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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Hey Wingcommander. No problem, we can confirm the date will be January 8 to January 10. So think about arriving on 7th and leaving on the 11. Of course some of us will arrive earlier, some will leave later than this schedule, but the shopathon will be during that dates. About sharing the room costs. No problema, in fact I think we should do that, but depending how many of us will be alone and how many will carry the wifes So, you are officially added to the list! Graham. Shawn. Blackaces. VF-1S Alpha. The Beast. Recon. Wingcommander. Guppy. Sebastian. Whoooo Hooooo!!! the list is growing! We will have FUN!
  2. I think Yamato should spend their time and efforts in producing the cool mechas we cant find anywere like the Glaugs, armors, GBPs, Destroids, hooooo sooooo many things are comming to my mind... And they are all cooloer than a common F-14.
  3. Please dont hate me. I couldnt help it.
  4. Sebastian

    I got my VE-1

  5. YES! YES!! YES!!! I cant wait to see that movie! Too bad frodo wont die...
  6. In fact that is EXACTLY what I did!!! Lol!
  7. Guppy is BACK! And he is MARRIED!!!! OMG! Here is the proof:
  8. LOL. You're welcome! Now why would ya want to insult Graham like that?! LOL!! THANKS man! I REALLY LOVE those FP!! I wonder when HLJ will ship mines. Hope soon. I guess the 3 I ordered wont be enough. They are awsome.
  9. Recon is on the list then. Who else is coming?? Graham. Shawn. Blackaces. VF-1S Alpha. The Beast. Recon. Guppy. Sebastian.
  10. I allready have a Toy Room... Is good to have a bigger place. And I do need more shelfs. WHAT are we gonna do when the 1/60 Destroid MOSTER comes?? MAn not even my toy room will be enough! And The Box of that thing? can you inmagine?
  11. LOL!! Last time I herd about Spagetty House was a year ago in HK. No idea if it is an international chain or not, but my wife was pleased after a loooong shopping day in HK with that place(was the only one open by the way... heh). Well. I will get your Chunky Monkeys but you better forget that restaurants. You will have to invite me a couple of drinks in a couple of bars (or PUBS as Guppy said). Muhaaaaaa hahahahaha. You will pay for it!
  12. Ok. so far we have: Graham. Shawn. Blackaces. VF-1S Alpha. Guppy. Sebastian. The Beast. Enought to shake HK for a couple of days. ANYONE ELSE!?!?! Come on!
  13. What is gonna be REALLY SAD is what is going to happend to you Graham after all of us visit your place to check your collection. Because we WILL visit your place and we WILL see you colection. And your wife will be Pissed off as never ever seen before. Poor you.
  14. Menphis. The carrefour is a french Supermarket Chain, the second in the world. The one where I found the knock off is the Pudong Carrefour. Shanghai, China. VF-1S Alpha. If you want I can take a couple of them to you next January. Calculate the shipping charge a few cents cheaper than Singapore. Chinese post office allways ask too much money. I think the bootleg does not worth so much trouble and money. Let me know if you want me to pick up one, but you will have to buy me a beer in HK!!!
  15. Thanks guys! Those pics are old ones, when I took them the custom wasnt finished at all. Of course I added decals, some weathering and a lot more paint. also made a 1S custom Head for it. Un Spacy. Why you ask about panel lines? It does have them allready, and they even looks overdone (for my taste). I had to cut the seat of the Yammie to add the pilot, otherwise it wont fit at all. You can also cut the Piloto. Poor Piloto...
  16. A view of the cockpit
  17. The BEST are the Hasegawa piots if you want a real macross pilot. I will post some pics of one of my very old 1/60 custom right away.
  18. Yup they are the same.
  19. Whoooooow! Thanks or all that Info Jason!!! I still think you should come, come on boy, you know you wont regret it!
  20. WC Cheng. As allways you are the our MW Model Master. Another beautifull piece. I wish I could work plastic models in the way you do. I LOVE YOUR MAVE!
  21. THANKS KURT!! You made me a big favor, while i know about models I know nothing about display stands. For sure I will start working on them now.
  22. I love to see the final product does not have the VF 1D problem. It have an accurate paint job! Since the chest is painted and not molded in color they paint the pieces... not like the color molded 1D.
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