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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Sorry guys bt I am REALLY interested in the Ymato Zeorymer... anybody have any info? Size, price, release date, ABs, Diecast or PVC (god forbid)??? And to be honest. That VF 10 looks WORST than the previos images we saw... may be the same prototipe, but it looks like YAmato people posed on porpouse the show how UGLY the hip joints are.
  2. OMG the VF 0 Hip joints SUCKS SO DAMN MUCH! Any info on Zeorimer by the way?
  3. ZEORIMER!!! HADES PROYECT ZEORIMER!!! I WANT MORE INFO BOUT THAT!! It is gonna be produced by Yamato??? What about the Base? Man... allways wanted that toy...
  4. WOoow... When I saw your post I thought you lost your wife and son in some accident. Good t know it was just your little HD.
  5. Hummmm looks like Nora kicked Shin Ass. Yep please translation...
  6. Bah! Who cares about Robocrap & HG? This is MW after all. Let´s get this thread locked! Yeee Peeee!
  7. GREAT WORK! I am amazed. Really really amazed
  8. Sebastian


    Chech this thread for the info you are looking for. I just hope you dont make such custom job on a 1/48... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7871
  9. Sebastian


    You can buy a MG Gundam monoeye led set for that. Check HLJ. Of buy a MPC better. Why to have a light up head? I never saw any glowing VAlkyries heads in the Macross animation. What about the wing tips? that could be much better.
  10. WOOOW.... Me want one. And that Protect gear looks awsome. Really But I rather get a male version. That is a doll after all.
  11. YES YES It was one of those BAD KAiyodo recasts! And yes! hey are BAD! I knew you sold it to an Australian FREACK... Poor Stray Doggie... You sent him to his Doom... No protect gear can save him
  12. Sebastian

    New picture

    Errrr... Graham. Do you feel Ok? Is your baby gonna de a Girl by any chance? Maybe this fact may explain your behavior... in some way. I know I know I just remembered I totally forgot to send you the pics of my crappy custom! I promess I´ll do! Shame on me. And Graham... Pink Valks?
  13. Dart Vader_ Hummmmm Maybe. And my Nico is gonna be meaner looking than that Red Sectacles figure! That is for sure!
  14. Yep it sits high because of the metal tubes are just too long.... I need to cut them a bit and the head will be just fine. Originally... it is suposed to be the Kerberos Blasson... but the casting of the armor was so bad it looks like a... something else.. hehehe Guess I will have to do something about that. Right... I dunno why I cant help thinking about Yamato´s Millia figure.
  15. I am still learning how to pose stuff properly. Spidrman is helping me lot. i am afarid to break other stuff. so far i know how to pose spiderman and pirme well. btw.notice roy 1s is tv style? Hey... Ali. Prime is in TRUCK mode... you cant go wrong with his pose. LOL
  16. Nice collecton Ali Sama!! but yeah... please pose those 1/48 a bit... better.
  17. WHat about the motorcicle? that thing turns into an armor right? I will like to see that. Thanks for the mini rewiew Monkey.
  18. I need to buy one MG 34 or 42... No accesories. About the suit, it is a jump suit.
  19. I got the complete toy from eBay. A custom work. But the Armor was NOT remobable, feets and arms where Fixed. the shoulder plates where also fixed, the right leg was fixed.... It was really bad for a 12" figure... looked more like a fixed pose garage kit. Also the armor plates where full of mistakes and it was badly finished to say the least. It was a bit better than a Vinil figure. No poseability, bad detailing, sucky paint job and a terrible cast for the body armor. I replace the Body ( a NEW obitsu body) remade the legs armor (All the left leg armor is newly made), remade the Arms armor (The shield is the orinal one) and customised all the rest so it can be poseable and remobable, like the yamato/Dragon Jin Roh Anyways, It was super fun work. Yep it is considerable thinner than the Kerberos Stray Doggie, later will take pics side by side.
  20. Sebastian

    New picture

    But still better tahn sailor VAlkyries...
  21. Sebastian

    New picture

    I wonder if you have the guts to do the same with a 1/48... that could be... SO wrong
  22. Ack! still have more pics...
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