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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5&category=4694 This auction is for the Grendizer. Did not found the display base.
  2. Yes is from the Bandai SOC line. The UFO is from Grendizer and the SECRET Base is for the Mazinger. It is in fact more like a display stand/elevator where you can put you mazinger / grendizer inside.
  3. What about our T Shrits? You are a Bad boy Graham. allways making us suffer... <_<
  4. Yep Deadzone is right. You cannot adjust the shelves. they have only one position.
  5. I Really recommend the Detolf Glass cabinet. I have 4 of them and they looks pretty nice. Also you can put them side by side and the look real cool. I can fit 5 1/60 valks withput a problem and the 1/48s with FP attached also fits perfectly in the spce... but I can only put two. buuu I only have this old picture. I was moving to my new place... still had two more shelfs to put toghether and of course the toys... but it can give you an idea.
  6. Sebastian


    And those sexy antennaes....
  8. Guppy just took a picture of a "naked" Valk. He is making a custom and took out all the paint. There you will see the Diecast and ABS content of the toy. Guuuuuuuupy??? Are you there? POST THE PIC!
  9. Thanks for the news Graham. Is good to see Yamato keps improving his 1/48 line. Stop playing Graham and get those pictures scanned, please send the Toonz designs to your friend! remember, short sleeve, Black, poli desing numer 1. heh heh I wanna see the pics! you know your thread worth nothing without pics!!!
  10. I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago, and I must say I was really impress with it, very good. Looks like koreans are really seriuos about getting into the animation. BUT on the other hand I saw another new Korean animation, mostly CG, and MAN! that was SO BAD! I dont remember the name right now but was about some giant robots ALA knights fighting in a nonsense movie. Later when I get home will post the name of it.
  11. Nah! We better use the money to pay some of the drinks we will get in the Shopathon. We will need all our founds!!
  12. To stay in MW all you can may be a good help for you Kanata. Try to visit us as much as you can. I really hope you can solve your problem and I even hope you can solve the problem with your wife, even when I know she is so wrong. To loose somebody you love is a terrible thing. Anyways what you did was the correct thing, but do as Guppy said, go get yor stuff back! Dont loose everything man!
  13. Sorry guys I had been really buisy! I will update the HK Shopathon members list ASAP.
  14. I cant find a decent pic of myself... So here is a pic of my wife and 3 months old son. She looks ok after having the baby, Im lucky! Edit. I had ereased the picture. In case there are more people like 91WhiskeyM6 arround.
  15. Yep you can spray over it, but if you want a better paint job, you better remove the original paint. Also is if you want to sray over better use a primer first.
  16. Hey Gup... WHERE are the pics of your custom?? hu? At least give us some Porn Pics of the Naked Valk!
  17. That's what the thread is about! Get an empty ice cream container, and put all your parts into it with some pine-sol and sugar soap. leave it overnight to soak and then remove the paint with sandpaper (I also used a small flat head screwdriver to remove the thick paint from the legs). A screwdriver! Seriously though, if you want to do a good looking custom job you have to completely dis-assemble the valk first. WOOOOW!!! Guppy! You are talking like a Suppa Duppa Custom Master! Gup is allright. to teake out the hinges you may need to force a little bit the Zink Allooy pegs. The Diecast is easy to bent, but it is also ESAY to break, so BE CAREFULL while bending the pegs that secure the hinge metal bar. So Gup?? How is your Suppa Duppa Custom VF 1 going??? Pics?
  18. Yes it is MEgazone. Remember our friends from HG use this animation for their Robotech II movie... Maybe that is why some people may get confused. Megazone have some COOL MECHA!
  19. Sorry! I meant I like the desing 1, front and back.
  20. WHOOOOOOOOOOW!!! TOONZ THOSE DESIGNS ARE IN-CRE-DI-BLE! THANKS MAN! I LOVE THEM! I prefer the UN SPACY Logo on the front, Black color, and the design from the middle. Many thanks Toonz!
  21. But I did said DEAR Wombat... You know it is a love demostration Gup!
  22. Pilot
  23. ...
  24. ...
  25. forgot the pic
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