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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Sebastian

    Hello all....

    WELLCOME! Enjoy your Valk addiction !!
  2. Thanks DNA! The transfer was pretty fast. About 40K/S Thanks a lot!
  3. That was funny. By the way you can store the spare covers inside the missile box. The cover is also removable. The Low Vis is a real lovely piece!!! Enjoy it!
  4. Sebastian


    I will go with the FP. I bought 3 of them and I know I will be ordering more of them later anyways. My valks looks too skinny without their armors.
  5. Me wants those songs too. Specially "Adios Amor". Pleeeeeeese
  6. So... I guess Graham should give some kind of payment to Mcpaz afeter such big help. Afer all he made your Job Graham... didnt he? About Mr. s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d. Once I organized a robery against Graham after he show us (how silly he was) his Yamato Wall. But we failed after we knew he was a weapons dealer and own a couple of pathlabors Now I wonder... Mr. s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d. address?? Anybody interested?? Cool Thread Mcpaz.
  7. The 1/48 is the best. And I mean it. The 1/60 is great but no perfect transformation. Legs are detachable. The Macross plus line of "planes" are also perfect transformation. Yes the Yammies are definetelly the best Valks ever.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. I allready preorder the item. hehehehe is gona be a HUGE BOX!! Hey Graham... Again HLJ bring the news first than you! You need to talk with Yamato! Guppy... I guess you will be pleased. B)
  9. I definetelly want a set!! Will you post the purchase details in the For Sale section??? when?
  10. Hey, maybe is not as sexy as you wish... but shes still Minmey!! If it bother so that much, why dont you just leave the little figure in the box?
  11. Sebastian

    VF 0S at HLJ

    SORRY!!! Wrong Forum! Mods please MOVE. silly me.
  12. Sebastian

    VF 0S at HLJ

    Not on preorder yet, but will be soon. Release is December. http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?HSG15
  13. Yes the undersized Fast Packs a really annoying, but I still like t lot. I had NO problems with the legs hinge. The Hickaru Super is also very cool, but I definetelly prefer the Max VF 1J Super. Anyways is up to your taste. Personally I love the VF 11 design.
  14. I think is a real nice piece. Overally I am pleased with my ostrich. Yes it does have some details, like the FP hinge is a bit loose and the head in mine is totally floppy. Not to mention that minmey figure... I think it have some minor bugs, nothing really bad at all. Still the best ostrich out there. A beauty.
  15. Otaku is totally right. Only press the hatch down and it will LOCK. It CAN PERFECTLY HOLD THE FAST PACKS and when you add the white spare piece it will not only look cooler, also will secure the FP in position even more. The 1/48 is definetelly the ultimate Valk. No other company has ever made a better rendition of a Valkyrie EVER. I had collected every single valk from every single company and NONE of them can be compared with the YAmato 1/48. In fact I guess my Chunky monkeys will end in the hands of my little son. When he grows up a little more.
  16. I cant see any picture... I wanna see the Siren!
  17. Very Nice WM Cheng! I got my FP yesterday and they definetelly needs the detailing. I hope mine end as good as yours! I LOVE those fast Packs.
  18. Sorry to hear that Rune. I got my set yesterday, but they came along with my 1/48 FP. To be honest I payed just a little attention to the 1/60 Elint and Ostrich,. I was totally amazed with the FP and how cool they look on the 1/48 VF 1. I think that may be also the problem. When you hold a 1/48 besides the 1/60, the small brother looks like crap. Generally speaking what bothered me the most was the HUGE boxes of the 1/60s. What a waste of space! The elint does suffer of small head sindrome, but mine is overally speaking VERY nice. Even with the huge Arm / Hardpoint of the Dish radar, I still love the design. My toy is tight but I do have problems with the FP. The Ostrich is reaaaaally nice. I cant complain, I like them.
  19. This has been discussed allready. And it is not about the Yammies been better than the MPC... that is a fact, but about the Robotech.com and their special ways to shut down people valid oppinions about Macross/Robotech merchandise. You can get the back up you need and go to the RT.com and post your oppinions "armed with the facts" as you said... and you will be banned. Then you will be back here bashing that "commander" and this thread will be locked. Lol Allways the same. You dont need to spend your time in RT.com Let them be, and stay aways from their forums and products... Maybe the MPC alpha will redeme their pathetic line of toys... I hope so.
  20. But I will be happy with a GBP armor... even if it is a 1/60 scale. The 1/48... I may diie of joy. Hope YAmato made it.
  21. It is the most resonable thing to do. The sells will be much better in 1/60 scale than in 1/48.
  22. I you want Record of Loddos War then get the FIRST SERIES. The one in the auction is the second series of Loddos, I have both, and I must say the second one is nothing but a BIG letdown compared with the first. EVERYTHING is a hundred times better in the fist Series, Plot, Characters, and animation, etc. about the bootleg. It is not bad, I have it. I only saw the first DVD (I couldnt stand any more). But this bootlegs are not standart quality. You may get a good set, you may get a crappy one. IMHO you better forget about it.
  23. A what? Maybe the BEAM CANON barrels can shoot small misiles and Yamato can add a LED in the sensor! What about SOUND! Hoooooo Yeah... to fly arround the house with Misa and Hickaru fighting on tha radio, or listening to Minmay songs! Man... you do have rare occurences!
  24. Sorry it is Voices form a distant Star.
  25. You had done an AMAZING custom job! Very nice and VERY creative! I will borrow your ideas on my kit if you dont mind... hehehe But I am not sure If I will be able to do it in the way you did... lack of skills...
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