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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. forgetfull thing!!! The FIRST thing I did when I got my Ryoma was to take pics of him and email then to you. I will try one more time, then I will email to you if no siccess
  2. And here is the size comparisson picture. This dude is HUGE. Edit. For some weird reason I cant attach the picture. Will try later
  3. Here is the one I was telling you about. EXPENSIVE SEIICHI helped me to get mine. THANK YOU MAN!! http://cgi.ebay.com/BLACK-GETTER-ROBO-Ryom...1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. Guys. I own the black getter limited, and it is NOT PVC... it is mostly 95% Diecast. It is HUGE, bigger than a normal MAzinger SOC. I will post some pics of mina ASAP. The fewture Ltd black Ryoma went for abou UDS 350... recently on eBay it was sold on arround 500 USD. The red one is generally speaking same thing, diferent head, different color scheme and different accesories. The toy weights a TON and Is a total beauty!!! Extremelly poseable, tight joints AWSOME paint job, etc. It is like a Mazinger 1901 vertion but 1000x cooler On eBay and on HK shops the preorder is arround USD 300. Check www.toy-wave.com preorders. This toys definetelly worth the price, really, I have a big collection and I must admit this is a Suppa center piece
  5. Congratulations Tony! Finally you got married! Now, if you guys are planning babies I recommend you a nice cabonite glass shelf (bullet proof) with temporized locks. Nice Wedding cake, and hot looking bridemaid. By the way, you are such nerd.
  6. WHOOOW!!!! THAT IS WAH I CALL... UGLY! When you mentioned me you will be doing this custom I tough "whaever, the kampfer will never look bad even if is Guppy the one doing the panitjob" But now I see how wrong I was. LOL!! It really looks nice, and yep, it will be really awsome if you add some weathering! Anyways it already rocks. I would add some paint in the hands, also it seems you only painted the armor (lazy Aussie) It will really look nicer if you add a bit more paint. Will you add more details, like panel lines and more declas or you will only add the weathering?? Considering the size I think with the weathering it will look Ok. The colors also are very nice. nice Custom Gup!!
  7. Yucks!!! that is what I call UGLY.
  8. by the way... you should be punished for the misleading information... I guess we should sue buddafabio
  9. I checked eBay and some online stores in HK and nobody have the VF 0 on sale. Maybe is not out yet??
  10. YAY!!!!! Finally!!! Any other confirmation arround??? I have a ticket to HK and I was just waiting the release of this babies to use it! MUAAA HA HA I also need a couple of days off URGENTLY. Good news. what about the stealth? it should be out this month also, If I can get both in the trip, that would be nice. I cant delay the trip much longer, or my clients will start screaming.
  11. HOOOOO JBO's Thread was locked.... And it was FUN... at least Better than this one. There is No justice in MW. Any ideas about a V/s thread?? like electric shaver v/s shavers Coke v/s Pepsi...
  12. WOOD!! It is more expensive than carpet! NICE THREAD JBO!! LOL!
  13. Sorry guys, dont hate me... I was just joking a bit. Too much Yoshinol. Anyways I did not ment to cause such big deal, It was just and innocent and very usual comment about TFs. Really, I wasnt trying to insult anybody. Sorry angain, and now go play with those hugly toys, and forget the whole thing!
  14. I got the first hibird optimus and the MPC optimus... but honestly... the TF toys are really HUGLY... Edit----> Sorry guys, I was rude. Anyways keep in mind I may come back later and runing high on yoshinol again!
  15. I wonder WHAT the HECK has Samuel L. Jackson, Planes and M.F.ing SNAKES to do in a Anime and Science fiction thread... specially when this are MW boards. Meanining... ANIME (mostly) and Sci fi related stuff. Everytime I see this thread is still up and running on the first page makes me want to ask G-Man "please make me a moderator".
  16. Forget it. Yamato will give us the SAME crappy ol stickers. I wonder is the Crappy stickers factory have something to do with any Yamato Ceo preferred karaoke gal... even the sticker I produce for PADLOCKS are better than the ones yamatos...
  17. By the way... when is it comming out?
  18. Hooooo NO! I cant beleive Yamato will make a low Vis like that!!! It looks "unpainted" It is like the unpainted resin sculp we saw a few months Ago! Damn Yamato... I guess I will have to buy 10 or 20 just to sell them later at 3x the price tag.
  19. Well, I just dont remember, I had been here even before the old forum. I came to China 5 years ago, and before that I was already very active on MW I remember... so I guess I have been here for about... 7 years? Dunno how old is MW, should ask Graham, but before everything Yamato, when we could only get the old Takas, jetfires and joons. LOL
  20. The Fewture Black getter is a really cool toy. Considering the price I was specting a good toy but It really surprised me. SOCs looks like crap besides him. The Red Vertion will be released in June at about half price of the Ryoma tipe. Cant wait!
  21. Sebastian

    Custom 1/48 Gbp

    Incredible work. both the GBP and the VF 1J looks awsome. I wish I had such great skills with my airbrush.
  22. I really want a review on this toy... I want one, but considering the price tag I rather hear some oppinions first.
  23. If he offers a good product I would be really interested.
  24. Again the same question... I'm a GM of a small company who solves all the troubles big companies have in China... cant make any easier explanation. I am happy, have a suppa beautifull wive and a cool kid. lots of toys and a nice life.
  25. A Nikel Plated Launch Arm??? What is wrong with Yamato... Maybe next release will be a Gold Plated Valk. That will be just the worst ever.
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