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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Ok, now everyone is making fun of me because of my ignorance about the "sleeves". <_< Graham, I will post about my chest size later... The rest: Sebastian / ??" / 3pcs / Black / Polo / Short.
  2. The movie is pretty good. I bought the DVD here in shanghai. I totally recomend you getting copy.
  3. I really hope to see a second part. The end of Berserk was just too terrible and sudden. I want more!!
  4. Good news Graham!! BLACK for me. I want 3 of them pleeeeese. I rather prefer the Polo ones, since they last longer. Agree with you Gup, the art in the back is the best. and we could put a small logo on the front. What is a sleeve?
  5. The Box? I cuoldnt care less. As long it dont have the small "issues" the first release had, I will be happy
  6. Bandai OWNS Banpresto. So, banpresto will have no problem about the licences for new toys, specially Macross 7. BUT, If Bandai dont give a crap about Macross, Bancrap will do the same. Anyways, It is all Yamato now for us, Macross Fans.
  7. except fpr the solid blue nosecone... And the Wings, AND the stabilizers.
  8. YES YES PLEASE!!! I dont want to expose myself to the rage of my wife! I will be changing nappies till my son turns 4, or something worst if I ask her such favor! Pleeeeese Toonz! HELP! The head lines are on the previous page... if you want you can make new ones... no problema amigo!
  9. Ok, I see nobody wants to make the artwork.... damn lazy MW members. I will ask my wife to make some sketches. I never inmagine I will have to ask her... Shame on you guys.
  10. Not really. We are still in the same as before. Same dates and same people. There is some more members willing to join, but I dont want to include them on the list till they are sure they can do it. Anything new I will post inmediatelly.
  11. VERY NICE! I need to get a set of those decals!
  12. You are glad you passed them? Iam Glad I did not. Poor you!
  13. To keep the single micro missiles on the FP you can simply apply a small piece of double contact tape on the small hole of the missile. Not the thick one, the THIN double contact tape. It will solve your problem without using crazy glue, and will still be remobable. Hope it helps somebody.
  14. Sebastian

    Rubber tires

    If you like the HCM then the 1/48 will blow you away. The proportions in the Yamato are MUCH BETTER than in the HCM, also the detail is absolutelly better than the small 1/72 HCM. Everything is better in the Yamato big Valk.
  15. Good point Guppy. The shelf space is getting a critical issue for me. This year I allready bought 3 glass cabinets.... and I will have to buy the 4th now. Anyways since the destroids are not really complex toys like the transformable Valkyries, I think Yamato can make a nice level of detail and accuracy in a 1/60 scale, wich is not a small scale at all.
  16. I really enjoyed the show. Great openning song. Thanks for the rewiew A7!
  17. I really dislike the Unicon. Now even more.
  18. Thanks for the wallpaper. The Mave is a beautifull design. I love that fighter.
  19. NO WAY!!! If Yamato start working in a COMMON fighter... then my Bad guys mechas and the VF 0 line will be delayed. There is SO MUCH macross mecha lef to do... why bother buying F-14? Nah! Do you guys really prefer an F 14 over an SDF 1, or the VF 0s or the Raus, Battle Pods, VF 5000, VF 4, 2SS, Siren, Destroids.... There are SOOOOOOOOOO many! and all of them are DEFINETELLY COOLER than an F 14!
  20. Ypu should browse the other pages of this forum. There is all the info and pictures you are looking for. We even have minmay in underwear. Wellcome to MW!
  21. Some series I just checked... and remember. Some hints untill A7 make the serious rewiews. 1) Stellvia. Right now Im hearing the opening song... wich I LOVE! The animation is pretty decent and the story is Ok.. nothing new. Nice mix between comedy and space action. I had only checked the first DVD. It is definetelly worth to see. 2) Last Excile. GET THIS ANIME !!!!! IS AMAZING!!! GET IT, GET IT NOW! A real beauty, the story ROCKS, characters and animation are really a great piece of work. 3) Wonderfull Days. Has anyone see this movie??? It is a KOREAN animation (errrr... right?). Guys, this thing is GOOD. Really. A bit disney in some moments but still a great animation. The story is really interesting and will hook you up, but is not anything really new, in fact the plot remind me a dozen of diferent animes mixed alltogether. Lots of CG... It is like an Xbox game... hehehe 4) Stand alone complex. It SUCKS so far, To see my beautifull captain so SOFT and KIND and TENDER, in other words, human, was a big Let down. The first episodes was like looking Detective Konan. They are SO COOL! SO SMART! and NICE... Come on! I hate that old guy character. I know some may flame me, but I really dont care. It was a BIG let down for me. The deepness of Gost in the Shell went right out of the window with this Stand Alone Complex TV series. They lost the sense of the orinal animation. 5) D N Angel. For Kids. Tries to be funny but it doesnt. The action is not really good and the plot is just like a Sailor Moon episode... or season at the most. AVOID! Still must finish this animation. Maybe I am wrong. 6) Gunparade March. It remind me Gasaraki, nice animation, it have everything; drama, comedy, cool mechas, under aged pilots with hormonal disorders... nice. Only the first DVD is out so far so... I can tell about the first episodes only. 7) Get Backers. AVOID Overman. Heeeee... nice animation terrible plot, decent caracters and the mecha sucks BIG time. I did not like the show. No intensity, no power, no drama, no nothing. Like watching Snoopy in Latin. Well maybe I am a bit too harsh. I just did not like it, but it still a decent show. 9) Ninja Scroll new series. So far... a lot of monsters and a Supa Duppa Cool Ninja who will kick their arses really bad. Lots of blood and chocolate everywhere, head blows, arms, organs (you name it)... kinda gore and stooooopid, but still funny with a couple of long drinks. 10) X Hunters. AVOID!! RUN AWAY FROM THIS ANIME!! 11) Black Heaven. Heavy Metal Save the Universe. This is a FREACKY animation. But good. If you can check it, do it. Funny really funny.
  22. I kinda agree with you Drifand. I prefer Battroid mode over the Fighter and Gearwalk, but MOST of the fans prefer the Fighter. And Yamato made the 1/60 and 1/48 lines taking care about the fighter accuracy in 1rst place. Too bad. Well still the 1/48 is the best out there and about the hands I wouldnt care too much. We can allways find a nice pair of custom hands for our Valks. The 1J will include those bubble hands from the TV series, wich I dislike but still looks better than the originals from DYRL. Recast those should be an easy work. And yes the FP arm armors helps a LOT.
  23. last one.
  24. The hatch should look like this.
  25. Many members dont understand how to keep the FP boosters (1/48) in position in Battroid mode. I took some pics to explain it better. If somebody allready did this, sorry, and please mods just delete this thread. If not, hope it helps.
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