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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Damn Danny... Anyways I will have to make your life imposible as soon as you arrive to Shanghai. Ok, let m know if you need something from HK. Maybe I can get it for you. To bad you cant make it for just a couple of days. Merry christmas by the way.
  2. Damn! I am getting at theast the Chrome Gucci one.
  3. Too bad... we wont be able to get it on the Shopathon...
  4. In the last weeks I had notice MW is in slow motion... looks like everybody is worried about the Christmas presents.
  5. Yep it looks like the Yammie 1/60 Q! I never saw that pic before! Anyways it looks like an early prototype? I dont like that paint job at all.
  6. 90! I ENVY you SO damn much. I want one of those so badly.
  7. Totaly married and one 6 months old little beast.
  8. Nah! Xtoys... sounds the same as Xstoys... and I save time. Hey! that was confidential stuff.. I may just satrt talking about you... Tony, you know you have everything to loose. MUAAAAA HA HA HA. COOL! now we also have TONY in the Shopathon! YEEEEEPEEEEE!!!! See you there my friend! Let me know if you come to shanghai before your departure day!
  9. Damn... I AM BORED!
  10. I wonder if Graham will finally get his job as a pilot...
  11. Is that Valkyrie Porn??
  12. That was INCREDIBLE!! How a thing of that size can do all that! They almost looked human in their movements. I wonder how long before we see the first Patlabor.
  13. IMHO Banprestos are nothing but junk.
  14. Yeah... where is the update??? I hope Mechamaniac is still with us (Let's pray for uor MW fellow member). Graham... you are REALLY enjoying this thread. MuAAAA HAHAHAHA I think our Mechaguy is screwed... Having a wife he must be!
  15. Update! Confirmed Members: Graham. (his house) Wingcomander. (Ramada Hotel) Guppy. (Ramada Hotel) DemonPlay. (Parents home) Recon. (Ramada Hotel) Lazyman. (his house) Deadzone. (?) Xtoys (Tony). Sebastian (Kowloon Hotel). So we have 9 confirmed members, 3 wifes and one Baby. Not 100% Sure... COME ON GUYS! CONFIRM!! VF-1S Alpha (YWCA) Neova.
  16. No problem you are WELLCOME! I PM you allready.
  17. Dan, man thanks a LOT for your note, It was MY pleasure to have you here. But I still have nightmares about carring your totally drunk humanity all those stairs... Good thing is I did lost a lot of weight! LOL GREAT NEWS you are comming to the Shopathon! Whoooo Hooooo! Now we only need to convince Tony and we will be all set! D, you are wellcome here anytime you want. Thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate them. Sebastian.
  18. That is too cute to be one of your friends. It is a girlie thing, definetelly. Hope you are not married, if so... you are in some deep crap.
  19. What I do is mainly stare at them with a big stupid smile in my face. Love to apply decals and detail the Valks, also customize them. I do pose them a lot and transform them time to time also...
  20. Ok, ok, keep making fun of me guys... Will make you all pay the price in H.K.
  21. Sebastian

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Whoow Jung. That is amazing.
  22. I am pretty near the Ramada, I can pick up Wingcomander and Gup and head to anywhere you like to meet. I think getting the breakfast toghether is a good Idea... it is damn expensive in the hotel. But that is something my boss may not agree. Damn lazy HK Hobby shop owners!!
  23. This are the Hotel Sites if anyone needs any Information. RAMADA Kowloon Hotel Grrrr. Cannot find the others and I have too much work right now. Graham. What about posting th schedule Idea? Do you have something in mind? I mean, you are the Suppa Guide after all right?
  24. I do not know where some of the guys are staying. I will PM everybody and post here the updates. Confirmed Members: Graham. (his house) Wingcomander. (Ramada Hotel) Guppy. (Ramada Hotel) DemonPlay. (Parents home) Recon. (Ramada Hotel) Lazyman. (his house) Deadzone. (?) Sebastian (Kowloon Hotel). So we have 8 confirmed members, 3 wifes and one Baby. Not 100% Sure: VF-1S Alpha (YWCA) Neova. Xtoys (Tony).
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