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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Sorry for the delay in posting. I have made some updates to the website. http://forgottenstarships.blogspot.com/ All the ships there are available for sale. You can either use the Add to cart buttons on the right or email me at ltjj23@hotmail.com. No fighters in the works yet, sorry. If the existing stuff sells, then I will do more from the Robotech/Macross line.
  2. The ships shown on the blogspot are available for sale. Thereare links to the right to use them. The SDF-1 in cruiser and battloid mode will be available in two weeks and the Tok will be available in about a month.
  3. Its 2.5 inches long, not sure on the scale.
  4. Been working on building a fleet based on movies and tv shows. A few are done here. http://forgottenstarships.blogspot.com/ Some WIP photos. http://forgottenstarships.photosite.com/
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