinks It should be moved to the conventions and local gatherings thread, please do. Till now there only a few people confirmed. Graham, Guppy and me (of course) will be there along with of wifes . Could be great if we can start getting serious so we can prepare everything. We are thinking about the second week, maybe 8 to10. But nothing is set on stone. January is a GREAT date to visit HK. And we will get a very good oprtunity to meet each other. Please post your thoughts. We meet, we buy toys and we get drunk! Old Post: Hello fellow paycheck wasters! Sebastian and I are gonna try to hook up with Graham, the master of toy shopping in Hong Kong in early January! If any MW'ers will be in HK at that time, would you be interested in joining our ranks for a guided tour of all the choiciest toy shops for an 8 hour spending marathon? Of course, to undertake this massive quest alcohol is needed so we'll have to stop in to every bar (we aussies call them 'pubs' ) along the way! And.. if we get enough people maybe we can convince Graham to convince Yamato that a group of their loyal toy buyers would LOVE a tour of their offices and see some prototypes! Anyone interested?
  11. To everybody who wants me to get a bootleg for you... Please read. The toy cost me RMB 29 in Carrefour, it is like US 3.508,00 I am not looking for ANY KIND of personal benefit from this. If I am offering help to get this bootlegs is just that... help to my fellows MW members. Please do not misunderstand this as a business. I have no personal interest. Ok? I have no paypal. Sorry. But if you send the money by certified letter or other method no problem. I will send the toy as soon as you tell me you sent the cash. Keep in mind the Shipping cost. maybe you will find this toy cheaper in your country later, maybe not. no idea. Sebastian.
  12. If you want one I can get it for ya! no problema. But I guess the Shipping will be expensive to the US. If anyone wants one, no problem, just let me know. I will sent them for ya!
  13. Sorry Kid... but in fact I dont give a damn about this bootlegs, I bough this one for pure curiosity... and for my two months old son. I care only about 1/48s .. heh heh.
  14. Yup... It fits just perfectly. Do you want it more now??? In the pic it looks like the fron is not fitting well, but it is a flash effect. It fits perfectly.
  15. As you guys can see the UN SPACY on the bootleg Gun Pod looks handpainted. Now the Gun Clip. Can you tell wich one is the knock off... I had problems to pack them right!
  17. The GUN PODS! Both can fire their respective missiles.... what a spud addition, made to please our inner child.
  18. Sorry here is the pic.
  19. The CLEAR canopy. MAn this looks even better than the BanDai! The paintjob is not so good, but some small model skills can solve it.
  20. Some Obs on Bat. Mode.
  21. BAck...
  22. Hummmmm... I must say this knock off is a VERY good one. I am kinda use to the YAmato accuracy and quality and I had to take out one BanDai Chunky Monkey out of the closet and then out of his box to compare. Check the pics and see foryourself. Gearwalk.
  23. From what I can see on your pictures your model skills are really GOOD. Yup, you had improoved on this last model, but I will LOVE to see some pics of the other two Q.R. you had made. Specially the green one. Man your kit is a beauty, you can be proud of yourself!! WELL DONE!!!!
  24. Yup it is the FIRST knock off I had found here in Shanghai. And I had been here for 3 years allready. Funny I found it in a big Supermarket Chain like Carrefour. Ususally they carry original stuff, but now Carrefour sells nothing but bootlegs. I had only found original Bandais and Yammies here. First time with a knock off.
  25. I will post some more pics of this Valk in the other modes. I havent tried the eat shield and canopy on my bandais. I will do it and will let you guys know if the parts fits well. I think the plastic they use is a decent one, and some parts can be used in the 1/55s. anyways the toy is ultra floppy, but I guess it could be used for custom. Much better that the old 5 bootleg,. but the head... OMG the head.
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