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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. This is the almos finished thingie.
  2. Ok my dear freaky Wombat abortion. Here you have some pics. I hope they help! Anything else you know you can email me. This one is really funny. dont meka my mistake!!
  3. Nope... They are more like Olive Green...
  4. They are green... <_
  5. Yamato is not a small and unknown company. If HLJ categorize the FPs as a garage items is only because the limited avaibility of the FPs. It means the production run was really small or HLJ got just a small stock. Garage Kits are usually resin kits, and their limited stock is because the mold decade real fast. The FP are made of plastic, this means the molding is made of steel and it does not decade fast at all. We will see more FP releases in future, that is for sure, YAmato will want to milk the molds. What do you mean by YAmato never releasing an oficial FP. I think the ones they release looks official enough.
  6. I will send you (or post here) some pics with those complicated parts. I think pics are much better than words.
  7. Hey guppy. An Advice. PLEASE buy a Mr METAL PRIMER (Gunze Sangyo) for the diecast parts of the toy. If you apply the paint directly to the toy, or if you use a normal primer and then paint, the paint will fall after a couple of ours. dont forget it! METAL Primer. Good luck with your custom Wombat !
  8. NICE! Now.... Toonz.... where is the design? you know the Big Bad Guy said "I need it for the end of this month" Hurry Hurry!
  9. Some time ago I bought the Tekkaman DVD HK bootleg, the old and new series. I havent see them yet... no time.
  10. Yes! THANKS for your help Toonz!!! I cant wait to see your design!!!
  11. Gunner X. That VF 1J is a BEAUTY!!!!! Your moddeling skills are real good. Nice Nice Nice job!!
  12. Thanks for your help guys. And Lynx. Thanks for those great pictures!! I am buying one. Love the design of the crab!
  13. That is DEFINETELLY an EX-S Gundam Nice work!
  14. There was a previous thread about this movie. maybe you should check it. Generally speaking the Returner is a very cool Sci Fi Japanese movie. I have the DVD and I really enjoyed. It is kinda anime, and the transforming mecha is not the main thing in the movie at all. Man, the BAD guy was SO funny! Check it if you can.
  15. Thank you. Emiko's posts were deleted with good reason. If this thread ressurects that information, however indirectly, it too will get deleted. Moving on... Moving on... Allways like that... This is a comunity, and we should take care of our members. Emiko leaving MW was a SHAME to all of us, except for those two trolls. I still regret. Anyways. We still have Graham!!! The super duppa insider! Too bad he is allways keepng the information untill HLJ put the things on preorder! LOL!
  16. Nihao! You better buy some 1/48 Yammies or no one will respect you here. J/K! Wellcome!!
  17. I collect all the scales. The 1/48s are the best and most beautifull Valks ever, the 1/60s because I am a completist. The 1/72 because I love M Plus. And if yamato eves realease another scale... I will collect that too.
  18. Well my family is exacly at the other side of the world, so usually I dont get much from them. Also I feel like I cannot ask my mom & Dad for presents anymore. Last time I asked them a b Day o X mas present was about 5 years ago. Now I can only ask my wife. I cant complain, last Birthday she bought me a PG Zaku II and usually she allways buy me the Dengeki magazines without me asking her. But... normally I buy my own presents. Sad.
  19. Yes Gup... Sure it is my fault... Lol
  20. In fact I dont really care about the GP 04, I only want the Gerbera. And It will be mainly a display piece.
  21. heh heh.. Thanks for your comment Lynx, but can you be a little more specific??? Why is it lousy as a toy???
  22. This Eva still looks WERD to me. But I am still picking a couple. MAybe after some modifications it will look much better... I mean WITHOUT that Horn in the chest....
  23. I just ordered one from HLJ. I HATE the 1/144 scale and also I dont really like the FIX line, but this looks like the ONLY decent Gerbera in the market (aside Resin kits). So Any oppinion about this Fix version of the Gerbera? Is it worth the money or better buy a resin? Thanks
  24. What kind of music? Almost everything except Rap, Hip Hop, Teen Pop music (back street boy, Shakira, Britney and that kind of crap), Grunge, and the super duper heavy metal. All the rest is Ok for me. Love Classic music, Jazz, New age is Ok, old school rock, the decent Pop, metal, etc
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