This is what I did to the toy. In the comparation pics provided by Drifand you guys cannot see the modifications.
1) New paint scheme, obviously.
2) I modified the right arm armor to fit a double beam canon ALA RX 78 armored Gundam. This kind of weapon is very common in the Gundam universe. It is still detachable as the armor originally was.
3) Modified the BIG rail gun and made an external attachment on the left arm. It attaches to the armor and is secured by the new custom piece you can see in the lower part of the arm. Of course also modified the trigger position.
4) What bothers me the MOST in the Command Gundam is the way the Bandai guys attached the Missile luncher pod, directly to the right shoulder. This makes the poseability of the toy suffers a lot, as well it compromise the use of the launcher. So I made a new arm specially for the launcher. It is fixed to the fast pack and also is poseable.
5) The eye piece... I looked like a stupid add on. So I made it look like the targeting sistem or the missile launcher using cable that connects directly to the launcher.
6) The Shield on the left shoulder. Pure creativity I guess heh heh. It is poseable and detachable, like everything on this toy. I did not glued anything to the toy.
Later will post better pictures..