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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. I am glad to see this proyect is "sort of" alive. I would really really really like to see it finished. but considering how fast Rob is... that would be in 10 more years??? I hope you finish it Rob. Too bad Yoshi left the forums and his Macross adiction, he was crazy about the STP
  2. I am getting Danny's convertion first. Sure you guys will get the 25 orders anyways so I guess I will end buying both
  3. Like a year ago there was somebody working on it... Chris maybe? I dont remember. Looks like he drop it. I would die to see a convertion kit for the stampede in 1/48 form.
  4. IF you compare the Zaku and Zaku Warrior HCMs you will see there is a big difference. The Normal Zaku looks SO much better. The ZW is totally plain, no panel lines and no markings. I guess BanDai wanted to skip some production process just to get more money, dunno, I just hate when Bandai do this kind of tricks. Cheap bastards. Anyways the Zaku Warrior is a cool toy, but this second watch of HCMs Pro definetelly not as good as the first one.
  5. Yeah, after Guppy tried the battery in his Strike, I didnt even bother about trying the battery in mine.
  6. Hoooo NO. I cant beleive this! BanDai y releasing ANOTHER LAME RX 78-2... annoying
  7. Yep, you have.. But not for long... a YEAR maybe? ANyways that VF 01 is not gonna be released anytime soon, maybe never, so dont hold you breath. That pic is also the first prototipe Yamato ever did.
  8. Yep he is here and he is having FUN! I hope And I am taking care of the of Danny ... so no wonder why he can't do nothing... he is doing nothing but parting all night. In his current state if he lay his hands on the convertion kit he can only trash all the beautifull work he has done or engrave under the chest plate words like "take me to Dong Ren Lu, Julu Lu, Maoming Lu, Zapatasssss who yao xiao xieeeeee" ... poor lost soul.
  9. Amazing job!!! I wonder If we can see a picture in BaT mode..
  10. I saw Kung Fu Hustle a while ago, WEIRD movie, but also really funny IMO. The characters are really funny (the old lady and her husband... )and the action scenes are also very nice. The end was kinda too much but generally speaking I loved the movie, is weird, funny and very very different.
  11. This animation sounds promising, but I guess I am kinda TIRED of the teenagers with *super habilities* newtypes, reincarnations and all that crap. Ho! and Im also tired of Bandai releasing a RX 78-2 every two weeks... ALLWAYS the same. And, I actually like the mecha design. Hummm but considering bandai will make SOC figures of them, and the fact I am a toy whore... I guess my oppinion doesnt count much. hehe
  12. I am definetelly getting two GBPs. One for custom. So I will need an extra VF, if they sell a set of valk and armor, I am getting one, I just hope they wont ONLY sell it in that way, the armor set alone is gonna be arround USD 100, so I dont wanna imagine the price of the set.
  13. I just got my HCM Pro Zaku Warrior. And sadly I must say I felt kinda dissapointed with it. Looks like Bandai guys did not put the same effort than with the first release. There is no printed lines on the toy, considering the inexistent panel lines it gives a "naked" feeling to the little guy. They just skip a roduction procesess, I guess in that way they get more money in the greedy pockets. Whatever, I still find the Zaku warrior a cool toy, but compared with the Zaku II, it looks crappier. Still I am getting at least one more, I love the toy, is not like what happened the Arch Enemies line. Anyways I hate this kind of tricks Bandai play with the fans.
  14. Something tells me Shawn never really checked this Thread after the first post he made... Well, is not like he visits often this site anyways
  15. No surprise if some of you guys allready got this girly set...
  16. i do not have my PG strike near me but i think that is a wide and deep panel line. chris yep, it is just a panel line.
  17. Hummm... what can I say?
  18. Thanks for the nice comments guys! I am a newbie with the airbrush and I dont feel very confident. Now I am much better. Too bad my wife picture is there... I remember last time (like a year ago)I posted a picture of her and my baby some stupid member made some stupid comments... And yes, I think the strike is sexier than my wive. Just dont tell her! Anyways I still need to finish the gun, shield and grand slam. Thanks again guys
  19. OOOoooops! Pics came out pretty big. Well, I guess you guys can see in detail all the mistakes I made
  20. This one is the finished strike besides a naked frame (Gupy's Strike) Guppy I hope you EVER finish the model. In this pic I used a flash, but syill the finished one look pretty much same.
  21. another
  22. A few weeks ago I posted asking if the weathering was ok or if it was too much. I just finished this guy, so I wonder what you guys think of it. Pics are with no flash so they are pretty real.
  23. In fact I just cant understand why the chinese guys have such bad taste. Looks like they just love hugly paint schemes. Not even my kid would be interested in that Valk.
  24. Yeah, you have been kinda "missed" from MW forums. Even I have been posting more than you! Is it the job? the womans? or is it you just dont love us anymore??
  25. I dont agree with your oppinion, just consider the HCM Pro line for example. They are in 1/200... small little guys but really well finished. The matherial they used (Styrene and ABS... almost sure ) is also 100000X better than the FIx ones and the pieces are clean and extremelly well done, just check the seam lines and panel details . Of corse given their size, to panel line them is really difficult, but the have some cool details anyways. Not considering they have remobable armor (some areas) and a lot of spare parts. So I guess what I would really really love is a 1/100 HCM pro line, more than a Fix line in 1/100.
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