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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Thanks Graham! That ends the debate. Good news the GBP will be sold separatelly, I have enough 1/60 Valks. And I really do not want an extra 1J having the 1/48 arround.
  2. Yamato made those hands just to be anime accurate. I dislike those oversised bubble hands, even if they are "accurate". I guess we will need Graham to clear this "Armor Parts" debate. HLJ often makes mistakes with the description. They use fixed frases for the descriptions and sometimes they are not right.
  3. Even the sithlord was wrong, the 1/60 parts will be abailable on next month! The GBP also will be released next February. Cool, I cant wait for the GBP! Check it HERE
  4. That's it! From now on you will be known as Dookoo! Hummmm maybe Dookoo Parkes is right after all. Miss mommy?
  5. Guppy and I will arrive to HK next Janury 5th at 12:30. I will stay in the Kowloon Hotel, my full name is Sebastian Poli Lauzon in case anybody wants to contact me. Guppy. You lucky bastard, have fun in Thailand!!!!!
  6. Update! Confirmed Members: Graham. Wingcomander. Guppy. VF-1S Alpha (Paulo) DemonPlay. Recon. Lazyman. Deadzone (looks like he will join us half day). Sebastian. So we have 9 confirmed members, FOUR wifes and one Baby. Not 100% Sure: Neova. Xtoys (Tony). I will meet him and Danny (Eternal D) today here in Shanghai and will try to convince him. I am sorry for Shawn... too bad. At least he FINALLY changed the picture of MW main page!
  7. Sebastian

    Age Check! :)

    If your friends think you are gay for playing with toys, no prob. BUT girlfriend thinks you are gay... then maybe you are after all.
  8. I just saw the 3rth episode. It is really amazing. Now I cant whait to get the toys, and that armored valk is a beauty! Too bad is such a SHORT serie, there is enough plot and fans to make it LONGER.
  9. Sebastian

    Age Check! :)

    Whow Graham! You sounds depressing! We will make you feel jounger in the Shopathon, dont worry.
  10. Awsome works guys! Jung, that 1A looks fantastic. .
  11. Sebastian

    Age Check! :)

    But you are not...
  12. Sebastian

    Age Check! :)

    I am 27. A normal guy here. Is funny we have members with 20 years difference... Montarvillois and ewilen where getting their first laids when Comander Mcbride was nothing but an egg in his moms belly. By they way... guys you two are OLD!
  13. Yeah I checked out that thread. However, I will be going to HK with my mother, and I don't want to ditch her to go toy shopping although that does sound like fun. I don't think she would fit in well with a bunch of Macrossworld members. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?!?! You will be there in HK and you will not meet us? What! we are not good enough for you? I cant beleive this, such disrespect for your MW fellow members. We could show you the places, advice about the purchases and eventually get better prices... but after this atittude of yours I think you will be all by yourself! And we will BUY ALL THE GOOD STUFF and you wont be able to find anything in HK! MUAAAA HA HA HA! Seriously, why dont you meet us once, we will be visiting toy shops, you will need to do the same if you wanna buy for resell dont you? Think it over and let us know. You can come for a couple of ours if you want! If you can meet us I can send you a list of shops where you can find some god stuff.
  14. Yep but the Girlfriend in from HK... Also if you wanna be a toy seller like him you better get some stuff in HK.
  15. Come On Graham , It's been more than a year since the first time I heard that from you. Buuuuuu I think Yamato only wants to tourture the poor fans...
  16. You should know you cant trust your secrets to the Sithlord... specially wen he will be drunk in a bar with a bunch of MW members in less than a month. Noel, I think you are screwed with the pact... You better take that plane to HK or all your secrets will be revealed
  17. I had seen 8th MS TEam several times, and I really dont remember that mecha at all. Maybe it have a short screen Shot ALA Elintseeker? I think it is not there.
  18. Just to let you know guys. I will be arriving to HK on January 5th noon. I will leave on 11 night. Sorry got to work on Monday I will stay in the Royal Pacific Hotel, about 2 or 3 blocks away from the Ramada.
  19. Too Bad Noel cannot make it ... So here is the latest Update. Confirmed Members: Graham. Wingcomander. Guppy. VF-1S Alpha (Paulo) DemonPlay. Recon. Lazyman. Sebastian. So we have 8 confirmed members, FOUR wifes and one Baby. Not 100% Sure: Neova. Shawn. Xtoys (Tony). I moved Shawn because nobody knows nothing about him...
  20. She is from Chile. And she wasnt working in China, it was me the one who got the job here. I KNEW you where a romantic guy Graham! Will see Noel...will see
  21. I bet you will find a LOT of cool stuff to spend your money. Beleive me. Me wants some books, movies, Orgoids, Valks, Models, and whatever cool looking mecha I find. Hummmm... My experience was kinda special. I got this job in China, so I asked her to come with me. She said "Okie, but first buy me a big diamond ring". So I did and we got married on a Saturday night and took a plane to Shanghai on Monday. I was so COOL. Well we where toghether since we had 17 years old, so I guess to get married was nothing but a formality. I dont know much about the two Gs, but I herd some comments... I heard Guppy lied to his wife about his age, first name, second name, Family name, job, hobbies, possetions, financial situation and proyections. Graham lied to his wife about been a weapons dealer and told her he was a Labor pilot.
  22. HUAAAA HA HA HA! dont worry my friend, I will guide you to the CORRECT places.
  23. Noel. Anyways we will be walking ALL day and moving from one place to another. I think the best deal is the Ramada, price and location. Specially because of my wife... buuuuu I had walked Nathan raod several times... OMG It IS looooong. Also Guppy just told me the Ramada Twin room is the same price as a single so you guys can share!
  24. Guys I just Checked the Ramada Hotel rates in a new web site and the rate is as low as 51 USD per night! I think is a VERY good price for an international hotel. Also it is VERY well located, Space museum, Cultural Center, HK museum of art, Ferri to cross the river to the island, we can Check the Bay at anytime (wich is AMAZING at night) and Nathan Road is very near the hotel. A taxi from there to the Sino Centre will be very cheap. I am also considering to be near turist places and night life since I am going there with my two backpacks (wife and son). Please go Check the rates in this site. HERE
  25. I understand you SO WELL!!! Same thing happens to me with my employees! I cant receive my toys at my house because of the wife... so I get them at my office. It is a real torture to stop yourself from opening the box and play with it. Is good to know I am not the only one!
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