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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. This is my first 1/6 action figure custom EVER. So guys... what you think about it? It is a Kerberos, just like the Yamato/Dragon figure released a while back. This is the Red Spectacles Version. A 100% custom made. I got the custom armor from eBAy and I had to... do everything again. Lol, it ws real bad. It was a LOT of work, but fun as hell. Opinions are wellcome, but be nice, this is my first attempt with 12" figures. It is weathered, painted, and customized all over.
  2. Yeah... we want UPDATES!!
  3. Yamato will release the easiest ones... as usual. I mean CF and MAYBE a K. All theat means easy repaints and milk the molds. They just LOVE our money. Anyways a two seater will be another story.
  4. Danny. We DO NOT WANT another Millia proyect from you D!! ME WANTS MY 1/48 HANDS!!
  5. 53%... Looks like I am more into Toys and Kits...
  6. MY bad. I AM SORRY!
  7. The Red Astray appears in the last episodes, they are piloted by some girls... poor girls..
  8. Well... They are not that bad... but they still looks like crap no matter the combination
  9. Millia is out allready. Why whait till next month to grab it??
  10. Well a Blac Esca could be nice... but after all the problems I got with my "TV version" I think I wont buy tha same floppy guy again.. no way.
  11. Guymelef refers to the mecha (the robots). I guess is the same ol Esca coming again? Maybe is Allen Shezar guymelef? That could be so nice! But no way, Yamato cant work that fast.
  12. Too bad Calvin! I got only one and I have no complains. Looks like you have super bad luck
  13. Tose M7 VF 1s can only be loved by Red Comet... Good to see he havent seen this thread yet. Those things are HORRIBLE! I have the M/ TV series for sell as well the OVA... Anybody wants it??
  14. Sebastian

    VF-1 Lighter

    Hummmm a Gunpod lighter would looks like those Cheap chinese lighter I buy here all the time, nah, better a Zippo one, Those are cool. And Danny, there IS a Chinese brand wich is as good a Zippo! one of my employees gave me one, and it is really good quality. So dont look don¡wn at Chinese zippos boots, some may be real good.
  15. EXO. What a BAD joke! Almost as bad as Danny is with girls... Ups! I talked too much.
  16. Don't let Sebastian fool you. He is not really a low grade manager. He's actually like one of those James Bond villians who desires to rule the world, complete with a huge secret base on a deserted tropical island. Graham Damn! Graham! You were suposed to keep the secret! Now everybody will know my plans of ruling the earth with the Patlabors you sold me! Ack! At least my base is still secretly located. That is something.
  17. Screw that - how about some Akane Soma pics instead? Screw Akane Soma... Me like that Chick better anyways, but I bet her boobs are fake.
  18. Yay! Me likes! but if it is a Japanese movie, why there is no japanese actors? Anyways it looks damn cool. Release date??
  19. I got only one, too damn expensive for a low grade manager as myself. It is on the post office waiting for me. I guess I wont be able to pick it up till tomorrow.
  20. Yep the moster may be cool... but what up with SO many gashapoon toys lately_ Looks like they are better business than the serious stuff. Guess now the diecast and ABS toys time is finished, now we will have PVC Macross toys in all sizes. Yeeesh... Damn.
  21. Yeah, cant agree more. In fact there is people complaining about the good ol' days of MW and asking where are the old guys. Well I have been here since the very beggining, and no wonder why so many good ol guys left.
  22. Hi Taric. In spanish for you. Mejor me envias in PM (Personal Message) por medio de MW o me escribes a spolil@vip.sina.com con todas las dudas que tengas respecto de los juguetes, modelos y otros de Macross (los tengo todos.. hehehe ) . No hagas caso a las respuestas de algunos de nuestros miembros, mejor dejarles ser... en internerd abundan los "matones" Sera un placer tener un compatriota en estos foros, de hecho somos muy pocos, creo que tres. Cualquier ayuda no dudes en contactarme! Sebastian
  23. Guppy! You changed your avatar! WHERE IS SKELETON!!!
  24. Cant beleive you finally finished it!!! After many months I can see the finished guppycustomvalk... Nice looking custom Gup! panel lines... come on man... dont be lazy!!!! Well even if you dont do the panel lines it looks awsome! I love the color scheme! Nice nice nice! Too bad it belongs to you, it should be mine
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