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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Nah! I just lost the pictures. That is all. I have them in my notebook actually, and I am too lazy to turn it on... shame on me. Later will post some more pics.
  2. Here is a MG.
  3. Here is my PG Zaku II. Cant find the W Zero and thje MKII... maybe later.
  4. WHOOOW That is expensive. Considering they go for almos 4USD on the supermarket. Detajust is the model of my watch? Man this is the first time I noticed it !
  5. Your proyect looks and better every time I check the new pictures. I hope you and your students finish this, I had seen so many cool proyects left unfinished... Ireally wanna this beautifull Valk soon, and I hope you sell me a recast
  6. Hey Graham, Wellcome to the club. Your baby is REALLY beautifull, congratulatulations! Now Nico will have a friend to play next time I visit you. We can leave the babies playing with your valks while we go shopping! cool. Please give our regards to Amy!
  7. Sebastian


    Yeah, I thought it was cool news... please Mods, kill this thread
  8. IMO I really dont mind paying $10 or even more for a piece I need. In fact I hope Haterist and Neova to have a super nice business, so they can keep offering this service in future. I also think there is nothing wrng by asking discounts, wich is quite normal thing to do when you buy stuff.
  9. Im sure you can find the answers if you browse a bit this forums. And wellcome to MW.
  10. Yep, they where made in Singapore. Early ones are Japanese. All the Henshing Robo Alphas are from singapore. And to me it looks like the real thing, not like a boot at all.
  11. I also really would LOVE to get some alphas and a ciclone. Hoooooooo.... could somebody buy them for meeee????
  12. About getting more of this toy for you guys, I would gladly do it, but I have no time at all. I dont even know if they are still available. I will check.
  13. At least the gun clip from the one pictured is as good as the bandai reissues. The rest of this bootleg, exept the canopy, is really crappy. Anyways, is a super nice deal for the money you're paying.
  14. Those damn hip joints.... yep, I am beating a dead horse I know, but for me THAT is the real problem.
  15. MY brother? He lives in Chile and he can hardly speack a correct spanish. I guess you are talking about ZorClone brother. Thanks for the Info ycn610, good to see there some more MAcross fans here in Shnaghai! We are 3 allready!
  16. Hey... thanks for the info!!! I cant read Mandarin, so can you please give me the address of this shop here in Shnaghai?? Also the 1/48s are going for RMB 1380, that is 167 USD (1USD=8.265RMBs).Still kinda expensive.
  17. buy dvds . at $4-$5 a pop Well... If you bought them at those prices... then you got ripoff .... and heavily
  18. Thanks for recommending my services Xtoy! Well, as far as 1/48 goes, you wont have any luck here in Shanghai. I had seen only ONE for sale, a LOW VIS. But it is going for RMB 1800 that is 217 USD, maybe I can get it a bit Cheaper, dunno. So looks like you are pretty screwed. Well, anything you need, just PM me, I will gladly help.
  19. Hummmm that Zeong THING is SO damn UGLY. And Rick Dias ... I dont like the mecha design.
  20. That guy looks like AgentOne. I wonder if he is into doorknobs as well... The movie looks cool otherwise.
  21. As far as I know that was a present.... and it came from a girl. So please DO NOT COMPLAIN B!
  22. Because you are very close to your femenine side? Maybe because you have two personalities? Or is just because you think you are a little girl that looks like a boy? Hummmmm I wonder...
  23. Hey that is an awsome work! I am sure here will be a lot of members interested in getting your model. I just hope it turns fine, so far it looks really great. please keep us posted. De paso, los mexicanotes son todos malos. En mayor o menor grado... pero al final toooodos son malotes. Nah! de hecho mi experiencia ha sido excelente, tengo muchos amigos compatriotas tuyos, y por Dios que son entretenidos. De escucharles hablar ya me dan risa. No pienses que hay tan mala opinion, Uds son excelentes personas. bienvenido a MW!!
  24. Myersjessee, man... That was so..... GAY.
  25. Crest of Stars is a damn good Sci Fi animation. About the rest... no idea.
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