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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Personally I found the animation one of the best Gundams I had seen so far. I only need to finish Z Gundam and ZZ. But I am a freak so my opinnion desnt count much. I wonder WHY it gets no love. I can easily get MG and HG models from all the other series, even Gundam X and G gundam have more to offer when comes to models and toys, and man... those shows SUCKED. I had been searching the web for the Assult V2 Gundam and the other one with the big cannon (V2 also, forgot the name). Finnaly got them on HLJ. 1/100 HG kit. OLD kits. So I wonder WHY there is no MGs or toys? I mean new stuff. Please dont count the crappy Banprestos. Was the show unsuccesfull in Japan or what?
  2. Hehe. Same reputation on both sides of the ocean. LOL. Sorry Dan, you cant hide reality.
  3. JOKE MACHINE ----- JM Shame you didnt know.
  4. Man.... your collection is INSANE! I also feel jelous! What about your wife? Miune would cut my balls If I spend that much in models! Lucky B...!!
  5. I have the Talgesee III from this line and I REALLY love it! The details, paint job and weathering is amazing for a 20 US$ toy. Also the size, poseability... It looks like a Fix line toy should been made. The only bad thing is there is not marking, but ho well. Anyways, this new release looks like a resized MSIA, too bad BanDai is screwing with this line.
  6. I dont know why... I just DONT BELEIVE YOU!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA...
  7. Graham! Finally you came up with a good idea!!! Yepeeeee!! I absolutelly agree with this. Anything I can do to help, please let me know.
  8. Danny boy... why bother? whe both know you will never finish your custom. You are aaaaay to lazy.
  9. Nah! No way we hang out with you. Girls allways run away if you are near. Also you get drunk too easily and later I have to carry you on my back I just hope your place dont have stairs like my old house or I will leave you outside this time. Yep we should meet next time you are here! Well after you finish the the jury thing.
  10. Hey Newca!! Glad to see you got the 1/48 finally! I cant beleive you got it here in Shanghai! Where?? Well last time I visited the shops was like two months ago. Argh! Enjoy your new toy!!
  11. I think the only thing I would really buy happily are convertion parts. ALA B Club with Gundam. If there where a Stampede convertion kit , Elint, Ostrich, Thunder Hummer Armor, GBP, New head designs, sets of hands, ground crew... etc. THAT could be a great best seller. I mean I dont mind spending US$ 250 in a nice convertion Kit for my 1/48s.
  12. Sebastian

    Will Hlj?

    That´s It! I will take my revenge as soon as you get off the plane! Ho yes! I am a very Dangerous and Evil person! Muaaa Ha Ha. And the BEST part is I just checked my 1/48 and I have a solution! Buy a new one. LOL You cant use super glue on it and also cant insert metal pegs because drilling the parts of the ABS will weak the plastic and it will end broked again. I though maybe that was a possible way, but no the piece is just to flimsy. Guess you will need to make a new piece... sorry, but D was right as usual, I cant help at all. But on the other hand to sculp a new spare part from ABS is really easy, you should try it. I had fixed a lot of toys in that way. You will need a dremel.
  13. Sebastian

    Will Hlj?

    I am in office right now, I will chek my 1/48s as soon I return home... maybe I can come up with an idea to solve your problem... But cosidering some "coments" I wont be able to help at all I guess I will have to kick some asian ass.
  14. Those 2 are not out yet! Middle of March release from my contact. Did he bring his backpack this time? Call me and we can meetup for lunch again! Neova BTW: Does guppy or his backpack work for the airlines? Nope, this time the crazy Aussie is all alone... Hooooo the envy. And none of them works for any airline... he is just DAMN LUCKY! Danny. You have NO IDEA HOW CLOSE you are to fact... I will tell about this next time we meet.
  15. Sebastian

    Will Hlj?

    Yeah. Post some pictures, otherwise... no way I can help at all.
  16. Sebastian

    Will Hlj?

    You are sooooooo screwed. Why not fixing the part? Cant be done at all?
  17. Like it a LOT!!!! It looks super cool!! I think a gun metal or light gun metal from Mr Hobby will make the weapons look great! Also I think the inside green should be a bit darker, maybe if you make a fast wash? Panel lines look very well and the color scheme is super nice.
  18. YEah I agree with jwinges in 90% I think Rahxephon is a must. Totally great, the best animation I had seen in this last year. Full metal panic is a bit of everything, cool mecha action, great animation and funny as hell. 8th team is the best gundam IMHO. Voices of a distant star, cool but deperssing. Evangelion, a must. Also. Last Exile. Beautifull. Stellvia. Escaflowne. Gundam 0083. Vandread.
  19. Sebastian

    1/48 valk

    There is a lot of members saying the YAmmie 1/48 is a bit overpriced compared with other toys like the MPC Convoy, maybe they are right, I dont know. For me I just pay whatever the ask for it as long I can afford it. The toy is the best valkyrie rendition EVER created and I really dont ming paying the 100 ++ YAmato ask for it. In fact I hope the get a LOT of money from his Macross lines so they keep producing such beauties, and not 1/100 crappy PVC toys. ABout the Hickaro or focker... as long you get the second edition of the Focker... it is up to your taste.
  20. I have to agree with Graham, while the animation, planes, dogfights... are super cool, the characters looks like a bunch of homosexual rockers. But Graham, I think you are wrong about the most annoying character in the anime history... that goes to Shinji Ikari.
  21. I am really amazed with all your models! They look really awsome. Please post pics of your VF 0 PLEASE!
  22. This is REALLY funny... Guppy is RIGHT NOW in Hong Kong for SECOND time. I mean the guy bought all those toys in the Shopathon, and now, not even a month later he is BACK BUYING MORE! NO, I am not kidding. Check out this crazy guy shopping list for his personal second shopathon. HGUC Hygog HGUC Gundam GP01/GP03 HGUC Gaplant MG Zaku 1 MG Gouf Custom MG Gundam Titans Mk2 MG Rick Dom MG GP03 MG Hyakushiki PG Titans Metal Material Sword Strike Yukikaze EX-13 1.5 Macross 7 Blazer macross figures:q-rau,officer pod,tomahawk,battroid,super battroid Smallest Transformer set of 5 Transformers mini x 5 set 1/60 armor parts Berserk figures SOC Getter Dragon SOC Mazinger Z OAV ver. SOC Great Mazinger renewal ver. Yamato Q-Rau Ho! and add a Jumbo grade RX 78 he just got (he emailed me just to make me hate him more ) Crazy Aussie!
  23. Exo... No surprise if you prefer this Boot over the 1/60...
  24. Change those hands in your Suppa 1J!!!
  25. A clear coat should help to solve the problems you may have by taking the protective layer. Maybe this way does not beat TAka or Devin stickers/declas, but it is cheaper. I guess I will try.
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