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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. No man... they will make us buy the 1J EVEN if we dont want it. Now, THAT is profit.
  2. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! I CANT SEE THE PICTURES!! Please pleeeeese somebody email them to me pleeeeeeese! spolil@vip.sina.com Anybody?
  3. I was fooling arround the Macross page on HLJ and I found the YAmato 1/60 Armored Valk Sceduled for 4/2004 release. It is not up to preorder yet, so we can start saving! Check it HERE
  4. I am really in Love with that 1J. I guess I am getting two of them. Now... a MAX & Millia 1Js ... OMG those will be the most beautifull Valks ever!
  5. Did I ever told you guys Guppy was a LAZY Aussie ??? You see... I never tell lies.
  6. Thanks for the info and the Link Mechamaniac. I am placing my order in HLJ right now.
  7. THANKS MECHAMANIAC!!!! Those hands fits REALLY well the 1/48! I think they are the right size, and also can fold into the forearms. I off to buy a coupe om MG ingrams hehehe. Mecahmaniac, the Ingrams comes with only ONE set of hands?? MGs usually comes with several, to canivalize a whole Ingram for the hands is not the idea. I mean, If I use the Ingram hands for my Valk, the the poor ingram will be handless or is there some more sets of hands in the box??
  8. From hose pictures the hands looks very good. I would LOVE to see some in Battroid mode.
  9. That armor is horrid. And everytime I see it I find it more and more useless as an armor. And that Chest armor... OMG. It is hugly as hell. Anyways I will be picking one just for custom work. Weapons are Cool! Ant that other mecha... the one with the tubes in his head, guess it is a Eva 05. It is huly, but what is disturbs me the most is that thing have in his ass!
  10. Yes PLEASE! Anyways is is kinda funny. Maybe we should keep the clown for our diversion?
  11. Sebastian

    vf-19 FP

    BWAAA HA HA HA That is so truth! Carefull the British is a Dangerous person
  12. I wonder how my Valks will look inside this ugly thing once I take over her cabinet!!! LOL!!! It will look even uglier! BWAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA
  13. Ho boys... Life is SO unfair! Those CRAPPY glass cabinets are mine. And THIS is my wife's... And it is not even finished yet!
  14. What about some pics Mechamaniac??
  15. The DVD comes with English Subs. The copy I got was no Fun Sub.
  16. Obvioulsy he is joking... I HOPE.
  17. Sebastian


    WHOOOW!!! those dolls are SICK! And I saw you can order custom dolls... so maybe you can just ask for a Minmey without a problem... IF you are sick enough!
  18. aw man, missed the pic, something had to run its mouth, ya ever notice how big people are over the internet, anyhoo, 3 months old, late congrats,,,,,,,,my ol lady wants like 6 kids im thinking more like 4 max THANKS pfunk! SIX Kids!!! 4 KIDS!!!! Man! Kids are expensive and means a LOT of work! I want to see how you two will change you minds after the first one! But they worth the effort and all the problems. They are a real bless.
  19. Guess nobody can tell from a picture. But it does not looks molded to the pilot hand... I hope.
  20. Yes the pilot sculpt looks really amazing. I will love to get a Yamato Land crew of those. Graham... Why dont you bother Yamato about a land crew? THANKS FOR THE PICS! AND HAPPY B DAY!!
  21. Yes they look too human... but I dont know which one is worst.... The Tiny and anorexic DYRL 1/48 original hands, the BUBBLE TV 1/48 Hands or this Toynamy Alpha hands. Thruth is they all sucks in such beautifull Valkyrie. I think we need and original sculpt here and RECASTS!
  22. No problm Dan you know you are allways wellcome. Anyways you should go to my house, it much near than my office. And you can also Check the beast! Gimme a call tomorrow from the Expo!
  23. LAst one. I guess with this crappy pics you guys can get an idea about the Detold glass cabinets. I still need to assemble the last cabinet... Damn... no time, only work.
  24. More
  25. Here are some more pics. You can see the 1/48 with FPs fits without any problem.
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