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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Sebastian

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    This are real good news. Finally a decent GBP. The 1/48 GBP will be a real beauty if released by Yamato. .
  2. Max & Millia all the way. I would even buy doubles of those without a doubt. The the CF.
  3. So. This is what I did to the toy. In the comparation pics provided by Drifand you guys cannot see the modifications. By the way... COOL PICTURES DRIFAND!!! 1) New paint scheme, obviously. 2) I modified the right arm armor to fit a double beam canon ALA RX 78 armored Gundam. This kind of weapon is very common in the Gundam universe. It is still detachable as the armor originally was. 3) Modified the BIG rail gun and made an external attachment on the left arm. It attaches to the armor and is secured by the new custom piece you can see in the lower part of the arm. Of course also modified the trigger position. 4) What bothers me the MOST in the Command Gundam is the way the Bandai guys attached the Missile luncher pod, directly to the right shoulder. This makes the poseability of the toy suffers a lot, as well it compromise the use of the launcher. So I made a new arm specially for the launcher. It is fixed to the fast pack and also is poseable. 5) The eye piece... I looked like a stupid add on. So I made it look like the targeting sistem or the missile launcher using cable that connects directly to the launcher. 6) The Shield on the left shoulder. Pure creativity I guess heh heh. It is poseable and detachable, like everything on this toy. I did not glued anything to the toy. Later will post better pictures..
  4. Thanks Gup! And YES I AM a lazy bastard. Sorry, I will apply decals. someday The beef I have with the original toy was the paint scheme. this thing is like a tank, so it should wear some dark colors not the GOLD and CHROME plated it had.
  5. Nope it is not a model kit custom, neither a 100% custom job. It is a Heavy Weapon Command Gundam released by bandai on the 90s part of the musha line. I took the toy and applied a new paint job, add some new armour, customized some parts and all the weapons. Nothing like a total custom work... I am too lazy for that.
  6. On the shoulders should go the missile luncher. they use only one mold for the left and right shoulders, that is why you can see two holes. I had modified it using a scratch built launching arm, so it dot compromise the mobility/pose of the arm and the launcher. Because it looks cool, and it is the targeting device for the missile launcher. All the armor and the weapons on this toy are add ons. It is like an armored gundam, so it was not ment to use those weapons... If you see from the eye visor is a cable conected directly to the launcher... well that was mi idea maybe I am getting too much creative.. Which mouth pieces???
  7. Great! you will be here in time! The Shopathon date will be January 8 to January 10. So think about arriving on 7th and leaving on the 11. Of course some of us will arrive earlier, some will leave later than this schedule, but the shopathon will be during that dates. Should I copunt you in? oficially I mean.
  8. This guy have some serious weapons!!
  9. Back view.
  10. Hi. I just finished this Command Gundam Custom and I thought could be nice to get some oppinions from you guys. The Command Gundam toy is a very rare one, and a custom is even more. I had modified a LOT this toy. So. What do you think?
  11. Second tought. That thing looks weird. WHAT is that freacky stabilizer in the chest? and the Armor.. could been done much better IMHO. Anyways I will be getting a couple.
  12. WOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW I am so much buying that crappy thing!!!!!
  13. What's keeping me from buying tons of Valks? After a carefull thinking I realize I have no problems with money at all. So my reasons are: MY WIFE. Shelf Space. The feeling I have everytime I spend too much... guilty. Those are my reasons
  14. BEAUTIFULL PICTURES!!! And I am in love with my yammies too.
  15. Sebastian

    Little Guy

    It looks nice!!!!! ... but MAN THOSE HANDS! Do they looks like that because of some kind of weird visual effect or they are really like THAT???
  16. I am not buying it... I allready bought two VF 1S Roy tipe in the first release.
  17. The 1/55 are just nostalgia Items for me now. They where THE Valks but now we have Yamato offering what I dreamed since I was a Kid. The ultimate 1/48 Valk... and those FPs. I just love them. I agree the 1/55s are easy to transform and also very durable, but I am not a kid anymore so I prefer accuracy and details, I like to collectmore than to play. Compared with Yammies the 1/55s looks really chunky... Chunky monkey.
  18. The author is definetelly been sarcasitic about this "Maladroid".
  19. Is pretty obvious the story telling shows how Gatsu turns into the Black Swordsman... but still the end of the sory is REALLY shocking. Even if you dont like me to say it. Dont be annoyed, I am not saying the end is not well done at all... there is NO real reason for you to be annoyed by other peoples comments. Specially if the comment do not meant any offense.
  20. TOONZ!! GET TO WORK!! The boss want the job before the end of this month!! Hurry!
  21. Shut up!! you freaking Wombat... Hummmm... what is a singlet? Ok... flame me.
  22. That pic looks like Batman just Kicked Catwomans ass out of the roof!
  23. VERY FUNNY <_<
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