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About valentin

  • Birthday 05/28/1982

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  • Location
    Foamwander City

valentin's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Got it from here. -> http://eshop.tfh.com.sg/product_details.php?prod_id=1077
  2. Just got a new toy. A sight worth a thousand words... Nope? It's a toy worthy even of Predators... It's a Nikon.
  3. Went on a hot toys 1/6 spree during the last 2 weeks... • Dog Alien • Grid Alien w/face hugger • Executive Officer Kane • She Predator Machiko • Lost Predator Some random pics... The infamous scene Showdown
  4. And some shots with an ambush: More to come probably, after I find some time to pose it... Thanks for reading.
  5. The head... (Normal, inner mouth, 'human like') This is my first revoltech figure, and I definitely find it much better than hottoys snapfast kits in so much more ways. I haven't taken much in terms of photos since I only got it after work just now, but here's some in the meantime. Some shots with figma:
  6. The display base and name plate: The Alien: The details on the lower limbs: The upper limbs: It's back:
  7. The Face Hugger: The Egg: Connecting both together... I just love these 2 pieces when combined, since it just captured that bursting moment so perfectly.
  8. The plastic trays: The way the notches are placed on the trays and the presence of only 2 twisties seems to leave the overall packaging quite collector-friendly. The contents: • Alien figure • Face Hugger figure • Alien Egg Environment • Display base • Name plate • Revoltech Coin(10 points) • Revoltech Parts Container Revoltech parts:
  9. Packaging(Interior) Catalog 1: Catalog 2:
  10. Kaiyodo's SCI-FI Revoltech Alien Series #: 001 UPC/EAN/ISBN: 4537807040008 Manufacturer: Kaiyodo Availability: Online Stores(BBTS, HLJ, Amazon) / Local Toy Shops Release Date: April 2010 Price: YEN 2850 (R.R.P.) Material: Body: PVC · ABS joint: POM Nylon Blister: PVC Alien TM & © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Alien TM & © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. All thumbnails are clickable and will bring you to a higher-res at 800x600pixels. Packaging(Exterior): Packaging(Flap) The flap is held closed by a small piece of velcro. It's quite a neat way to present a background story of the figure's on the inner flap.
  11. Thanks, guys... More click-able thumbnails to a hi-res of 800x600pixels Removed the speederbike for a better view... Thanks for looking. 2nd phase of spring cleaning done.
  12. Close Quarters Combat takes on a new meaning... Thumbnails are click-able and will bring you to a hi-res image at 800x600 pixels In celebration of TESB's 30th anniversary.
  13. It's the new one. Here's some comparisons.
  14. Ewoks in peril... Quick Look: TLC's AT-ST
  15. A closer look at the leaflet Took a while to gear it up... and there you have it... A parting shot? Thoughts on this figure... After collecting solely sideshow starwars figures, I decided to pick up hot toys terminator salvation figures, and well, they are literally mind-blowing. In realism, detailing. stability and posability. And this particular figure looks just like it stepped out from the theatre screen. More shots over the weekend. :wink:
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