I got the complete toy from eBay. A custom work.
But the Armor was NOT remobable, feets and arms where Fixed. the shoulder plates where also fixed, the right leg was fixed.... It was really bad for a 12" figure... looked more like a fixed pose garage kit.
Also the armor plates where full of mistakes and it was badly finished to say the least.
It was a bit better than a Vinil figure. No poseability, bad detailing, sucky paint job and a terrible cast for the body armor.
I replace the Body ( a NEW obitsu body) remade the legs armor (All the left leg armor is newly made), remade the Arms armor (The shield is the orinal one) and customised all the rest so it can be poseable and remobable, like the yamato/Dragon Jin Roh
Anyways, It was super fun work.
Yep it is considerable thinner than the Kerberos Stray Doggie, later will take pics side by side.