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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Danny, I will be back in Shanghai this Sunday 11. give me a call as soon as you arrive! About the Convoy, no problem IF I have any money at the end of the Shopathon!
  2. Nah! Its 60 US... not HK dollars.
  3. Another pic of Optimus after a couple of beers...
  4. THIS picture is for you Danny...
  5. Wingcomander... too bad... We all hate you, but dont worry Xtoys!!! Whoooooo Hooooooo Cool you will join us! I will have a special place for you... hehehehe Eternal D.... NO WE ARE NOT BUYING ANYTHING!!!! Not until the Shopathon! I know in HK the Optimus convoy where going for about 60... but there is no more Stock!!! sorry man I cannot help you this time, Guppy and I search EVERYWHERE for the Convoy without any Luck, no optimus and NO beer! HK SUCKS!!!!! Anyways this picture is for you.
  6. Dont worry DeadZone. This is the Final date. Im leaving to HK in a couple of our, See you guys there!
  7. Paint is Ok in terms of detail. problem is the color is a bit different in the plastic and diecast . I can notice thin on my Red Eva, the res are Ok.
  8. Wrong Forum. <_< You can check the Toybox DX rewiews, I remember they had a very good one for the EVA 01. I have all exept the Yellow one and they are a beauty. Only problem is the paint, specially in the Red one. Nothing mayor in my toys. Great poseability, lots of diecast and toons of accesories, If you like the Evas you should get one of this toys
  9. Sebastian

    News Drought

    As far as I know MW is not a Toy news site. And we are definetelly not a bunch of bailarinas who sugar coat everything with smiley faces and jokes in the end. If you dont like this place and the members, PLEASE GO AWAY.
  10. Hummmm something wrong with your poll? LOL It is a display piece for me... For my son it is a toy. But since I am bigger, wiser, and richer than him... IT IS A DISPLAY PIECE!
  11. Since you are the boss there... I guess you should have not problem in producing some of those for sell? Please?
  12. Do you think she will like to spend her time with us? Maybe she will find us a bit weird... to say the less. Anyways I hope she can come, so the other girls can have some company! I had been in HK several times, but usually not long enough to find the good restaurants, your help will be appreciated!
  13. Sad, sad... on your honneymoon and that is all you had done. Somebody must be pretty pissed. Happy New Year Gup!
  14. It is Ok Vostok 7... Ok, you can tell your dad he can come. Next time ask directly please. If you want me to buy something for you let me know, I can do it and give the stuff to your dad. I remember your 1/60 Hickaru and TV history. LOL. ... WHAT did you said about AgentONE ASS??? Sorry Vostok, but looks like you dont stand a chance with him... he is into door knobs.
  15. Strange question Anthony. Dont worry, girls are talkative by nature. I am Sure Guppy is NOT the quiet type at all. Graham is a gentleman, he walks never run... but still not quiet. Tony is not quiet, in fact he is the annoying type Right Mr Xtoys? And I cant talk about the rest, I dont know them in person. The baby will not come with us, that is for sure, specially for the drinks. But if you find us quiet.. then I can hadle the little guy to you for a while and solve your problem... About me... LOL I am NOT a silent person at all. I am sure you will not get bored, also if some of us are not the cool type or party type, it doesnt matter, for me is pretty exciting the idea of meeting people from MW and share our passion for toys and anime. We are the rare type , we may look and act different but we are alike and that is the reason we all are getting together in HK, right? To have fun no matter what.
  16. Latest Update! Confirmed Members: Graham Parkes. (his house) Wingcomander. (Ramada Hotel) Guppy. (Daniel Gustafson, Ramada Hotel) DemonPlay. (Parents home) Recon. (Louis, Ramada Hotel) Lazyman. (his house) Deadzone. (His house) Xtoys (Tony Yao, Kowloon Hotel). Neova (Anthony, his house) Sebastian Poli Lauzon (Kowloon Hotel). So we have 10 confirmed members, 3 wifes and one Baby.
  17. Ok, We will meet it the lobby of the Kowloon Hotel at 11.00am on Friday 9th January. Why in the Kowloon Hotel? Because I am staying there, so I can wake up at 10:30 Nah! I am just follwing the all mighty orders of the Sithlord. Here is the location and address. The Kowloon Hotel 19-21 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR Tel: +852 2929 2888 Edit> It is only a couple of blocks away from the Ramada hotel, a few minutes walking... almost sure.
  18. Hi boys! This is the tentative Schedule made by G-man. Any other oppinions are wellcome! Day 1 Friday (Kowloon side) Meet for ealy lunch. Prince Edward: Japanese Hobby magazines & art books - open at around 1pm. Mong Kok: Several Branches of Animate & Kanto Hobby + Superman Toys & Antshop - open around 1pm. Mong Kok: Sino Centre anime DVD shops - open at around 1pm. Mong Kok: 111 Richmond Center - most shops don't open until about 6pm. Sham Shiu Po, if anybody is interested for copy software. Tsuen Wan (good toy shop there) if we have time. (I rather skip the software and hit Tsuen Wan) Dinner + drinks. Day 2 Saturday (HK Island Side) Meet for lunch Travel to HK Side Visit Sogo - Toys & Books Visit Causeway Bay Center + a few other nearby shops. Visit 188 Center in Wanchai Dinner + drinks. Day 3 Sunday Not decided yet. Soon I will post and PM all the members the meeting Info. NEXT WEEK! YES!
  19. Hey Sebastian if you see my friend Christian he'll tell you Initial D is not impossible its a reality. Im close to that level while there is a Kid who is 16 years old drifting in the D1 drifiting competitions. By the way... WERE are your friends??? I am still waiting for their call! And Initial D is NOT possible whatever Christian say. come on!
  20. I have I wonderfull wife... I must say. Even when she hates my toys and models she allways tries her best to make me happy. Last year she gave me a PG Zaku for my B Day, this year a PG GP 01 and for Christmas an air brush set! Yep, she knows me and pretty well even wen she hates what she buys for me she knows it will make me happy. Edit. The Airbush set SUCKS... but she tried!
  21. The Lancia is a beauty. Ex-Driver... I didnt like it at all. Well I also did not liked Initial D... Little supper kids driving, Toufu, impossible maneuvers... I rather watch Gao Gai Gar.
  22. Mine have a bit more of a year, I got it 4 days after the Japan release. No yellowing, no cracks nothing. Well it came with two left wings flaps, but thats all. I cant complain. I still remember how I felt the first time I played with it. THANKS YAMATO!
  23. Looks great! Really really great. Such an amazing custom, and such crappy pics... I WANT BETTER PICS! Please?
  24. Sebastian

    How To?

    What is a Veritech?
  25. Are you sure? I hope to see the Q Rau in JAnuary, but I really dont think so. It is not even listed in HLJ yet. Well let's hope we can get the Raus during the Shopathon!
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